What's a good activity?

Gabriel and Jonah are 9 months old now and I'd like to start doing some fun stuff with them. What's a good thing to start with, herding, agility...? I know they can't do all out agility yet but someone told me about a class for younger dogs that is safe for their age or are they just too young yet? There are herding classes not too far from me but again, are they too young? They certainly need something else to do besides eat each others headcoat :twisted:
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I've seen corgi's out herding when their face was still touching the ground b/c they were so tiny... definitely not too young. They wanted their dogs out there just to get used to sheep even if they weren't doing things correctly.

However, you may find they may not be "as good" as their potential until they are older. But of course they should start practicing now if that's somethign they'd enjoy. We started Yuki out BEFORe she was 1, and she is 10x better now that she's matured.
I do pretty much anything with Chewie! (Not things that he can't, based on his age and development at the time).
We started obedience practically as soon as he came home - at 4 months. LeAnne took him through beginners, as I was teaching. (Then she got Clay, and trained him). He really hasn't gone to a regular class since his 10 weeks of beginner, just tagged along with me teaching, getting used to demo, etc.

LeAnne took him to some conformation classes after 6 months, before he started showing. Mostly just to learn to work together, and as a refresher for her, as she hadn't handled in several years.

He went out in the barn with the sheep from little, but really didn't do much, as the ewes had lambs and are too aggressive. Another year has passed, and we still haven't done much. I really hoped to do more with the sheep this winter, but we have had way too much ice. Can't run the sheep (or Chewie) on that. Now they will be lambing in a month or so, so we will be postponed again. :(

He passed his CGC, then his therapy dog cert. at a few days over 1 year old. Herding instinct test at 13 months. (those are all fun things to do with them)

We started rally a bit before nationals last fall, and have been working that. Another fun and low impact sport a young dog can do.

Then, this winter the weight pulls and mushing have kept us busy, and learning more new stuff. As Chewie is older now (23 months), we hope to get going in agility too. Our training center is just getting built - and we are (im)patiently waiting for the floor surface to get installed. Then we can really train! Our local kennel club affers agility, but it conflicts with my work schedule. They also don't offer low impact stuff for the younger dogs either - but lots of places do.

We also had a walking group going last summer and fall - we hope to get back at it soon. Good for the dogs and people!
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