Can stress/worry cause a rash? Humans, not animals

Long story short, my mom was sick on Sunday and I said to myself, she'll end up in the hospital. Monday I had to get a new furnace and that night my sister called to say Mom was in the hospital. Tuesday I woke up with a bright red rash on my chest and neck. It wasn't raised but it did itch somewhat. Went to the doctor that afternoon because we thought it was a reaction to a new prescription anti-inflammatory I started last week. I'm treating it with Benadryl and OTC cortisone cream and it is getting better. But still there. And I stopped the anti-inflammatories.

I had a thought tonight, could this be brought on my worry about my mom and the emergency new furnace? Last year I had heart palpations brought on by stress, so I do get physical reactions to mental issues.
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Absolutely, stress can trigger rashes. I get hives a lot of times when I'm in super-stressful situations. ... ekey=79117
Sorry you're so stressed and that your mom is sick :(

My mom and I both get a rash and lots of swelling ALL the time on our chest/neck when we are stressed or angry.
In the past, I have also experienced at least two rashes on my neck and chest that the Dr said where from stress.
Stress can do all sorts of nasty things. :evil:

I hope you and your Mom are better soon.
My good friend/neighbor is still dealing with this crazy auto-immune type of rash that she's had since the holidays. (Sorry Paula) She had a lot of stress at the time (Aunt being very ill & passing, among other things). They think the stress brought it on. She was scratching herself so badly that she was creating scabs. Only thing that gave her some relief was when the doctor put her on a steroid for a couple of weeks.
Did you tell the doctor that you just had a new furnace installed?
Chest and neck are classic areas for stress related
reactions. Also a classic area for hypertension related
Twice, I've gotten hives on the back of my legs from stress. Once as a child (bad 4th grade teacher) and once as an adult. I can certainly believe someone could get a rash from stress.
Oh bless my sister gets a rash when she is under stress, and also her lips swell! I just get colitis! I think I would rather have the rash.
Yes, Paula stress can come out in all forms....shingles!!!!

Since you just had a new furnace installed, it may have shook up something in your house that you are allergic to. I have an allergy to dust and when we go to moving things around that haven't been moved in a while...I put on gloves and face mask because I will, indeed, have a skin reaction. If you can afford it, maybe you should have your duct work cleaned out. Anyway, with the addition of the furnace many things become airborne that you would never think about.

Good luck and I hope the skin problems go away soon.
Hi, hope you and your mom feel better. :(
Yes, stress can trigger skin conditions. Even if you don't realize you're that stressed.

When I was little I got hives on face. My face was extremely swollen and unrecognizable(sp?). At the hospital they gave me a shot and said it was probably stress. In a little kid. Go figure.

Hope you get to feeling better.
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