The Adventure of the Sorcerer's Book

:D It had been very good evening! It was Brie's turn to cook dinner : roast chicken and veggies with salad and McVetty had brought dessert: Boston Cream pie from the bakery down the street. 8) After dinner, they played scrabble in front of the fire while the four dogs lolled about asleep on the rug. :roll: Sebastian wqs very carefully perched on the mantel, one of his favourite spots , just in case. Winter was nearly over. The storms had finally stopped coming, the days were longer and snow was melting. Christmas seemed to have happened a long time ago and Hallowe'en had almost faded into the mists of memory. :o

McVetty sighed after Brie won her third straight game and said :" Well, Brie, could you take time away from work to come south with me and the boys? I need some sun and warm water!" :wink: "What a good idea!" said Brie. "I have at least three weeks holiday waiting to be used!" " I can arrange for Max to take over my practice for a few weeks." said McVetty. "Let's get the maps and see which route to the sun we should take. I'll make some fresh coffee if you can find the maps!"

Just as McVetty finished grinding fresh coffee, Sebastian let out an ear splitting yowl, and stood up on the mantel, with his back and hackles raised and his tail pointing straight up! 8O He was staring up the stairs as if he had seen a ghost! :twitch:

At the first sound, Brie came running back into the room and all four dogs jumped up, making appropriate growing noises. :evil: But suddenly, Maggie lay down again and sort of cocked her right ear. "Hey, guys" she said. "It's just Pedro with another sending. Go tell Sebastian to cool it: no one is in danger ...yet!" :roll:

Brie and McVetty dropped everything except the coffee pot and ran upstaris to the attic where Sebastian had vanished. There in the far corner of the room, a pale yellow light flickered against the wall!
"Now what? "said Brie.
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Oh More!!!!!!!

I loved your past story telling Lynda and missed it. Glad to see you're writing a sequence. Sigh just like a good book..can't wait to see what else is coming!

Marianne wrote:
Oh More!!!!!!!

I loved your past story telling Lynda and missed it. Glad to see you're writing a sequence. Sigh just like a good book..can't wait to see what else is coming!


8O The yellow light continued to flicker and then went out, leaving the attic in total darkness. Brie gasped as something ran past her in the dark! :twitch: McVetty said: "By the thumping on the stairs I'd say that was Sebastian. Let's go down too!" :phew: and they did. "Let's light the fire and figure this out." said McVetty. At that point the door bell rang several times. All four dogs growled and formed a protective circle around Brie and McVetty. They weren't taking any chances. :wink:

Blue said to Maggie: "Something's out there, all right. Can you get any inkling of what it might be?" Maggie sniffed and said:" What ever it is it's making sort of slithery noises." :evil: Just as she said that , Archie started to bay and everyone else decided to howl along with him! :roll: The noise was deafening. Brie and McVetty covered their ears with their hands but otherwise did nothing.There was a loud thump against the front door and then silence! 8O

For a few ninutes, no one moved. Then Sebastian appeared from no where and began to rub against the door and purr! :roll: "I think what ever it was is gone. " said Brie. " Let's see what made the noise. Sebastian, come away, please." She picked him up and set him down in his favourite chair where he began to clean his paws very carefully. Calling the dogs away from the door, Brie and Mcvetty opened it just a crack and seeking nothing, McVetty went out onto the front porch. He jestured to Brie to turn on the porch light and there at his feet was.... :lmt:
Ohhhh what ? what was it?????

Can't wait for the next chapter to find out what it was!!!

Keep it going Lynda as I love your story telling abilities!

Lynda, Thanks for continuing your story!!! :yay:
I am a big fan!! :D :D
8O The next installment will be out this weekend! 8) I have to stay home and unpack boxes. :roll: I haven't stopped for the last two weeks: movers, floor people, fence people, work in between!:roll:

Merlin is doing very well: he has gained weight and has seen his dentist. He's like himself again, tearing around and spending his time with various mares and the little fillies who think he's very handsome! :wink: I got my fence up: really nice cedar. Willoughby did the sheepie 500 around the garden last night with his ears flying! He was so happy! :banana: I will have pictures maybe next week. :bow:
Great story! I remember the halloween one.
As I'm reading, I swear the dog in your avatar is moving it's mouth like it's telling the story 8O
I was just thinking of your stories. Thanks, love reading them.
8O There, shimmering in the moonlight was a cylindrical silver case incised with very old scroll work and gold overlay. The case had been carefully cleaned recently and it lay half inside a leather pouch. :phew:
"I'll get it." said McVetty. He stepped out the door, looking around, but no one could be seen anywhere. The street was bare except for the occasional passing car. McVetty picked up the case and pouch and stepped back into the house, closing the door behind him. :?

Everyone crowded round: the dogs took turns sniffing it, Sebastian poked at it with his paw and Brie said: "Let's take it into the kitchen and open it. It looks as if it's a container of some sort." So they did. Since Brie had made chocolate cake ( with fudge icing) :bdcake: McVetty made coffee and after setting out the cake and steaming mugs of coffee, they very carefullly opened the cylinder. "This is very old". said McVetty. "It looks Spanish". said Brie. 8)

:twitch: "It looks creepy to me", said Blue. "I think it's OK", said Maggie."I think that this is what Pedro was telling us about, but his message was interupted. There's something very important in that cylinder!"

Sure enough, when McVetty removed the ends of the silver cylinder, a very old map fell out. :lmt: He and Brie carefully unrolled the document and spread in out on the table making sure that the parchement was no where near the plates and cake crumbs. 8) "Well," said McVetty, "This seems to be a map of New Mexico!" :?: " I wonder why it was sent to us?" asked Brie. " I have a feeling that it's connected somehow to that old book in your trunk." replied McVetty. " Let's get it down so that we can see if the dates or hand writing are similar".

After discussing which was safer: for both to go to the attic to get the map, or for one to stay with the map while the other went to the attic: :? they decided that each would take two dogs :one team to the attic and the other to stay with the map ( and chocolate cake!) Sebastian decided that he would continue to provide surveillance, since as he said: "You can never tell! " 8O
:lmt: Hmmmm! I need to pay attention to continuity! :roll:

:oops: Well, where were we?

McVetty and the boys went to the attic to retrieve the ancient book in Brie's trunk, while Brie, Maggie and Chummie stayed by the fire with the map and Sebastian. Surprisingly, all was quiet. Then suddenly, there were footsteps and loud thumping on the stairs: the team were back!

"Here's the book" said Mcvetty. " I half expected the magician to appear but he didn't." They put the book and the map on the table under the dining room light, carefully avoiding the plates of dessert. Sure enough, there was similar handwriting on both documents. "They clearly belong together." said Brie. After carefully looking through the book and reading the map, it was clear that the map was meant to guide them to the magician. 8O He appeared to make his permanent home in the southwest as the map indicated an adobe house or a cave ( it wasn't clear) west of Sante Fe. There was an illustration in ink at the bottom of the map that showed what seemed to be a man in a cape with a book in one hand and a wand in another. 8)

"What a coincidence! We were just talking about a holiday in the sun and it looks like we'll have it!" said Brie.

"Here we go again!" said Maggie. "We'd better pack our bags!":yay:
>>>>Anxiously awaiting the next installment....excellent so far Lynda!
Marianne wrote:
>>>>Anxiously awaiting the next installment....excellent so far Lynda!

Ditto! :D
:D There was a lot of excitement in Brie's house: :banana: bags to pack: clothes, food , maps and books for the trip. Naturally there were several large totes with dog food, toys, blankets and cushions! :wink:

Sebastian preferred to hold the fort at home, since as he said,"Someone has to remain cool at home base!" 8) Arrangements were made for a house sitter, Julie, to drop by every day to make sure he was fine with fresh food and water, as well as to water indoor plants and make sure the house was safe. In fact, Julie, a friend of Brie's, would stay overnight every few days , just in case.

McVetty arranged for a locum to take over his practice for about 3 weeks and got the motor home and truck ready. Camping gear was also packed along with McVetty's supply of emergency medecines, in case. After a week of preparation. the team were ready to go. :go:

Maggie had attempted to contact Pedro to let him know they were coming, but there seemed to be a problem. Gathering the crew into a circle, holding paws and concentrating on the message brought them an image of Pedro sitting by a dead fire and then the image vanished. :twitch: All they could muster was fog and grey smoke, but no Pedro. 8O

"Something's wrong!" said Maggie. "We haven't heard from Pedro and now we can't reach him!" :? "Well" said Blue, Let's try again when we' re out on the road. There might be less interference away from the city!" " It doesn't work like that!, said Maggie. "Thoughts cut through everything! But we'll see what happens. We'd better get some sleep as we leave first thing the the morning!"

So the four dogs curled up together while Sebatian kept watch from the mantel. Silence stole over the house and the moon came out, shining brightly down. No one saw a black shadow flit behind the trees and lose itself in the darkness behind the hedge. 8O
:D The morning was bright and sunny, and after a good breakfast, our heroes departed, making good time through town and onto the highway leading south. 8) Traffic was relatively light and everyone was in a cheerful mood. :)

The dogs took turns at the windows. keeping watch over traffic beside and behind their vehicles, while their buddies slept. It all looked pretty ordinary. Brie and McVetty took turns at the wheel . They stopped for a picnic at a park a few miles off the highway. The weather was still sunny and warm for the season so the dogs played together and Brie and McVetty kept a watchful eye on their antics. :roll:

Soon, it was time to leave as they wanted to get to an animal friendly motel on their route before dark. So they set off again and finally reached their destination just as dusk fell. After supper, Brie and McVetty settled down with the maps to plan the next days travel. Maggie and Blue were watching Animal Planet while Chummie and Archie napped on the bed. 8) All was peaceful. Suddenly, there was a knocking on the motel room window. 8O ( They were in ground floor rooms.)

"What was that?" asked McVetty. Maggie and Blue rushed to the window and growled. "Something's wrong!" said Brie. The knocking started again, this time much lowder and it sounded as if there was somthing brushing against the window at the same time! :twitch:
:pupeyes: Pulls covers over head.

:D Brie and McVetty moved together and scooped up the ancient book and the map with its silver case and slipped them under the bed. Brie turned out the lights. 8) Then McVetty gestured to Brie to move to one side of the window while he took the other. 8O Very carefully, each took a bottom corner of the curtain and slowly pulled it up and back.

They looked out into the back garden area of the motel. Lights along the paths illuminated part of the scene but there were large patches of darkness where bushes or trees stood. It seemed as if a shadow moved. :evil: They looked and looked again. :twitch: Sure enough, a dark form slid across the lawn, flattening itself so that it looked like a pool of moving water! :? "What on earth is that?" whispered Brie. "I have have no idea." said McVetty. "It's coming toward us!" said Brie breathlessly.

"Let's back away from the window." said McVetty. "Whatever it is, I think that it knows we're watching!" They let the curtain fall on either side and backed into the room, carefully avoiding Maggie and Blue, who by this time had been joined by Archie and Chummie. You could have heard a pin drop. No one moved and it felt as if no one breathed. :roll: Then the telephone rang! Everyone jumped followed by "Shhhh!" from Brie. McVetty picked up the receiver and said: "Room 103." There was silence on the other end of the line and then a "click"! The noises at the window began again, but this time, it seemed as if there was a faint voice saying something, very faintly. It sounded like "Help! Help!" :pupeyes:
okay--my first time!
i am cracking up!!!!!!
remind me to read the next installment at night--i like bed time stories.

8O McVetty said: "I have to find out what's going on out there or we won't get a wink of sleep and we have along trip ahead of us tomorrow!" :roll: "What do you suggest?" asked Brie. "Well", said McVetty,"You and the girls go into the other room. Blue and Archie will stand guard while I open the door." "Then what?" asked Brie again. " You need a back-up. We'll get their big play ball and I'll keep my door open slightly. Then I'll throw the ball at whatever it is and we'll help you!" :wink: It was agreed.

While everyone took their places,McVetty walked quietly over to the door and slowly turned the knob. He scarcely had time to open it about four inches , when a cold draft of air rushed past him, there was a flash of light and suddenly someone was standing behind him in the dark room!:twitch:
8O While McVetty turned to confront what ever it was in the room, Brie, Maggie and Chummie were quietly tiptoing over to the connecting door. Brie now had in addition to Maggie's big red ball, a fully stuffed Kong in her jacket pcoket. 8) They had a plan. Brie would open the door, throwing the ball into the centre of the room, while Maggie and Chummie would charge in growling fiecely at what ever it was. Brie then planned to use the Kong to strike the intruder and with luck, knock him down. :evil:

As they stormed into the room, the lights came on and there standing by the bed with his back to the wall stood a very tall monk, robed in black. :? McVetty was looking at him and something about the way the stranger stood looked vaguely familiar. :lmt: Maggie and Chummie stopped growling and went over the the tall figure, sniffing his robe. Maggie then sat down at his feet and turned to Chummie: "I know who this is!" she said. 8)
how long must i wait!!!!?
Who was it????? Hurry Lynda!


PS I appreciate your story, especially considering you must now be busy with your new home> Luv Yah!
8) Patience!! alll will be revealed! :sidestep:
8O The tall figure bent down to pet Maggie’s head, then straightened up, at the same time throwing aside his hood. “Buenos tardes”, said a deep voice. “I’m so sorry if I frightened you!! As you see, I am being followed by an evil entity!" :twisted:

"Oh my goodness!" said Brie. :) "It's El Bruho ! We're coming to meet you in New Mexico!" "Hi" said McVetty. "Glad that it's you and not the bad guy! Here's a chair: would you like some coffee? 8) Oh, by the way, are you really here or are you sending an image?" "Si" said the Sorcerer. "I'm really here. Among my many talents is shape-shifting. I can assume other shapes when I need to. You may have noticed the sound of wings at some point?" "Why yes, " said Brie. "Was that you?" "Again si"" replied the Sorcerer. " "I was a great horned owl for a while in order to escape my enemies. Unfortunately, one of them became a hawk so I had to move on! :sidestep: I became a black shadow, moving across the lawn and as such I slipped into the room when you opened the door !"

"Tell us what's happened so we can help you." said McVetty. "We have questions about the map. I assume you sent it? We aren't sure what route to take after tomorrow so your appearance is very welcome." :?

"Well" said El Bruho. "The latest problem began when my assistant Pedro was kidnapped." :twitch:

" I knew it" said Maggie to Chummie. "I knew something was very wrong when we couldn't reach Pedro. We need to listen carefully. Boys, are you listening?" Both Blue and Archie came closer and the four dogs, Brie ancd McVetty listened to the Sorcerer's story. 8O
I love it Lynda!!
Can't wait for more. :excited:
:? “Before you tell about this, could you explain how you went from being a shadow to a monk so quickly?” asked Brie. “Certainly” said El Bruho. “I was a monk many, many years ago... but that is another story. Let’s just say that it’s the default option when I change shape quickly!” “I see” said Brie. (But she really didn’t!) :wink:

“Now…let’s discuss Pedro’s disappearance.” “Yes, let’s!” said Maggie to the others. 8O

”Well” said the Sorcerer.” “It happened a few weeks ago: Pedro contacted me to say that my enemies, of whom I have several, were planning to attack you on your way to me with the Book. :twisted: They planned to ambush you at the New Mexico border and steal the Map and the Book. They knew that I had sent you the Map by secret courier. Pedro was kidnapped just after he finished sending me the warning! :pupeyes: I knew because we had a secret signal between us: a dead campfire. I believe Maggie saw this when she attempted to contact Pedro before you left.” :(

Just as he finished speaking, the lights went out!
8O Yikes!
8O At the same time, there was a brilliant flash of lightening and a loud crash from a thunderclap just overhead. Everyone jumped! :pupeyes: Chummie slid under the bed and stayed there peeking out at the others as they were lit up by the flashes. :phew:

“You must believe me”, said the Sorcerer. ”This has nothing to do with me! This is a real thunderstorm caused by the elements!” :oops: Just as he finished speaking, the lights flickered and came back on. The storm continued but was moving away from them at a fast rate. There was a longer space between lightening flashes and thunder claps.:roll:

“I was about to say that I have come to ask you to help me rescue Pedro. We need him to help you with the Map and the delivery of the Book. I am still under a spell :twisted: which Pedro will help you break for me. I am not able to touch the Book until it is handed to me personally at midnight within my territory. After that, it is mine for eternity and no one will be able to steal it or try to destroy it ever again.” 8O
8O Mc Vetty said:” Tell us what happened.” “Yes”, said Brie. “And how we can help you and Pedro.” “But first,” said El Bruho. “You need to know that Pedro is also a shape shifter and a great magician. 8) He rescued me several hundred years ago in the desert and we have become as brothers. While I liked to remain in my laboratory, Pedro always preferred to roam. He understands and speaks animal languages. That is how he communicates with your talented sheep dog, Maggie.” At this, Maggie looked up at El Bruho and smiled. :)

”Pedro seeks knowledge from the animals he meets. Last summer, he was learning from a group of coyotes near your friend’s ranch. He helped to drive away the evil thugs that night while you were visiting.” :evil: McVetty and Brie exchanged glances. It was during that visit that they each knew that their relationship would continue and become enduring.”

“When was Pedro kidnapped?” asked Brie. “As far as I can tell, he disappeared about a month ago.” said the Sorcerer. “He contacted me a few days before that. We were supposed to meet at a secret spot in the desert and travel in disguise together to your home. When I tried to contact him as I was ready to set out on my journey, there was no answer: only the image of a dead campfire. :twitch: “That’s exactly what I saw” said Maggie to her friends. All four dogs perked up their ears and crowded round the sorcerer.

“Do you know where Pedro was when he disappeared?” asked McVetty. “Yes” said the El Bruho. “I knew which path he planned to take. He was traveling disguised as a coyote. He was seized on a desert track near caves. :twisted: I have reason to believe that that is where he is. When I viewed the area through my magic fire, I saw emanations that only Pedro could have left. We are running out of time. I believe the kidnappers want to destroy him and me. “ :pupeyes:
hasn't it been long enough to get the next installment???????????????
shesh, already!
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

(We apologise profusely to our faithful readers!!! The garden, visiting Merlin on every second weekend and the new job took more energy than expected!! :roll: )

"We must rescue Pedro!" said Brie. "When do we go?" "We need a plan", said McVetty. "Si!" replied El Bruho. With mugs of fresh coffee, the three heros sat down together and within 10 minutes, they had decided what to do. 8)
"We'll go to the area of the caves and find Pedro's trail. Then we'll know how to rescue him once we figure out the lie of the land." "A good plan." said El Bruho." I will fly ahead of you in my disguise as an eagle. When you arrive, I'll find you. Take no risks and watch your backs in case you are followed. My enemies have power, almost as great as mine!" :twisted:

Then, the Sorcerer helped Brie and McVetty with the map, showing them the best route to the caves, which roads were good and which might be dangerous. They decided to leave at first light in the morning. :yay:

Maggie, Blue, Chummie and Archie held their own consultation under the table. "I'll keep my powers tuned during our trip south." said Maggie. " I may catch a glimmer from Pedro. I'll have to send him some kind of message that the evil kidnappers can't understand." 8O
"How will you do that?" asked Blue. "I have no idea!", replied Maggie. "But I'll figure it out! Now we have to divide up the watches on our trip. We must have two of us awake and vigilant, especially during the night!" "Luckily we know how to do that!" said Archie. So they paired off: this time Maggie and Archie with Chummie and Blue on the other team. They decided that working with a different partner would keep everyone sharp. They also decided to start their watches that very night. 8O

Meantime, the Sorcerer said good by and disappeared into the night. They slept fitfully having decided to stay together. McVetty locked the door to the other room. :phew:

The next morning was sunny and clear. They packed their gear and set off having stopped for breakfast at a really good pancake house that had outdoor seating and places for the dogs to eat their food. :D

Little could they guess what lay ahead!!! :twisted:
i know this is just plain silly, but i really can't stand that there is yet an ending!!!

or at least more installments?
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