How Often do You Guys Feed

Kayla just turned one and she is 61lbs and we just bought her new adult dog food.

Does one feeding a day work for any of you? Sometimes getting Kayla to eat her food in the morning is tough as she likes to play with us before we go to work and school.

Any advice would be great.

Thank You

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I think twice a day is better. I have fed once a day but think about it.....would you want to eat only once a day?

We did a poll here not too long ago and it seems to me that the majority fed twice a day.
once in the morning and once at night

She feels she's getting a raw deal when she's only fed once a day :lol:
My OES don't eat in the morning - they never really took to it after getting to be "big" guys. They do get a treat and some peanut butter in their Kong. Especially with my girl (65 pounds) it was too much work to get her to eat. do what feels right with your dog. Our Irish setter only eats in the morning,
We free feed so I fill the bowl with half the food in the morning and the other half in the evening, whether they've eaten the morning ration or not. By bedtime, it's always gone. :)
I have always fed all my dogs twice a day. i am trying to think of a way of cutting them down to twice we are on 3 at the moment....
I feed my dogs twice a best for us.
I free feed, too, because mine are grazers. I put down 1/2 the food ration in the morning and the rest in the afternoon, like Jill said, whether they've eaten it all or not. It's usually gone by bedtime. :)
I feed once in am once in pm. Works for us and he likes it that way also.
Our first OES we only fed at dinner time.

All 3 of our current dogs we feed in the am & at dinner. My main reason to do this is that I'm paranoid about the OES getting bloat and it seems like such an easy preventative measure. They also get dog cookies a couple of times a day.
VerveUp wrote:
Our first OES we only fed at dinner time.

All 3 of our current dogs we feed in the am & at dinner. My main reason to do this is that I'm paranoid about the OES getting bloat and it seems like such an easy preventative measure. They also get dog cookies a couple of times a day.

It seems I am the only one feeding once a day 8O I did want to add that I do use a couple of things to counteract bloat issues. My female is a picky eater and eats slowly and deliberately, I don't worry much about her. My male is a chow hound! I use the bottle with the rope in it - i forget what it is called :oops: and put about half of his food in that. he has to work to get to it and it slows him down. I also will put tubed food in a Kong for both of them - my trainer says it is better for them to have to work for food. Another trick she has me use is to scatter food on the floor and make them go find it (don't do this as often as I should).

They are, according to her, only supposed to get about a third of their food in their dish - 1/3 scattered or in the kong etc. and 1/3 as treats for training througout the day. Of course on class days they may get almost all of their food hand fed through treats.
Barkley is free fed, and gets food dropped into his bowl twice a day (he really is just a mini Clyde, isn't he?).

At the same time, I fill a couple of kongs for him - just straight kibble, nothing fancy. He actually prefers to eat out of them as he can take them wherever he wants. It's quite interesting to watch him pick the kong out of his bowl and walk to the middle of a room to munch. On top of that, he's happier being hand-fed than eating out of his bowls. Spoiled much?
We feed Charlie 2x a day, once in the morning and then in the evening!

I was always told that Old English Sheepdogs are big breeds and it's better to split the food in 2 to avoid bloating!! :wink:

... and no walking before or after for 1 hour! :wink:

I feed my boys twice a day too. We go for a morning walk and about an hour later they get breakfast. Dinner is served at 6pm but they always let me know at 5pm that it's nearly dinner time. :lol:
1/2 in the morning and half at nite. She used to gobble all her food, and I was scared.
Luckily we switched from 3 feeds a day, and free fed (limiting portions) at the same time.
She used to be a pig, and wolf her food back, be really manic about it. She is doing great now.
Twice a day. Especially now that I have two again and it's a contest to see who can finish first.

I had an OES bloat (twice), not from over eating but a reaction to general anesthesia. Very traumatic. If he had not been at the vets and was not immediately entubated(?) he wouldn't have made it. I never anesthetized that dog again. He even had a tumor removed under local anesthetic later in life.
I don't want them stuffing themselves with 1x and risk bloat. We feed 2x a day.......they remind me when it's afternoon feed.....they'll come wake me from a nap.
Okay - I am still the only one with once a day, I was raised Catholic I have this guilt problem, so of course I am getting concerned now. I give mne three cups of food at night and they don't finish it - Morgan sometimes but not always. They also don't scarf it down. Is this the difference in a grain and a grain free diet?
Other than cost? Well one side says the dogs need the carbos and grain is a good source plus a calorie is a calorie (so why can't I have bread all day??) Others content dogs are protein eaters and need little carbos. Sorry, I don't have a cow to feed them every few weeks, though I know they'd enjoy the bones.

I'd love to feed my guys a Raw or BARF diet, but I'm too lazy and it would still be too expensive with four dogs.

Some dogs are sensitive to grains.......hence the grain free or only one type of grain.......say rice.

The answer is feed whatever your dog does well on, is healthy, and doesn't pass so much gas, make huge piles in the yard.......and what he will eat. Dog food hype is a multi million dollar business and even your vet is caught up into it. Do the best you can, your dog will love your efforts.
thanks, i was wondering though if grains tend to cause more bloat than protein?
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