So looks like Mr. J will be getting out

*Crosses fingers*

The latest news is... his paperwork (which tells his battalion he has decided to get out) has been signed by the big bosses, so as long as the Pentagon doesn't change their deployment date which is very possible, he will be getting out Oct 1st :go:

He just got accepted by a headhunting company and has a job fair to go to in the beginning of Jun Austin, TX. All the companies are east of the mississippi include Texas and California. Many of the companies are in the North Carolina and Virginia area, but again... they're from all over the "upper" east coast (florida isn't on the list).

He's attempting to get the companies to do all his interviews while he is in TX for the month, so we can head to our new home by the beginning of August (when his terminal leave starts).

I'm scared and very nervous about the change and new life. I've never not been "military" (with my parents in, then me, then my husband).

so everyone please send good vibes to Mr. J that he gets a good job with HEALTH INSURANCE (my biggest concern)!! ...and if you know anyone traveling from alaska to the lower 48 :lol: ...please let us know since Mr. J will need someone to drive with to take all our of animals back down. ;)
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Yeah!! Oh, I hope it all works out! That's exciting! Ooh, maybe you'll move to Virginia :D Then Barney and Yuki can hang out!
**Fingers crossed it all works out and he gets out without a hitch!! **

Of course, I'm pulling for North Carolina!! Woohooo!! It would be SO FUN to have you here!! :D
Sending good thoughts and crossed fingers your way. I hope all works out.
That's great news! I'm sure it will be a big adjustment for you to move and be out of the military. I'll cross my fingers that everything goes smoothly from here until October!
The question is...

Do I tell him I'm pregnant again on April Fool's? His co-workers and mom still get on him for falling for it the other year while in the field in Fairbanks.
Sending good vibes and well wishes your way...yeah some where warm?? :lol:
NOOooooooooooo... cold!!!!

Is Kansas City cold in the winter? He's trying to convince me I'd like it there.

the other headhunting company did their jobs by region (colorado and tx) so I'm kinda bummed he didn't choose them, but this present company only allows you to use them (understandably).
We will keep our fingers crossed for you....that Mr. J gets a great job with health benefits and that you find a great house in a great area....which means surrounded by families with OES. :)

I think you might be surprised at how much you'll enjoy the freedom of being a civilian. :)

And my vote is for Chicago! Who doesn't love to see all four seasons in all of their glory? As the saying goes in Chi-Town, if you don't like the weather now, just wait ten minutes......

Laurie and Oscar
Our prayers are with you and Mr J. Best wishes in the job hunt,
hope he finds a great job (with all the benefits) that he enjoys.

Of course, that would be a bowl of chowda,
a coffee frappe , a good space to park his cah, the beaches of Cape Cod on weekends, as the benefits of a job in Boston.

So we are cheering for Boston, Ma!

(Still trying to reel you in closer than Alaska-- Mrs J! ) :D

Best wishes!!!!
Great news!!!

I should visit Alaska over the summer (in the motorhome) and then he can drive me most of the way home! It can pull a sizeable trailer with it, too (it will need brakes over 1,500 pounds).

Now, how can I get Joan to come along with me for the 4 weeks it will take me to get there... (I don't like to drive more than a couple hundred miles at a pop)
Hmmmmmm :lmt:
Horay, an answer to our prayers. Will keep praying all goes well without a glitch. KC is good, but St. Louis is better!
Case closed, Ron is bringing you to Boston. 8)


:lol: thanks guys. all those places sound good to me!
We have an advantage :D

Of course, the traffic and parking tickets can be a bother...
Well, we (HE) would have to deal with that in any big city we go to. Beer always sells my husband. 8) :lol:

Unfortunately, I think it's all about the company hiring him not him picking which state. We both will go ANYWHERE. He has a job fair here on the 28th he's "considering" going to as a back-up.
We already said we would LOVE MASS ...problem is, we know how expensive it is there to get a home. :oops:
Not anymore...
That's great! My vote is that you come to Chicago too! How fun would that be??? What type of work is hubby interested in?
That's great! My vote is that you come to Chicago too! How fun would that be??? What type of work is hubby interested in?

A former colleague of mine (who I work with again) was military. I know her hubby was kind of high up there similar to your husband. He had a lot of education. He finally left military after a few tours. He took a fast track to becoming a Chicago cop.
We both will go ANYWHERE. back-up.

That gives you both lots of opportunities in this current job market.
Wherever you land, we'll all still keep in touch via the
internet, to be exact.

So, good luck Mr J !
I vote for Maryland. We have all 4 seasons, mountains, ocean and Chesapeake Bay. If you stay about 40 miles out from Baltimore or DC the commute isn't too bad and you don't have the problems of the cities.
Job market is still good here and housing is more affordable lately, esp if your willing to commute.
Yay! Good luck with everything! :)

Of course, my vote is for Texas because we have the best food. :D There's not too much else to do here when it's 110 degrees outside. lol
Best of luck in finding what you would like re work, location and house :D
Have you ever considered Canada??? Full of OES lovers!!!! Just so you know we have free health care and loads of programs for immigrants (we have a soft spot for our neighbours south of us!)!
That is great news.
MN isn't east of the Mississsippi, but right along it.....does that count???
Come on, we all know Mr J wants to make Yuki into a female version of Chewie!!!! 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:
Good luck with the job search and relocation. Everything will work out. :D

Kansas City isn't all that far from Chicago! Well, a lot closer than Alaska!

Actually KC is quite a lovely city.

Fingers crossed!
Goof news!
Mr J getting out... :D :excited: :yay: :banana: ...

You guys leaving AK... :evil: :pupeyes: :cry:

Oh well... :lol:
Come to OHIO---

We have 4 seasons--- and the the OSU BUCKEYES :)

Skyler would LOVE to play with Lil "J :D
I am thrilled that Mr. J is getting out!

I know the transition to civilian life must seem like quite a task, but I am sure you'll all do just fine.

Oh, I'll throw in another plug for Minnesota: 4 seasons, a decent economy and affordable housing, the Mayo clinic, and the climate won't be such a huge shock as MD's. (psst. I lived in MD about 25 years ago. They absolutely close down if it snows.)

To add in on this general discussion, my son will be home from Afghanistan in April! Out in late June, with 4 years of ready reserves. He thinks he won't get called back. I do. But I am trying not to think of that but just about how good it will be to have him back and safe.
Ms J I am thrilled Mr J is getting out as I know that's what you both had wished for. With a new life always comes some reservations but I have no doubt you'll all do just fine no matter where you end up. Having little ones always makes it so much easier to meet neighbors or people in the community. So Happy for you!!

Tgir I hope the days pass quickly until your son arrives home. My thoughts are with you as well.

Change is good, don't worry things always work out for the best. Congratulations on your new up and coming change of life style and we are sending well wishes for your whole family as the next part of your lifes journey starts. :D
My husband smiles at all the places being suggested and we hope we get to live next to someone on the board :)

To add in on this general discussion, my son will be home from Afghanistan in April! Out in late June, with 4 years of ready reserves. He thinks he won't get called back. I do. But I am trying not to think of that but just about how good it will be to have him back and safe.

I'm so excited for you!! :cheer:
APRIL IS AROUND THE CORNER!!!! I was going BONKERS the days before, so I hope you can hang in there as you wait to hear his plane has left and is heading home!! I'm so glad he's coming home! :)

However, I pray he remains here with his 4 yrs in the reserves. We didn't consider the reserves or anything else b/c for my husband's job's too "likely" that he'd be called up. My fingers are crossed for him and you :) Let us know when he's come home! :)
Just catching up from the week-end, and I was THRILLED to hear this news!! I'm so happy for you both! :clappurple: :yay: :clappurple:
Wonderful news! I am so happy for you. :D
I'm debating driving w/my husband through Alaska but I haven't figured out if I'm stupid or really stupid to try to do these 12 hr days w/just gas stations and no real hospital for several days w/two toddlers in august. I just don't like him driving alone, and I can't convince him that Yuki and our three other fursnots will be FINEEEEEEEEEEEEEE in the dang plane.
Move to Kansas City! It has all four seasons: snow and ice, beautiful spring flowers, warm summer days, brillant leaf changes in the fall. We have lots of micro-breweries, great school districts, and affordable housing...

(not to mention I live in KC).
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