night time crate wetting

I have a 9 week old OES that I've had for one week. She is doing great at everything except peeing in her crate at night. Seems to tolerate crating during the day and doesn't have accidents in her crate for upto two hours at a time. Behaves well during crate time, night and day. However, when put down for the night settles down immediately and wakes up 8 hours later to start the day-never whines or barks to go out during the night! She wakes up every morning wet and doesn't seem to care. Have taken her out during the night and she won't go!! Just goes back to sleep. Holds her urine for about 1 1/2 hours during the day-sometimes up to 2 hours when not crated. Will occasionally whine by the door to be let out during the day. Is she too young to hold it for the length of time? Or something else I should be doing?
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She's just a baby, she can't hold it all night long. I used to line the removable pan of the crate with newspapers for my boys, the paper soaked up the urine and they stayed dry, the crates had a grid type floor.
My boy would do the same.... and he knew is bad because he would wine and bark... obivously is near my daily wake up time.... so.... should i use the product called "no go" and hope that it would correct this??
Welcome to the forum. Post pictures please. We live for puppy pictures! Sounds like you are almost there and quite early I must add. 9 wks is very young. You are probably doing some of the following since you have had so much luck during the day. Congrats!

Give her dinner early in the evening (for me it was 7:30 pm), take her out, and cut her off of food and water for the rest of the night.

Before you go to bed, wake her up if necessary, and take her out again.

And, given that she is soooo very young, you will have to wake up once during the night, for a few weeks, and take her out.

Always keep her crate clean and dry. This will teach her that the crate is to be kept dry. I lined the crate with towels that would wash and dry quickly.

Everytime she goes potty, with a high pitched voice, and whether you are half asleep or not, praise her. Don't worry, your neighbors are sleeping and no will know how foolish you look.

Never scold her for wetting her crate at this age. She is a baby. Monitor accidents and adjust what you are doing.

Love her, love her, love her. And post pictures :lol:
Izzy wrote:
... Have taken her out during the night and she won't go!! Just goes back to sleep. Holds her urine for about 1 1/2 hours during the day-sometimes up to 2 hours when not crated. Will occasionally whine by the door to be let out during the day. Is she too young to hold it for the length of time? Or something else I should be doing?

She's WAY too young to make it through the night without wetting herself! Excellent advice from Bestdogsx4. Listen to her: she's just been through it with two boys!

When you take her out during the night, stay with her until she pees. Strictly business, no playing under the stars or she'll associate potty time with play time and you'll never get a decent night's sleep!

We've never tried the "No Go" product but doubt it's very effective. Sounds like garlic & clove scent and not much else. Yuk!

Best of luck! This is such a trying time but you'll get through it with patience and consistency.
Tucker wouldn't pee outside when we told him to either, when he was very young, so I would put him on his leash and walk him around the house. He would always go after walking around a little bit. If she isn't whining at all to go out, maybe YOU need to wake her? Tucker peed in his sleep a few times when he was young. As annoying as it might be right now, perhaps you need to set an alarm for every 2-3 hours during the night and take her out. I know it sounds like such a pain, but you are (a)saving yourself clean-up in the morning and (b) investing the time now to teach her proper pee-manners, which will pay off largely in just a few weeks. I think Tucker was about 5 months or so when he could COMPLETELY sleep through the night, but beteween the ages of about 4-5 months it was only once a night that he would NEED to go out (he would wake us).

Good luck and keep us updated!!
i do the same thing wif panda... but he would have accident like daily... i knew he doesn't like it... but it jus happens like.... very shortly before i wake up because he would whine to get out of the mess.... but glad the pad works since he only use a portion of the pad for pee and the other for sleep.... i tried to limit his drinking after 8 but i ended up giving him water with lots of crushed ice because panda the sheepie and pepper the yorkie would have too much fun while we let them run loose in their turf (garage).....
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