Ok - What is With the Whining?!

"Whine whine whine. Yip-bark.
Whine whine. Barky bark bark.
Whiiiiiine. Sigh. Whine Bark
Yip-yip, whine whine whine, yip-whine-bark."

This is a quotation taken directly from Tucker. This is a quotation taken directly from Tucker about several zillion times every day lately.

What the heck is going on? He has been sooooo whiny and restless lately. He is 1 year and 2 weeks old. Is he getting some teeth in??? Is he growing and it hurts??? What the heck??? I feed him what he's supposed to get (although he rarely eats it all, which is also something new in the last month), he always has water, I play with him, I train him, and I walk him daily. On walks he is sometimes slow and I feel like I'm dragging him along, and then when we get home he's just as restless again! Other times he's full of energy. He plays just like normal, eats his treats just like normal. He has also started getting us up in the night to pee about 2-3 times a week now, which he hasn't done for at least 6 months.

Any tips or advice?!?!?!?!

(Oh, and let's not mention the "But I have to go outside SO BAD" whine, accompanied by a paw at the door. I let him out and shut the door. Then he paws at the other side of the door, and gives me the "Please just let me back inside!" whine. Gr.)
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Its spring? Mine are a bit whinier also.
Of course I am NO expert. But, I would be concerned that he is in some discomfort. If my 1 yr old started whining and peeing through the night after never doing that before I would think something was wrong.
My doggies only whine when they can't get to that squirrel!!!

Kiss Tucker for me.
Basil has only made that set of noises when he's very stressed out-- which is usually a rare occasion when he is in his crate and upset that I am leaving the house.

This makes me suspect that he could be in some kind of pain or duress-- maybe he has a bladder infection (needing to pee more frequently at night/going outside but not going)? If it was Basil, I'd probably take him to the vet to be on the safe side.
I make very similar noises when I have a bladder infection :D Aww poor boy, it does sound like it might be that, especially if he is slowing down when walking and peeing (or thinking he needs to pee) more. Give him a hug from me :pupeyes:
Thanks for all of your replies. I will certainly keep a very close eye on him and get him into the vet if I suspect some of you might be right with the bladder infection suggestion.

The thing that makes me hesitate is that he's always been like this, but now it's more so. The going outside and then not doing anything is becuase, I think, he wants us out there with him. The walks, it's about 1/5 times he's slow, and he seems to be just "smelling the roses (a.k.a pee-mail)". The whining seems to be more for attention than anything else...just wondering if it could be a phase, or are we caving in too much and giving him the attention he craves when he does this???
Mine also only whine for attention. to some degree you have to train them to be okay not being the center of attention - everyone needs personal space and personal time.
I would take him to the Vet. It sounds to me like something may be bothering him. If the Vet tells you everything is fine after he gets a pee sample then he has what has been going rampant around here...SPRING FEVER!!!
Ok, but what do we think of this:
Today we're looking after Matunus (6 month old sheepie). Ever since Matunus got here, not a single whine out of Tucker, no lack of energy, no barking for no reason, no wanting to go outside for no reason, regular appetite, everything back to normal. Which leaves me to believe that it's just an attention seeking thing.
before your post today i was going to say he might need a friend :wink:
Mel & Tucker wrote:
Ok, but what do we think of this:
Today we're looking after Matunus (6 month old sheepie). Ever since Matunus got here, not a single whine out of Tucker, no lack of energy, no barking for no reason, no wanting to go outside for no reason, regular appetite, everything back to normal. Which leaves me to believe that it's just an attention seeking thing.

Charlie used to whine and yip-bark every time the clock rolled around to 5 minutes before he expected: 1) to eat (twice a day); 2) go for a walk; 3) get a cookie; and 4) go upstairs to bed (all 3 of us). Just like clock-work-- it drove me crazy.

So we got Toby a few months ago and I thought that at last Charlie had something better to do than bug me. And for awhile it worked. Both dogs were more interested in each other and the whining-demanding stopped.

Now three months later, they both whine in a chorus exactly 5 minutes before they expect: 1) to eat (still twice a day); 2) go for a walk; 3) get cookies; and 4) go upstairs to bed (now all 4 of us).

Sorry I have to go now-- a pair of sheepdogs are insisting it's lunch time.
Hahaha! Im so sorry to hear that, but it is funny :p
hey mel your breeder just had puppies :D hint hint.
I'm thinking Spring Fever!! My doggy is doing the same thing, mainly at night, so I have been ignoring him. He's gone through these phases before and they usually pass, maybe a seasonal thing??

Maybe something is hurting. Have you taken hi to the vet lately for a full revision?
I haven't taken Tucker to the vet because the whining seems to have calmed down, and the remaining problems I think I have identified the cause of:

1. Whining becuase I haven't walked hiim yet
2. Whining because he just WANTS to go outside and is still getting used to the fact that I am the one to control when he goes out, not him (he was bell trained but we took it away, so I think he's still adjusting)
3. The nighttime pees were because we were giving him his supper too late! If he eats past 8 he needs to go out in the night. Ever since I started feeding him much earlier he has been fine.

Et voila! I think that's it! I'm very glad. I had been watching closely and I definitely would've taken him to the vet if I had further concerns, but I think it's all sorted out now. I'll keep you all posted if more problems persist! Thanks so much for the great tips and advice!
Pepsi is a total whiner. His loud whine is super high pitched. He does it quiet most times. But if there is something that has his really excited it's very loud and usually is followed by barking.

He knows when I am getting ready to leave the house for the day as I seem to circle the house a million times before I find everything I need. :roll: He follows and whines.

If he wants something he whines. That is why I call him the baby.

He's always been very vocal. :lol:

Rags, she mumbles and grumbles.
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