Always room for three more

I shouldn't look but I do...always checking Craigs List under the pet section. While there's no more room at "the inn" , I couldn't help but contact the person giving away their three goldfish. I was afraid the alternative for them was to be flushed down the toilet.

I have a 30 gallon tank "somewhere" in my home, so I contacted the person and they agreed to allow me to pick the fish up the next day. Searched ..couldn't find the tank. How the heck does a 30 gallon tank go missing?

I wake up and feel like I've been hit by a truck. Raspy breathing, chest hurts, achy..urg the flu. I force myself up as now I have to clean my pond in order to make it liveable for fish. Lots of leaves and debris from the Winter and unfortunately the last of my fish were eaten by a very hungry Blue Heron one morning. It resembled a Terradactyl - the wing span is huge! My fake Blue Heron was knocked over in a windstorm (I've heard they are solitary hunters and won't land if they see another already there). For years my fish were safe but the next day after my fake one lost his head when it fell over, the real one landed and ate the fish. Ahh I'm regressing or would that be digressing?

So I dig out the sump pump and empty the pond, scoup out the mucky debris and scrub the sides. Hose it down and repeat. Fill the pond halfway. I started at 6 am and 9 am I realize I have to stop as it's time for Blue's vet appointment.

I return, drop Blue off and drive over to get the fish. I shouldn't have worried about them being flushed down the toilet as the couple were very concerned their fish get a good home and thus picked me. I feel honored and promise to take care of them.

I take out the bunnies - 2 at a time for romps outside. I've become an expert bunny wrangler - and know how to pick them up without getting kicked! 11 bunnies and 2 guinea pigs in total. Dogs get their walks, cats get their pats and now it's past midnight and I can rest my achy body.

I realize I do this to myself just needed to ramble. :D

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I hope the fish enjoy their new home. :D
You are always so busy, it makes me dizzy. :lol:
Keep up the great work.
Oh Marianne you are a star.
I rescue bettas, have to pay for them go round shops moaning at staff and if the fish are to beat up buy them. The shops round near me have improved now I must admit.
So currently I have 2 dogs, 1 tortoise, 2 budgies (one was a rescue poor thing is really psycho) 2 finches left over from 8 we had about 8 years ago! (someone found one and gave it to me I got it a friend and they bred in a tiny cage) my 2 guinea piggies. about 9 fish in a pond, 3 fancy fish, 2 in quarantine, and I think 12 bettas, all in separate tanks. No wonder I dont have time for housework! But I am not bovvered!
KTB - I like you already!! My kind of woman!! Keep up the great work!

Elissa- Oh I should just admit I'm a bit zany and like I said, I do this to myself and always pay for it later. Oww my aching muscles! Then again, I smile when I see the happy fish as to me all creatures are important. I think I may have been a Buddist monk in my former life. :wink:

Marianne, you are making me tired again.
Marianne - you really are a hero.
8O Sorry I'm not nearby to invite you to tea so you can sit down! 8)
St. Francis should be replaced with SAINT MARIANNE --

Lucky goldfish!
Silly people! You're supposed to agree with me and not give me accolades..supposed to nod your heads and say "yup, she's a bit zany". :excited:

Lynda would love a cup of tea and put my feet up. Although I usually never go anyplace anymore but rush home to my furkids. Wish you still lived close to me.

Hey on another note - Always love passing it forward. I'm an avid CL (Craigs List addict) and often give people stuff they need for free.

I posted and asked for a dog ramp which are extremely expensive as I checked them out 3 days ago at Petcetera and Petsmart - aprox price $175. A bit pricy for me as I have so many critters and hefty vet bills on my single paycheck. I'm sure I put my vets kids through college or paid for their state of the art vet office. :D

Anyhow, some saint called me and offered to give me one for free!! Can't beat that! Another person contacted me and offered to give me slider doors also for free (mine has been broken since Nov) Yeah!!! Then the same day someone is giving me brand new windows for the playhouse (bunny palace) as they had extras - another yeah!!

All that money saved goes to helping the furkids so I'm thrilled. I foster for three different rescues and have also adopted the "un-adoptables"..the seniors or special needs.

Marianne and Ole Blue, Panda, Merlin, Mama Kat, LG, Paris, Daisy, Petunia, Roger, Dusty, Mickey, Sable, Hefner, Puff, Squeak, Snow, Passions Babies (4 of them yet un-named), Willow, Aspen, Whistler, Moppet, Big Momma, Spunky, Chunky , and the fish, Swiffer, Swish and Swati..
I keep hearing about craig's list but I don't know what it is... could someone please enlighten me?? Thanks! is a free online classified ads website. Actually it is technically a whole bunch of them as many many localities have their own. You can list for free and you can buy for free.

As a guess, I chose Nashville, TN as being closest to your town, here:

In addition to all the links on the page, if you type in an item's name in the search box in the left-hand column, you might find the treasure you've been searching for!

(PS If I was wrong about Nashville, here is craigslist's options when you click on Tennesee: )

Have fun!
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