So much to be Thankful for, on this Thanksgiving

I want you all to know, how thankful I am to have found you.

You've helped me with advice, when I've needed it, a place to brag, when I've needed it and a chuckle, when I've needed it.

And to all of you that I was fortunate enough to meet at SheepieFest!, I'm very thankful to have made "real" life new friends.

Pirate wants to send out two special thank yous...

First: To Paula...his new and much loved Auntie (who just happens to be a scotch drinker)

And second: To Uppity, for reuniting him with his sister Chelsea.

Happy thanksgiving to all!

Deborah, Tony, Pirate and mean ol' Molly (who's already called dibs on the turkey gizzard)
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Happy Thanksgiving right back to you, and to all US of A members and browsers of the forum!

Enjoy your day if you're celebrating. If you are not celebrating, enjoy your day anyway!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I, too, am thankful for the friends I have made here, and the advice and compassion that you have for your sheepies.
Ron and Joan, I thank you both for making this forum what it is, without you, I might get too much time on my hands..LOL. I hope that Mulligan is fitting in well with your family.
CJ, the kids, Jack and Annabelle, the familytimerags crew and myself would like to wish all of you a HAPPY, SAFE, THANKSGIVING!

God bless,
Stormi and co.

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American Friends.

Marianne and the boys
Happy Turkey Day to all our American friends...and lots of full belly rubs after diner! :lol:
Wishing you all a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving. If any of you are traveling, be safe and make it back to post with us after you are stuffed.

I hope you all wish me luck this year, as I have never been blessed with cooking the chicken dressing. Maybe I should say wish luck to the ones that get to be my "guinea pigs". :wink:
* I'm thankful For My wife, who is the light of my days, every day.
* I'm thankful for Lennon, for being my friend and looking after me.
* I'm thankful for Sofa, for teaching me that everyone deserves a second chance.
* I'm thankful for my family, because even if I don't see them that much, they're still family.
* I'm thankful for the forum and all the members that I consider friends, because without you I'd be lost in a sheepie world. Your advise has been invaluable.

Happy Turkey Day from South Of The Border!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for working for an American company because I get the day off, but my kids still have to go to school! :lol: Woohooo!!!
...and I am thankful for a great Championship Season by the RedSox!

I think I'll take this opportunity to share something very personal, and explain why it is that this championship means so much to me. This is something I wrote just before the 4th game against the Cardinals. Of course, the very end has to be changed to incorporate the win.

I am a RedSox fan. That has meaning that only other RedSox fans can understand. Maybe Cubs fans can come close. All my life it has been "Pennant fever grips Hub" after their first win of the season, and "Wait 'till next year." at the end. A few years ago, I decided not to follow the RedSox too closely anymore. I was tired of being disappointed, so if I don't get excited, I figure, it won't be so bad.

You know the Peanuts cartoon where Lucy promises to hold the football so that Charlie Brown can kick it, and she pulls it away at the last second every time? That's how I described my relationship with the RedSox. Every year Lucy (The RedSox) says: "Come on, Charlie Brown (Me), I PROMISE! This year, for SURE!" Every year the Sox wrest defeat from the jaws of victory and pull the football away at the last second, as I wind up emotionally flat on my back.

1946. 1967. 1975. 1978. 1986. These are numbers that are instantly recognized by any RedSox fan.

1967. I was five, so I don't remember the Impossible Dream Season.

1975. Carleton Fisk. A great series. A loss in game 7.

1978. 14 games ahead in August. The great collapse, tied by the Yankees on the last day of the season. Single playoff game. Bucky Dent. Home run. Wait 'till next year.

1986. One strike away from elimination by Anaheim. Dave Henderson. Home run. World Series vs. the Mets. One strike away from winning it all. Bill Buckner. Wait till next year.

October, 2003. I am sitting by my mother's hospital bed, staying with her overnight as she is losing her long struggle against Parkinson's disease, and her brief battle with ovarian cancer.

I am "working" the night shift. I come in around 9PM to relieve my dad, who has been there since noon. We watch the RedSox play the Yankees together a couple of times. In her more lucid moments, she seems to take an interest in the games, and in who is ahead. Other times, when the nurses have to kick me out of my mother's room to perform their duties, I sneak into an empty room to watch. This is the year!

The RedSox lose to the Yankees in 7. My mother loses to the cancer. Neither ever had much of a chance.

October, 2004. RedSox are down 3-0 to the Yankees, only to make history in winning four straight to win the Pennant. Three games are of epic proportions; gut wrenching games including a sure-to-be-legendary performance by Curt Schilling with a sewn up ankle and bloody sock. There is something about this team.

RedSox play the Cardinals in the World Series, and are in the lead, 3-0.

And I can't stop crying.

We've had "World Championships" in Boston before. The Celtics won 16 of them, last time in 1986. The Patriots have had an incredible few years, and have won the Superbowl twice, and I really enjoy watching the Patriots, perhaps even more than watching The Sox.

But nothing comes even close to the Red Sox being the World Champions.

Well, Ron...

I'm thankful the Cubs sucked again this year.

It keeps us Chicagoans humble!

Hi Ron, I am so happy that you got to experience this. The Red Sox certainly are World Champions!!!! Have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone :D

This is Mickey's 1st thanksgiving w/ us,and so far he seems excited.My daughter isnt too happy that I have to go to work tho. :( But I tell her the people I take care of need her mommy every day,so that seems to help a bit.

hope everyone has an awesome turkey day!!

God bless from Tanya,Mickey,Jagger,and Eddie
im thankful for my naughty sheepdog being himself even if it makes me crazy sometimes.

have a good thanksgiving everyone!
and please consider a tofurkey (tofu turkey for vegetarians... its not bad i swear!) instead of a real turkey this year !
I am thankful for my puppy, and also I am thankful for a job so I can afford to feed us and spoil him.

I am at my mum's for the weekend - there are more dogs than people here. Me, my sister, and my mum (people) - Dudley, Cully, Rita, and Henry (the dogs).

My mum describes them collectively as a river of dogs as they stream out the door as a pack to go outside into the yard to potty. In and out, in and out - about every 2-3 hours. :lol:
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