
I have been reading the ear cleaning threads and how to do them but I am struggling! Summers ears are getting mucky. now I can clean the flaps and comb inside and out no problem. They are a bit smely so I have been putting ear powder in and after about 3 days the dirt comes out. But she wont let me pluck the hair out or get the dirt out. Can I trim the hair in her ear, or not? I do with my yorkie but her hair is much finer. I used to have some round ended very fine scissors. I saw some yesterday at the pet wholesalers and almost bought them but am not sure.
Any tips would be very helpful. She is getting from that cute clean looking puppy into a scruff!!
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I pluck the hair out of my dogs ears at every grooming session, at first they do not like it but they do get used to it, if you are a little afraid of hurting the dog then let someone show you how to do this either a vet or an expirienced sheepie person. :) :) :)
Here is a link to a grooming tutorial I did, this link goes directly to page 3 which deals with ear cleaning and clipping toenails.


Also, here is a post I did a while back on an ear cleaning solution for really dirty ears, especially if you suspect a yeast infection in the ears.

thanks...i have just cleaned her ears with fragrance free baby wipes that is no problem it is just the long hair in the canal...
Every day when I get Jack comfortable beside me I will open his ear flap and gently twist out a few ear hairs.......roll them between your thumb and forefinger, pulling gently to remove the hair. By doing a few each day he has gotten used to the sensation....he still hates it, but lets me take a dozen or so hairs out during the session.
ha ha just crept up on her whilst she was dozing. made a fuss of her she likes that and just gently teased a couple out to get her used to it. she did give me a dirty look though!
I have the same problem with Carley. She needs to have the hair in her ears pulled out. I can usually only get one ear at a time. Sometimes I forget which ear I did. Poor Carley :oops:
Willowsprite wrote:
Here is a link to a grooming tutorial I did, this link goes directly to page 3 which deals with ear cleaning and clipping toenails.


Also, here is a post I did a while back on an ear cleaning solution for really dirty ears, especially if you suspect a yeast infection in the ears.


I learnt to pluck ears from you. :D Thank you! I always make sure Boni is tired and every time I stroke them I always check their eyes, teeth, ears and of course pluck some hair. I do pluck his ears every time I groom him but check them out every single day.
he still hates it, but lets me take a dozen or so hairs out during the session.

That's right.. you don't need to pluck them clean in one session. If she doesn't like the process, just flip her ear flap up and do 1 or 2 quick plucks of just a few hairs and be done. The idea is to get her used to the process. If you do this every day you'll eventually have her ears plucked clean and hopefully a sheepie that will allow you to do more at one sitting.
It's probably wrong but I just get the groomer to do Georges ears as I can't do it. I clean them but not remove the hair.

When he was a pup on his 1st visit to the groomer she pulled a ton of hair out of his ears and he screamed so much I told her to stop. He shook his head for about 3 weeks afterwards so now he is protective about ears, so I think it is best left to the professional in his case.

You can get a spray that numbs the ear before you remove the hair.
Where do you get this spray from? I can't find any powder or spray in the pet shops.
we got a powder that is very good but smells vary disinfecty. Originally got it for the last sheepie as she used to have lots of debris and wax. You just put a tiny bit in for a few days and all the muck comes out. I have also put it on my fingers for plucking. I will see if I can find a link.......goes off for a minute

that was interesting google says you can buy it on ebay but I couldnt find it. Got side tracked as it sent me to a great dance forum...
try putting Thornit ear powder in a search engine.
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