Tomorrow I Quit!

I'm a domestic cleaner & my job has been taking it's toll the last 18 months (self employed so no holiday for the last 5 years!) I am dealing with under-active thyroid which makes me sleepy and more recently have suffered muscle aches & my legs keep giving way. In the last 2 months I've collapsed at work 3 times & twice in public which is not only embarrassing, I'm frightened of being carted off to hospital. I struggle to work until 1 or 2PM now. I've been to the doc & am seeing a specialist in 2 weeks.

I've taken a big decision- tomorrow I'm handing in my resignation to 2 of my clients. One is an elderly lady I have been helping out for 4 years. I feel terrible for not being able to continue. She is generally nice, but very bossy and I have come away feeling depressed and stressed every week for ages! I usually imagine a brick wall surrounding me when she gets me down, but it's been getting harder & harder to cope. Also, it takes me 90mins to get there, then 90 to get back, so in the end I hardly earn anything for it.
She will be very upset and I'm a bit scared of what she might say, she always speaks her mind & can be quite fierce! But I feel it's time to put my foot down, take control of my life & stop making myself ill!

I am taking on help again for my other clients after Easter, which means in 5 weeks time I will only be working 1 day a week! I have found out I am able to get some benefits from the government which will help with the money, and lovely Greg has got more work & is helping support me through this.

I'm going to use this time to rest & make a recovery... after that, I think a career change is in order :D

I have butterflies about tomorrow already, I feel really guilty about leaving this woman, but I'm sure she will find someone else!
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Hint of Mischief wrote:
She will be very upset and I'm a bit scared of what she might say, she always speaks her mind & can be quite fierce! But I feel it's time to put my foot down, take control of my life & stop making myself ill!

What can she say that will actually matter? Nothing. She doesn't own you.

It's a simple "I have to give this up due to health problems". No apologies, no hemming and hawing, no defensiveness, no arguing, just a statement of fact with great confidence and resolution because you know you are doing the right thing for yourself.

You'll be surprised how liberated you feel once you close her door and never look back :wink:

Good luck with everything. This could be the start of a great new beginning for you. :D

exactly!!! she does NOT own what you have to do to make yourself better!!!

youll be fine!!!
Whatever she says they are ONLY words. You need to do this for you...Good luck! I hope you feel better soon.
Now is the time to concentrate on yourself...get better..THAT is your obligation.
I sent you a PM...
Cassie you have to take care of yourself. Your health is far too important to worry yourself over what this woman may or may not say. As Kristine said, you do not have to defend yourself or your decision to leave the job. You are doing what is best for you. Period. Be confident in your decision and get healthy and move on. Good things are ahead for you!

Also, just think, there is someone else out there who is praying for a new client so they can meet their own obligations. They'll be thrilled when this elderly lady calls needing their help.
sheepieshake wrote:
Now is the time to concentrate on yourself...get better..THAT is your obligation.

Kristine said it perfectly! No further explanations needed - you are leaving due to health problems.

You are FAR too young to have to deal with any major health problems. Just know you are doing what's best for you, and I hope you start feeling better soon!
You don't owe anyone an explanation. Life is too short and you shouldn't jeopardize your mental or physical health for a job. I also ended a very stressful ten year career last year - and it was the best thing I ever did. I am no longer stressed/angry and I have never felt better. GOOD LUCK!! I wish you the best.
You are young and you can do anything you want to do. Go to college, university whatever and have a complete change in focus.

Don't let this woman scare you she doesn't own you and you have obviously done a good job for her otherwise she wou;dn't have kept you on.

Don't get stressed, think of your helath and be very focussed when you speak with her. If she gets angry or abusive, walk away and leave her to it.

Good luck I'll be thinking of you.
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Kristine said it perfectly! No further explanations needed - you are leaving due to health problems.

as Drezzie's Mom said "Kristine said it perfectly" :D
Good luck tomorrow! Don't lose your nerve and just know that no matter what she says to you, you feel a million times better when it's done! :)
Good luck today! You'll do great...and you are doing something wonderful for yourself.

We're anxious to hear from you, Cassie. Let us know how it went when you get home. :D
Thank you all so much for your support, you really gave me confidence!

The lady did her usual 15 minutes of how awful her week had been, how everything had gone wrong (she worries an awful lot over what most people consider to be tiny things like the dustmen being late), all her aches, pains and problems (I cant wait to get old!) then just as she paused for breath I started thinking maybe I'll do it next week, because she's had a particularly bad week, but I know every week is like this, so I thought of you guys & took my opportunity.

She was shocked, and cried a bit, but was quite understanding. She refused to read the letter saying she felt sick and would read it later but I explained when my last day would be and she wrote it on her calendar so at least there will be no dispute. I supplied her with a list of all the cleaners in the phone book which I had printed in large lettering for her, I know I didn't need to do that but it made me feel a bit better as I don't know of anyone to recommend.

I felt bad and as I was working she proceeded to call her friends & tell them the terrible news.
I realised how this woman, as nice as she is, really does make me feel I have the world on my shoulders! Gradually as the hours went by I could feel the weight lifting. I'm beginning to feel empowered, more confident and as if I am getting back some control!

On the down side- I'm feeling really achey today, I'm putting that down to the stress.

Only 4 weeks to go!!
Good for you Cassie!!
It sounds like you handled the situation well - caring yet still professional.

Bravo Cassie!! You are empowered. :clappurple: Very nice way to handle the situation. :clappurple:
YEA!!! CASSIE..............GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:bow: :bow: :yay: :yay: :clappurple: :clappurple:
Congratulations, Cassie!! :clappurple:

Isn't it amazing how a seemingly small change in your life can make you feel so much better??

Onward and upward . . .
Cassie, might I suggest your next step be a good physical exam. Maybe even suggest a specialist. Hypothyroidism will cause your fatigue, but not necessarily your aches. A good physical is in order. Hope your feeling better soon.......Kathy
Thank you everyone :ghug:

Kathy- I'm having more tests done at hospital in 2 weeks, thanks for the advice :D
Cassie WELL DONE!!! :wink: :clappurple:

Yeah dont let other people boss you round! I do think it's a year of changes as I hate my job and I too can see a change coming!

Everyone bosses me round, they even want to tell me how I should call my Dog Salon but I've got my own idea, if people like it or not! I stick to it!! .... by the way my Salon will be called "ShaggieSheepie"!!!

So keep on doing what YOU want to do and dont let other people tell you off in any way! Great done Cassie!!!

Hope your health will get better!!! :wink: :hearts:
:clappurple: :clappurple: Good Job Cassie! May you always find the strength to do what is right for yourself!
I'm glad everything went ok with that lady and I hope you feel better soon. :lol:

I'm proud of you!! Good for you in taking the first step on your path to taking back control of your life. Sometimes we mix up being nice to being walked on by others...oh sheesh I can relate to that!

Stress plays a major part in our overall health and if we can try to weed out some stressful areas. In retrospect we can look back and be astounded on the weight we felt at the time and how much better we feel now. Letting some of it go gives you back a bounce in your step!

We're all here for you and I'm sending you positive thoughts and a big hug your way.

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