Just got the %*#$ scared out of me!

Just went to training class with both dogs and Randy had something to do after so we took two cars. I came home with the dogs, opened the back of my SUV and told them wait so I could grab leashes. My dogs are so well trained :wink: they did. I had both leashes but got close to the door and dropped Gar's because he just walks in the door. Weellll he had different ideas...he turned and walked over by the garbage cans. I pushed Simon in the house and went for Gar, thinking if I called him he would come. WRONG! He started running..for the busy street just a half block away. I started running and yelling for him, he never even looked back. I could see cars coming and I was screaming to warn them because he was going to cross the street. The cars did see them and slowed as he crossed and I was trying to catch up to him. He ran through two yards and when he glanced back I went into a crouch and called come(which he has been learning in class). He started to come towards me but stopped to pee on a bush and I was able to step on the leash. My heart is still beating two hundreds beats a minute and my hards are still shaking. THAT will never happen again!!!
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My gosh, my heart is racing just reading about this! Thank goodness you and Gar are o.k. Tell him he scared his mama!
I know exactly that heart pounding thing that you are talking about. Once I trusted Barkley off of his leash in the backyard (he actually does pretty well most of the time). On this particular day Barkley had different ideas as well. He started running across yards and finally crossed the street (thank God there were no cars at the time) but I remember letting all of the most awful thoughts run through my head. I'm so glad that Gar and Simon are ok. Phew.
I know the feeling! While sitting my daughter's cocker spaniel emily she ran out on to a two lane highway and stood in the center narrow stripe while an 18 wheeler headed one way and a mini van the other. Whew!!! narrow miss! Needless to say, when she comes over it is the crate for her.
I am so happy this ended well for you.
I unfortanatly know the feeling. It is hard to get your heart out of your throat.
Very scary and I'm glad you were able to grab him.

The first time I ever went over the Maxmm's house, I opened the front door and out Toby went tearing down the neighborhood. I'm used to when you open a door where a sheepdog lives, that they are more interested in jumping all over you vs. running away. I felt really badly, but luckily Toby decided to stop at someone's BBQ a few doors away... :)
Yikes! that is scary. I am so happy he is OK.
Naughty, naughty Gar! :twisted:
Oh my - how frightening!! 8O Thank goodness it all ended well. :phew:

I have the same fear with Genevieve. She doesn't do it with me (anymore!), but on a rare occassion, when someone else is there and they are bringing things in or out of the front door, she'll use the opportunity to escape. Scares the bejezus out of me. She used to run all over the neighborhood when this happened. She hasn't done it a long, long time, but last week when Jil was here, she was bringing her luggage in and Gen walked out on the porch to greet her. Jil said she saw the "Ah-HA" moment in Gen's eyes and off she went through the yard. She did cross the street but came right back and jumped into the van (the door was left open while unloading) to go for a ride (which she did NOT get - naughty girl). :twisted:

Fortunately, when this happened, it was like 11:00 p.m. and there was no traffic at all on my rural street. Still...scares me to death... :twisted:
Yikes! There's nothing scarier than seeing your dog bolt away running like the wind not paying any attention to you. I'm so glad it all ended fine.
I am so glad Gar is ok. :phew: It is the worst feeling--- makes your heart drop - -I had Winston take off on me when he was a baby - early in the morning towards a busy street behind our house. It was foggy and I couldn't see anything. I felt so helpless - I screamed his name - I am sure I woke up the neighborhood. He ran to me out of nowhere - like - what's up Mom? Ugh - After I stopped shaking, I had to put a fair amount of Bailey's in my coffee that morning. :lol:
A good reminder, never, never, never, never trust your dog not to bolt and run.

I know I have my heart in my throat each time I open the gate to leave as for a few brief moments the dogs are exposed to an open gate. Obviously I watch them closely and am prepared (and have) to leap from the car, thwarting their escape or call them back. I guess age has its benefits, they aren't into wandering like they used to.......but each open gate is a new test.

I'm so happy all turned out well.
I thought I lost someone elses dog. There were 3 of us at a show in KY, I had Luke and two of my breeders dogs staying with me. I opened the door to start loading the truck and Lily dashed out, followed by Luke and Maggie. I shoved all but Lily back in the room and looked for her, she was nowhere. A friend of the breeders named Jane came out of their room and knew something was wrong and I had to tell her, she started laughing 8O. She went to her opened van and there was Lily, just laying there wating for us to go somewhere, she knew Jane's van and didn't want to get left behind :evil:
LOL! :lol: Yeah, I've had a couple of dogs you could capture by just throwing open the car door as they trotted down the road, "Wanna ride??" Of course then we'd go on a little road trip so they got some new visions. Sometimes we'd stop at McDonalds for a hamburger, I'd get the pickle, the dog would eat the sandwich.
brings back memories i had a oes that use to run throught the streets any time i turned away.. one day she ended up at a local diner.. not funny she had to cross over a 6 lane highway to get there.. but i was young back then we had know clue about training..
Boy.. glad that turned out ok. :lol:

I read this previously but neglected to leave a post. My heart did flip flops when I first read it and felt ill. Thankfully all turned out okay!! I can just imagine your terror when you saw the cars and your furkid racing towards the street.

I had the same experience with Merlin as a youngster and even after 4 years still feel that same sense of shivers when I think about that experience. I closed my eyes at what I thought was going to be an impact but luckily Merlin reached the other side where I hugged him tight and cried my eyes out. We were at a dog park and someone had left the gate open and he raced out in a flash to greet someone on the other side of the busy road. I haven't gone back to that dog park since.

I'm so glad your baby was safe!! Hope you had a stiff drink yourself...or strong cup of coffee. :D

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