Waiting for my new furnace

I had the furnace dude out to check on the odd noises my furnace makes. He inspects it and asks "do you have a history on this? Your condo was built in 1999 but the serial number on this furnace is from 1997 and there's an open pilot light and those haven't been used since the early 90s. And it's not vented properly. Plus these wires have been spliced and jury rigged." Long story short, this was an explosion waiting to happen. So the new furnace is being picked up and the tech just showed up to dismantle the old one.

I'm making my last car payment next month and I guess I'll use that money to pay off the new furnace. I was hoping to get ahead financially. And there goes the new carpeting. :roll: But at least I'll be safe.
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Paula O. wrote:
But at least I'll be safe.

and warm!

Good for you for calling immediately when you noticed the
furnace was making odd noises. And good for the furnace
dude to diagnosis and let you know it needed to be replaced.

Because, at least all our major home disasters in the past happened on

weekends or holidays

when none of the repair dudes are around.
Paula, we almost had the same story. Our furnace was about the same age, and we had them out to do the routine safety checks before the heating season started several years ago. They found ours was a bomb waiting to explode, and shut it down! We also had to do the unplanned for new furnace purchase too. :(

On a similar note, our well quit this past Saturday afternoon (always a weekend!) and needed the well guys to come out Sunday morning. Thankfully, it was nothing serious and was up and running by 10am. Yay for water! :D
That's a real "good news/bad news" thing isn't it? At least you can see the bright side. :D
Paula a bummer about not getting ahead. I hope things work out for you anyway.

Dawn, I know what you mean about the well going down. Years ago when I lived in the country, it was days before Christmas and really cold and guess what went down? yup, the well, thank God my husband is so handy and he was able to get it back up and going...of course had to buy a new motor...my hair dresser at the time had her well go down also at the same time...it was a very frigide winter that year.
Paula, just SO glad you found out about it before disaster hit! As they say - it's only money! Of course, those that say it have the most of it!
Paula, I don't think one ever gets ahead. The to do list here is long, I sometimes think longer than the price of the house. Now hubbie's truck is dying and my car still has 4 payments.......hang on truck!

Well at least you'll be warm. (you sure it wasn't a scam??)
trust me ... way better to find out before hand......

i had to wait several weeks for hot water....talk about cold!!!!!! brrrrr...
It was totally legit. The company I used has been in the area for years and several friends have used them. The furnace is now installed and running and the tech is checking something with a scanner. It is warmer at 68 with the new furnace than it was at 70 with the old, and I can feel that the air coming from the registers is warmer. And no explosion noises when the furnace goes on and off.

It is bittersweet. I wish it hadn't happened, yet I'm glad I'm safe and warm. It is weird for a girl to get excited about a new furnace????

Oh, and now I have Internet and cable through At&T. Larry and Ron (installers) were here while Tim the furnace guy was doing his thing. Quite a busy day at the condo!
Paula O. wrote:
I wish it hadn't happened, yet I'm glad I'm safe and warm. It is weird for a girl to get excited about a new furnace????

No, it's good judgement! It's still winter and when the temps
really drop outside to single numbers and below, you will be inside toasty and warm.

And scheduling all the repairs and workmen in one day =
more time for horseback riding with Bob.

A toast of Hot Chocolate (*add flavored liquor of your choice)
to Paula!

Well done!
Larry the Cable Guy??

I love my new furnace too. I've never seen a water hose coming out of a furnace, but it's all part of the super effeciency these days, don't ask me why. Our house has design flaws re: duct and register placement (but hey the builder was a fireman.......) so it will never be perfect, but the house is very comfortable. Also the house is QUIET, like you no pops, clunks or other misc noises, it doesn't sound like a jet engine taking off, in fact you have to be standing next to the thing to even know it's on!

The thought of no hot water is too painful especially now with the bone chilling temp from the well. I need HOT water to survive, none of this sissy stuff they want you to keep it down to.

In fact it's tea time, time to go boil water!
Sorry you had this sudden unexpected expense. :(

Going with the "Looking on the bright side" theme, now that you have a new and more efficient furnace, you may realize quite a bit of savings in the heating department. It might not offset the whole payment (especially in the summer) but over the long haul you will probably do well.
I agree with Ron. You will probably end up saving a lot of money with a new energy efficient furnace.

Sorry this happened though. :(
Happy to hear you are not only warm but safe :D
I agree with everyoe else... sorry about the expense- but, so happy you are safe and warm!

:D :D
Ron wrote:
Sorry you had this sudden unexpected expense. :(

Going with the "Looking on the bright side" theme, now that you have a new and more efficient furnace, you may realize quite a bit of savings in the heating department. It might not offset the whole payment (especially in the summer) but over the long haul you will probably do well.

AND, if you got a high-efficiency unit, you'll be able to deduct the cost on your '08 tax return. :D We got new storm windows this year and that deduction was welcome.
I think a new furnace is a good reason to have a party. :lol: I tell people that I have lived the "Alaska "experence, other wise know as camping in a house. :roll: There are somethings that are required, indoor plumbing, running water, electricity, and central heat. :cheer: So you enjoy, when the furnace quietly springs to life and heat wraps around you, smile that smile of warm happiness. :)
It's not particularly quiet, I still hear the furnace and blower kick on, but it is NOT accompanied by the bangs of carbon monoxide mini-explosions. I don't know how energy efficient it is--the yellow sticker gives it 80% which I don't think is THAT great. But the furnace dude did a lot of sealing so there are no air leaks.

So what's next to go, the water heater or a/c???? :roll:
I'm so glad you are getting a safe, new furnace. This winter has been terrible, and you can rest assured of having heat.

I think the world is made in a certain way that we never get ahead. Its like, the day after your car warranty expires, your trans goes out.

I guess its all part of Murphy's law.

At least you know, you can always count on scotch on onyum loaf :wink:
Paula O. wrote:
It's not particularly quiet, I still hear the furnace and blower kick on, but it is NOT accompanied by the bangs of carbon monoxide mini-explosions. I don't know how energy efficient it is--the yellow sticker gives it 80% which I don't think is THAT great. But the furnace dude did a lot of sealing so there are no air leaks.

So what's next to go, the water heater or a/c???? :roll:

There is a tired old saying "Don't look for trouble it will find you soon enough." So that is one question I never ask because, frankly, I don't want to know. :D
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