We don't know what to do....

On March 4th Snowy is going into be spayed. No big deal.

Our BIG concern is Cinde. Her health and general all over is not good.
She can no longer get up by herself, and yes she is on me s for joiunts.
If we don't see her look up at us we find a puddle under her.
If we can get her out the door she falls many times.
She is eating less than ever about 1/2 cup morning and night.
When We do get her back legs shakes.
She has never played with her other dogs in the house.
She never learned to play or have toys being tied to a tree so long.
What kind of life is this?
the only ttime she has any life is when Richard comes home and gets on the floor to pet her and hugs.

Is it time to put her down?
I think it is. Just waiting for him to say OK its time.

Any thoughts PLEASE.
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I'm there with you, Deana. I posted the same question about Drez yesterday.


In our house, it's Dale who thinks it's time, and me who's dragging my feet. As everyone has told me (and of course I knew that, but had to hear it from others), there is no magic answer. Only you know Cinde well enough to decide. Your poor girl did not have a good start in life and unfortunately it has affected her life in general. It's not fair that now she's facing that in addition to the problems of aging.

My heart is with you, as I'm in the same boat. :ghug:
Oh no. Poor old girl. It your's and your husband's call. You gave her a good life, rescued her from her boredome, gave her love and a reason for trusting humans.

For our most recent Rainbow Bridge baby, we made the decision when he could no longer get up. It was too frustrating for him not to be able to get up and do his duty. For him it was a rear end problem, he seemed to be able to hold his urine. But whenever he had a feces accident, he'd try to get away from it as if to say, "I'm so sorry......" He had lost his dignity. This boy would crumble if you scolded him, he lived to be near us and please us. For him to soil himself was humiliating. He also disliked up helping him to his feet.......he must have know how difficult it was for us to lift him. OK, it might have hurt to stand too.

It's been 10-11 months and I'm sitting here crying because he was such a wonderful guy, so wanted to please us, he was my personal body guard, but he could no longer follow me around.

We each have to make the decision whether to help our friends end their life with dignity or to become a pee and poop ridden animal in pain and unable to live the life they so enjoyed.

My hugs to you...........whatever you decide.

I wept at your posting, it is the hardest thing about having fuzzys. When to make that decision. I am so sorry for you and Richard and Snowy too. :cry:
We are so sorry to hear your familiar story. We too made a decision to help our dog cross the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but you already know what to do. Our prayers are with you. :(

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Letting them go is the hardest thing to do but also one of the utmost unselfish things you can do for the one you love. That said, only you can make that decision.

The "what if's" get to us the most I think. When Shaggy was going downhill I would always question "when is it time?" and think "perhaps I should make the call?" only to have her bounce back in a day or two. Then I would question my own judgement , "what if I had taken her in the day before ?". Eventually, after a few reprieves "I knew".
I once found her on the floor in a crumbled heap and made the call, took her in, only to have her get up and walk around the vet's office. Both myself and the vet agreed it wasn't her time after all.

A few weeks later, I knew. Perhaps it was the look in her eye or something else not noticable to others as I knew her best, just as you know Cinde best. I always found solace that I was there to say goodbye unlike other beloved pets that I never had the chance. That also makes a difference in years to come. I grieved terribly when each of my pets passed but it's always been a little better if I was there to say my goodbyes. I'm sending you many hugs at this difficult time.

I just wanted to share this poem with you that helped me make the decision.

The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

-- Unknown
It's such a hard decision. And there are no easy answers. They look up to us as gods, and we have that decision on what to do with their lives. Susan's post said it all, dignity. You've given Cinde a wonderful second chance on life.

Two weeks ago I put my Winson down and I'd give anything for another hug or lick from him. I know it's hard, but time will heal the pain. May god be with you.
Oh Deana,
I am so sorry to hear about Cinde's health problems. :(
If you think it's time, then you already have your answer.

You have done right be her.... You have given her so much and most importantly you have gave her love... something she was lacking for so long.
Letting her go will also be a gift to her. I know it is painful and it will be hard on you and Richard. But look at it as your final act of kindness.
You will be easing her pain.

Big :ghug: to you and Richard. If you need to talk you know where I am.
One of the hardest decisions we have to make....whatever you decide, it will be the right one. My thoughts are with you. :ghug:
This is probably one of the hardest decisions ever to make. One thing that made it bareable(sp) to me was when a Vet said to me "quality of life, not quantity" which I then had him tell dh the same thing so we were both on the same page. My heart goes out to you...
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
hugs for you xx
Wow, that's always a tough one. I think that even though you really know the answer your heart isn't ready yet, that's the biggest hurdle of all. When we had to let Beau go as difficult as it was it was the best thing for him, not for me. As much as I still think about him and miss him it was really the kindest thing to do. :ghug:

Hang in there, you'll know when the time has come. :(

Hugs :ghug:
I wish I had more advice for you...but all I can say is, listen to your heart. :ghug:
tdelanoit wrote:
I wish I had more advice for you...but all I can say is, listen to your heart. :ghug:

I agree...listen to your :hearts: :ghug:
I'm so sorry you have to make this decision. :( Like everyone says, you will know when the time comes. :ghug: It's so difficult helping our loved ones through the final stages. :cry:
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