I've decided to console myself

Its soooooo darn long to wait for Sheepiepalooza...Till the end of May. We've tossed the idea around for about a month now and today I went to the travel agent and booked our trip to St. Thomas. We leave April 26th(thats just a little over THREE WEEKS) at groan..6:00am and come back on May 2nd. We decided to stay at an all inclusive for a few reasons, I heard its expensive to eat there and I plan on drinking to excess :D The sad part is the dogs can't come with us so now I need to get them squared away. I'm calling to get prices on two places today. One is just boarding and the other one has day care attached. The problem I have is that Gar is still crated during the day when we are not here and I'm not sure how the two of them will do if we put them together for seven days. The place that is just boarding will be more expensive if I have them separate and can you imagine being there with your best bud but you can't play. The other place with the day care attached would cost more yet. Again I would have to separate them, and its only an hour of daycare a day(which I plan on hopefully changing).

Arrr, I don't want to base this all on cost but I do need to consider it. What would you do...put them together and chance it or keep them separate at least part of the time.

The funny thing is that I don't know if anything(fights) would happen if we just left them together. I haven't tried it although I've considered it but I don't want to come home to bloody dogs.
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Sorry...I can't give you much advice....I am just in AWE that you booked an all inclusive to St.Thomas....!!!!!! :excited: :excited: :excited: :excited:

WOW!!!.....(my big vaca)...IS.................SHEEPIEPALOOZA!!!!!!!!!!

I've made it easy, I booked both places 8O LOL I will cancel the boarding place because, get this, its more expensive. Its $37 a night vs $42 a night and at the doggy daycare they get playtime for an hour in the morning and in the evening whereas the boarding its $8 extra for twenty minutes once a day. I think its a no brainer but I do need to run it past Mr. Worrywart before I cancel anything.
Congrats on the vacation - it sounds marvelous! :P

Have you checked out both of these boarding facilities in person yet? :?
I'm also jealous on the vacation!! wow, sounds wonderful!
Simon's Mom wrote:
We leave April 26th.

We will be on St Marteen 4/25-29. Wave as you fly over! 8)

Unfortunately it's work for me. My husband will be on the beach to wave back.
Sounds fun!!! :D :D

If you are unsure about together or apart - could you make arrangements with the staff to try them together, but seperate them if there is any trouble?

Perhaps go there for just the daycare for a day or 2 before you leave as well?

So happy to hear about your vacation plans - how wonderful!!!

As for the boarding - Just wanted to relate what I discovered when we've had time off for school. I always wondered what my three did when I left for work everyday. I don't crate them but often wondered what they did to occupy themselves.

I've had a few chances and discovered mine pace themselves after me - they sleep while I'm gone and this is what they did when I was home during those same hours. When I arrive home or the exact time I usually arrive (even when I was home) they'd rouse themselves and become anxious for walks.

So I got to thinking. Is there any way you could watch from a distance or set up a web cam and observe them when they think they're not being observed? That way you could see the interaction between them when they think Mom isn't home.

Just my thoughts.

Good luck to you!
I'm jealous - St. Thomas - take lots of pictures!!!!! I have no idea about the dogs??? Sorry.....
:D Have a wonderful time! The best place is the one where your guys will have the most fun. If they don't get along together (and they might be fine as they will be in a new place) they can be housed separately. My two cats became better friends after they were housed together when I went away. Bon voyage! :yay:
Things just keep getting better. I talked to my sister last week, she lives near Tampa and mentioned that it would not cost as much for her to go. She said she would look into it. SHE'S COMING!!!!! I'm so excited! We are going to have sooooo much fun together. The only bad part is she could not get a room where we are staying but will only be two miles down the street. Just two short miles!!!
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