Does Everyone's OES "Paw Hook"?

Just curious if all sheepies do the "front paw hook"?

I'm sure that it is instinctual for a herding dog.

I have to laugh when I see him doing this to other dogs!
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one of my two does it. I'm surprised the other hasn't picked it up yet!
all three of mine do or have. they are very "handy" dogs
I was interested in that too
Here is a link where it was discussed earlier....
Lots of cute pics too! :)
Hi Donner's Mom!

Maybe I didn't describe it enough because that's not what I was referring to. When my sheepie plays while standing, he will hook his paw behind my leg or another dog's as if trying to trip us or knock us off balance.

I'll try to get a picture of it.
Awww ---gotcha! :oops:
Quinnie will pull me around with that paw hook!
I think everything these silly sheepies do is wild!
Mine does this all the time. With me and when playing with other dogs.
Oh yes, I watch Violet use that move all the time in play.
Yes, my Sammy does it to everybody in the house. If it's not the hook paw, it's the let me take your hand in my mouth and lead you to where I want you to go.
Barney does something like that, although it's mostly that he'll put his paw on your leg when you're sitting down and squeeze--almost like he's making a fist. It's his way of making sure you won't ignore him (like that's even possible!)
I met a sheepdog at a dogpark in Chicago 2 years ago (I think she reads the forum, can't remember the name though!) and every time you walked away from the dog after playing he would trip you! It was really funny, I had never seen a dog do that before.
I had to laugh, Rufus was doing this to my leg as I saw this thread!
Our first OES used her front paws to play soccer. She could pat the ball with either foot. Her game was to run toward you with the ball like she was returning it and then run right by you so that you would chase her. But she never did what we call "the paw thing", that Bella does. When we are sitting on the floor Bella will come over and grab a foot or leg and pull it towards her. She has laso done it to my arm as well and with those big paws and claws the arm or leg moves. Sometimes its to move my legs apart so she can crawl into my lap. But we've never had a dog that used her paws the way Bella does. We think that she was a cat in a former life. :)
Brie does and I always worry she does not take any kids head off, especially when she is on the trolley at a pet expo. We have to watch those wandering banging and hooking paws she uses to say HEY pat me, you've gotta luv me and I AM the centre of attention. :P
Does anyone have a picture or a video? I still don't get what you mean by hook paw. It's not cutting in front of you, is it?
panda paw hooks and pulls.....she has managed to pull my leg out from under me several times 8O
Try sitting on the throne and having yourself hooked .. :lol:
Our last oes used to put her paw round the slightly open door and pull it open, I used to almost close the doors just to see her do it. I dont think Summer does that yet, she just waits behind the yappy Yorkie and someone always opens the door! :wink:
Yup Archie does, not sure whether the cats taught it to him! He definitely has a grabbing motion to it.

He also kicks - Like hey play with me throw my toy
Rags grabs legs and paws at you to get attention. Luckily she paws the air, it's so darn cute I can't resist. :hearts:

Except..... I guess I annoyed her one day... Hayley was dancing and wanted me to show her the correct way to hop, so she could hop around to the Gummy Bear Song :roll:. Ryan refused to show her how to do it so I got up to show her. When I did, Rags saw me hop and started barking then charged me, she jumped up with her front legs out and grabbed me around the waist with both paws and she held on... I think she wanted to Dance. :lol: I was basically supporting her body weight with her paws on my hips. and she was hopping. :cow:
I pushed her off and called her a Nut job!
Okay, it was possible that she was trying to dance :banana:
... or she thought my dancing was so bad that it needed to be stopped :roll: , or she thought I was going to hurt myself... as I normally don't jump around.

Pepsi has a wonderful hook he uses to grab an arm and place it on his body for petting. :lol: I tease him and will pet him for like 5 seconds, he will give me a look like I have offended him. Then he grabs the hand and places it back on his body and gives sad eyes.
Pepsi also opens doors so he has very good wrist control. :wink:
Elissa: You don't think that Rags thought you where dancing like Elaine from Seinfeld do you? :lol:
At my old place, Merlin knew how to open the screen door...he would let himself and the rest of the crew in all the time...but darn if he didnt leave it open 8O I got an automatic screen door closer from the hardware store so that solved that problem :lol:

Here Bree opens the porch door to let the others back in the house...luckily it only lets them onto the porch. :wink: She has also recently figured out she can jump over the gate....she's been watching her mom Sky too much :roll:
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