slipping top knots

does anyboday use anything in their dogs hair when they tie it up in a tp knot (gel, wax or doggie grooming "stuff")? My dogs hair just never stays up even witht he rubber coated bands.
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I tend to use the rubber bands with stretchy material stuff on. The very thin ones. You can get the ones with metal bits on as well but take it from me they hurt. So we tend to share the same ones.
Years ago I used to buy the very thin elastic and cut bits off and tie them in a circle, that was for my hair but it works for sheepies. I tend to wet summers hair first and the bands stay in for a few hours, but you have to watch her I am sure she can get them out herself. :roll: :roll: :roll:
ps perhaps the yorkie helps.... :wink:
I buy the ouch less ones small and work great
Yeah, I bought the All Systems topknot gel for the in between phases. It was okay. It didn't have the mega hold I was hoping for but it did help provide a little bit of support for the hair that was falling loose. I think if you have a dog with a pretty good topknot already, it might work even better because you wouldn't be asking as much from it as I was.

The main reason I even bought dog stuff was because I was using it between the eyes and I wanted to make sure it was gentle and non-toxic but I used to just use human spray wax on Clyde's bangs to hold them back higher up on his head and it worked great. It's not stiff and it held for a decent amount of time.

Are you doing one big topknot or one over each eye? I find I get a lot more longevity out of two than one.
kerry wrote:
does anyboday use anything in their dogs hair when they tie it up in a tp knot (gel, wax or doggie grooming "stuff")? My dogs hair just never stays up even witht he rubber coated bands.

Not for day to day necessarily -- but only because I'm lazy - more so for classes and especially competiton: brush through head coat, take a dab of Kolesterol and rub it though the coat I want to put up. Let it dry for about five minutes. Brush lightly through it so that it doesn't look stuck together but still has some - hm - adhesive effect :wink: and then I put my little rubber bands in. It's not surefire - if someone has a better idea short of cement I'm all ears - but it does help.

Also, I use two topknots instead of one. For two reasons: 1) they seem to hold better and 2) you may have one topknot failure right before going into the agility ring, but seldom two. Except if you're Mad Dog.

She had been messing with her head, we had a little bit of time before going in the ring so I attempted to fix the most lopsided knot. <snap!> Rubber band broke. No problem - emergency protocol: remove topknot #2 and use that rubber band to make one big top knot. <snap!> Oops - two broken bands. Dog can't see a thing. Back-up to emergency protocol: remove rubberband from handler's head and quick use that on dog's head.

If that had broken too, I would have been out of ideas. Not too many of my agility friends have long hair and fewer still have dogs who have to have their hair put up to go in the ring... :oops: :lol:

And in case you were wondering: Dog did fine. Handler ran into a post. Oh well... :wink:

That made me laugh the bands breaking. Dont you have a spare band round your wrist? The other day Summer had a band on that kept slipping and we were out so i took mine off and put it on her...I just had hair slides. We use the same pot of hair slides and bands I am not fussy!
has any one found any products in the Uk to use like doggy hair gel?
I use the rubberbands for horse manes. I cut them off, as they don't slide off at all. The hair eventually droops a bit, but they stay in.
I think I paid 7 bucks for a bag of 500? Can't remember because it was so long ago.

And now I get coupons/adds for horse products from Petsmart. :lol:
We have the horse ones too. Just run out in the barn and steal some when I run out in the house!

I like the small human hair binders best though. They seem to damage Chewie's hair the least.

Chewie has a real textured coat, so his never slide out. The same ones stay in place for days if Maggie doesn't grab it. :roll:
got sheep wrote:
The same ones stay in place for days if Maggie doesn't grab it. :roll:

I'd be happy if she made it into class!!
kerry wrote:
got sheep wrote:
The same ones stay in place for days if Maggie doesn't grab it. :roll:

I'd be happy if she made it into class!!

Then she's probably like my girls who like to take matters into their own paws and rub their heads on anything they can find till they get the suckers loose. Mace is notorious. :evil: And with all that headcoat, it doesn't take much before she starts walking into things :roll:

There really isn't much you can do about that except redo them before class starts. The kolesterol helps though. And it protects the head coat while you're at it, which is doubly important for Marley since you want to show her. Downside is hair gets dirtier faster, but that doesn't matter as much on top of their head.

Unless you're Sybil...[don't ask] Thank God she's so dark :lol: :lol:

Or if you stick your fluffy head where it doesn't belong, and your "guy friends" pee on it!! :evil: :evil:

I sniff before I hug Chewie these days!! :roll:
Mad Dog wrote:
kerry wrote:
does anyboday use anything in their dogs hair when they tie it up in a tp knot (gel, wax or doggie grooming "stuff")? My dogs hair just never stays up even witht he rubber coated bands.

Not for day to day necessarily -- but only because I'm lazy - more so for classes and especially competiton: brush through head coat, take a dab of Kolesterol and rub it though the coat

Okay I give - where can I find this Kolesterol? it doesn't even show up in web searches and I am continually being told in classes she would do better if she could see alll the time
I also use Kolesterol. Bought mine on ebay. Can find at any Sally Beauty Supplies.
Joahaeyo wrote:
I also use Kolesterol. Bought mine on ebay. Can find at any Sally Beauty Supplies.

thank you
I love Tucker's hair shaggy but when I''m trying to train with him, either at home or in our class, I'm sure it would be beneficial if he could see better, especially when we're doing "watch me" and I don't know where he's looking!!
So yesterday I bought some of the small, clear elastics that are intended for human hair braids. It went in fine but he looked RIDICULOUS!!!! I had to take it out right away because (a) it was bothering him, and (b) I couldn't stand him walking around like that, even in the house :P

I think I just put too much hair in the knot. Does anyone have pictures of their dog in an a top knot? I can see some on your avatars, but would like to see more for comparison. I know some of you put into 2 knots, but I'm afriad he'll look like a girl. Anyway to do a manly top knot????

I hope this helps some people and I'm allowed to post this link, but this is a PICTURE STEP BY STEP on how to put up a topknot. Reputable site just like this that Tasker's mom and I go to ...but about malteses. I do the same thing for my OES. It's wonderful. They also talk about supplies including kolesterol. ... topic=2351
Toby said that he looks plenty manly with his 2 topnknots!!

Joahaeyo wrote:
I hope this helps some people and I'm allowed to post this link, but this is a PICTURE STEP BY STEP on how to put up a topknot. Reputable site just like this that Tasker's mom and I go to ...but about malteses. I do the same thing for my OES. It's wonderful. They also talk about supplies including kolesterol. ... topic=2351

Fantastic. Makes me want to try the paper and bow method. Very cute (OK, not so masculine :lol: )

I can see asking the dog to down. I have to do that with mine or put them on the table in the noose as fixing of hair usually means an outing or training is about to commence and once they get that in their mind, it's all over and you haven't lived till you've tried to put the hair up on a spinning, leaping sheepdog. But they put their head down on a pillow or towel? Not on your life!!! I'm sure if they were trained from puppyhood but holy wow! Mine would look at me like I was nuts!! :lol:

Great link. Thanks!

Maxmm wrote:
Toby said that he looks plenty manly with his 2 topnknots!!

Sybil agrees!

Mad Dog wrote:
Maxmm wrote:
Toby said that he looks plenty manly with his 2 topnknots!!

Sybil agrees!

Oh my! Could you imagine a Toby Sybil hook up? Yikes!
Maxmm wrote:
Mad Dog wrote:
Maxmm wrote:
Toby said that he looks plenty manly with his 2 topnknots!!

Sybil agrees!

Oh my! Could you imagine a Toby Sybil hook up? Yikes!

Of course I can. And then I imagine their resulting offspring doing agility. And, ultimately, you and I having to take the blame for the entire breed being banned from that particular sport :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you - what is a top knot pillow? (and Dan says my dogs are spoiled :P )

Anyway I so think a bow would look just dahling in Marley's hair. Now all I need is kolestral and mesh papers :twisted:
Mad Dog wrote:
Of course I can. And then I imagine their resulting offspring doing agility. And, ultimately, you and I having to take the blame for the entire breed being banned from that particular sport :lol: :lol: :lol:


Every time I do something sheepdog related I feel that at any moment I could get kicked out of the breed. That's why I live my life on the edge!
They would have cute markings though.
Joahaeyo wrote:
this is a PICTURE STEP BY STEP on how to put up a topknot. They also talk about supplies including kolesterol.

Thanks for that posting. I'm going to play with the paper idea to see if putting it under the band might keep it from ripping or tearing some of the hair. I didn't know Sally's carried the Kolesterol. Good to know.

Maxmm wrote:
Every time I do something sheepdog related I feel that at any moment I could get kicked out of the breed. That's why I live my life on the edge! They would have cute markings though.

You too?? :lol: :lol:

Yes, I suspect they would have cute markings and that would be our downfall: we couldn't hide them in a crowd, so there goes our plausible deniability defense: but it must have been some other OES who took out the dogwalk, shattered the weave poles and ate the purple tunnel!! :cow:

Yeah, right! :wink:

Don't forget knocked down the entire perimeter fence and carried off the cross bars from all the jumps!
Maxmm wrote:
Don't forget knocked down the entire perimeter fence and carried off the cross bars from all the jumps!

Oh, you're right! And then ate the bars. That would be Sybil's genetic contribution :roll: :oops: :oops:

Toby just carries them around, so the chewing would definitely be Sybil's part.
How is this topknot??
I think it looks amazingly like the Maltese ones! :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I actually had a reason for it, however. It was Sunday of the weight pull, and it was easier to get his harness on. Stayed out of his eyes better too.
It must have worked, because he pulled 1250 pounds!
My he-man in a ponytail bun! :lol: :lol:
He looks lovely (and powerful) sort of like a summo look :D :lol:

I found out the other night that they are starting a UKC group locally - may be some weight pullin in Morgan's future after all!
I was going to say Sumo!!!
I just put it up and when it gets to where he cant see I brush it out and redo the knot. He is pretty good about leaving it in but after a couple of days it starts to come out and he needs some help.
kerry wrote:
He looks lovely (and powerful) sort of like a summo look :D :lol:

I found out the other night that they are starting a UKC group locally - may be some weight pullin in Morgan's future after all!

Whooo hoo!
That sounds great. :D :D :D
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