Ear Infection

We just discoverd this morning that truman has an infected ear. It is a deep red color with some black crustys and what not.
What are the recommended treatments for this type of thing. I have read that they are quite common but this is Trumans first. He is almost 2.

we have cleaned it up and put some polysporin in there but do you all think we need to take him to the vet or are there off the shelf types of remedies??

thanks in advance

jeff and kasey and truman
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I think you should take him to the vet. Their ear canal should not be red. Not sure what you mean by black crusties, hopefully that is just ear wax. An ear infection can cause a lot of pain for your dog. An ear infection usually has an odor associated with it too.

After you get Truman all healed, you can help prevent ear infections with regular ear cleaning. Usually that keeps them infection-free unless they have some type of allergy issue.
It's best to get him to a vet to have a culture done to see if it's yeast or if it's
bacteria that's causing the problem. As mentioned, ear infections can be
extremely ouchie. He needs to get on the right med as soon as possible.

AFTER the infection is completely cleared up, you might ask the vet
about using an ear cleaner like K9 Ear Solution. Lovely purple color but it
works well here. http://www.liquidhealthinc.com/prodInte ... ?prodID=32
A trip to the vet is a good idea to treat what is going on!
Sounds like he needs a culture done on those ears!
An infection left untreated can lead to calcification of the ear canal
Good Luck
Please bring your boy, Truman to the vet asap. As the above folks have said, the doc needs to do a smear to determine if he has yeast, bacteria or BOTH.

The doc can also determine the severity. By your description, he needs tending to sooner than later.

He will likely be Rx'ed an ear cleaner, a topical ointment for inside the canal and possibly antibiotics depending on the severity. We've also seen dogs in rescue with infections so bad that they needed a steroid injection just to get them "over the hump" until the antibiotics kicked in. (infections can be THAT painful at times - and dogs don't always show any signs of distress -- it's up to us to do as you did and check those ears!)

Ear infections are painful to the animal and can cause permanent damage to the canal. Sometimes resulting in total hearing loss if not properly treated. Ear infections can cause secondary conditions such as hematomas, etc.

You should also be instructed on how to properly remove the fur from inside his ears and how to properly clean them. (don't do it until your vet has seen the dog and is able to get a good smear -- it's best to leave the ear alone until Truman is seen at the clinic so they can get a good reading) Your vet or groomer can then show you how to remove ear hair.

Please discontinue self-medicating NOW so the vet has a better picture of what's going on in there ...

Please let us know what the doc says and what he/she Rx'es for Truman.
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