Strange encounters of the Bobtail kind

In 2006 I had to have my old sheepie put to sleep because of bone cancer, this was a hard decision but I knew it had to be taken for his sake. Up until then he was the only one who was allowed to sleep in our bedroom or should I say he did not allow the other two to sleep there.
Every evening when I went to bed he would come with me, after getting his belly rubbed, he would go and drink some water before lying down for the night, on the evening after he had passed on I was just about to go to sleep and I heard my old guy drinking, he made so much noise you could not mistake him, when I looked I was sure I seen him peeping round the door to make sure everything was alright, in the morning I told my wife and she had a similar experience the same evening, since this experience we have noticed how much of him has lived on in the other two, they share all his habits good and bad, we have never regretted having more than one because when you lose an OES they always live on in the others.

Dash will live on forever in our hearts
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Sometimes early in the morning I hear savannah's footsteps on the marble foyer. I halfway expect to see her at the bottom of the stairs.
Bless they are always with you. After Katy died we "heard" her in the house lots of time. After one of my old yorkies died I could still sense her in the bedroom. I know it isnt the same thing but my Mum is still with me...
Want to hear something very weird... Over the years my mom has had 8 min Schanauzers 2 at the moment... When the others passed over with in 2 days a picture falls off the wall right by the dining room where we all sit. Same pic and always within 1 to 2 days ALWAYS and never any other time.... no kidding.
When my family's OES Daisy passed away when I was 11 yrs old, we would all see her. We were dogless for 6 months, so it's not like we were seeing another dog. We all continued to hear and see Daisy. If I was half awake I would step over her on the way to the bathroom in the morning...etc Then I would rub my eyes and realize she wasn't there. If glancing towards the top of the steps I would see her.
I told my Dad and he said he was also seeing and hearing her too.

I believe they stay with you, let you know they are still around and watch over you.
That's a touching story, thank you for sharing with us.
After my dad passed away, months later he came to me and told me that "everything would be okay". It was his voice and he used my nickname. I know it was him. Since then I have opened my self up to the fact that "they" come visit at least once after they leave. Each of my dogs has. When Tyler passed, I told my self I was going to be ready for the "dream" I was, I remember it, but it was more a feeling than a visual and I awoke with tears on my lashes. I still miss him to this day. But I also know that he "sent" Taggart to us and he fit in with the other two like he had always been here.

I believe all of your stories because I feel them too.
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