Can Sheepies JUMP??? Oh Yes!!!!

Archie just loves to chase the snow He will even jump up for it
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What a handsome fella Archie is! I love the slo-mo in your video.
Very fun video! Archie was sure having a good time in the snow. :D :D
What a great video! Archie is quite the athlete. Our Phoebe loooooves snow, too. But, being a princess, girly dog, she can't catch anything.
I love your video. Frankie does the same for snow balls. Archie is so cute, and I love beautiful fluffy tail.
Great video! Love the music!! Now I know what my Toby would look like with a tail (fabulous!) :D
Great video! Archie is gorgeous!!
GREAT VIDEO!!!! I smiled through the whole thing. Archie looks like he is having the time of his life!
Now that was cute!!!
Susan these are great videos of Archie, you should send them to Ann she would love to see them.

Archie is gorgeous, his tail is so fluffy!!
You're right Vicki we should forward them onto Anne.
Matt loves making films of Archie and it's so nice to look
back on.
hope George is well!
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