Pictures from the snow pull

This past weekend we went to Alexandria MN for a weight pull on Saturday, and race on Sunday. I have some weight pull and trip pictures.

This is a picture of the sled (shadow). Hey, it still is safely on the roof! 8O

A couple shots of Chewie pulling. Snow and sled pulls are always harder. Then it got warm and sunny, so the snow got really sticky. Good if you are building a snowman, bad for the dogs. It makes the sled darn near impossible to break loose. Chewie only pulled 275 pounds , compared to the 1250-1350 he pulls with the wheeled cart. All the dog had similar performances. But, we all enjoyed the great day and getting together with our dogs.

see the St Bernard in the background?

the successful 275# pull

This adorable lady was amazing. This is from the race day, but I wanted to share about her. Her name is Ardis, and she retired from mushing and dog shows when she was 79. That was 11 years ago - yes, she is 90 yrs old!! She was here to watch her grandson race and she was so amazing. Recently being ill and having a heart attack, her family was thrilled she got out one more time to be at the races with the dogs she loves. She still walks unaided and was going around just chatting and hugging all the dogs. It brought tears to my eyes watching her. She was a bit amazed an OES raced, and said "they just have too much hair" :lol: . Chewie LOVED her, was sitting on her feet and kissing her. :hearts:

On the way home we stopped to see a local icon - "Big OLE" - here is a bit of him -

2 tired boys on the way home-

Posing at Gabby's house with their winnings (yes, it is dog food!)

A wonderful time was had by all! :D
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chewie is my hero how much fun!!!! and cold!!
lol...those are great!!!!

looks like you wont need to buy dog food for a while!!

i love big oles updated loafer look!

Ardis looks

chewie rocks!!!!
Darcy wrote:
lol...those are great!!!!

looks like you wont need to buy dog food for a while!!

i love big oles updated loafer look!

Ardis looks

chewie rocks!!!!

LOL - yes you even notice the shoes on a giant!! :lol: :lol:

Part of the food was Gabby's but it still was a lot. This is the super good food too, so I am happy.
Thanks, I think Chewie rocks too! :hearts:
What a great time...the dogs are amazing! Thank you for sharing this sport.
Great pictures, Dawn. It is so hard for me to wrap my head around all those snow activities. Chewie is a lucky boy to have such a great Mom. :D I especially like the picture of the boys sleeping on the way home. So sweet.
Do they know they earned that food? 8)
Question isn't only "do they know they earned that food" but that mommy and daddy won't give it to them all at once? :lol:

I'm so proud of them!

I like the BIG OLE pic.

There's some dog mushing race going on right now here, and we always wish we knew where to go to get our dog involved!
thanks for sharing, it's just wonderful to see them and what they do :clappurple: :clappurple:
Cool pictures Dawn. Ardis sounds like a hoot :)
Looks like a lot of fun. You go chewie!! There is a pit in our therapy group that has started pulling (is that the right term??) she showed us her harness at our last event. Chewie looks great!!!
Go Chewie!! :D
Chewie rocks! Yes, it is harder to pull out of warming snow. Still amazing your boy has the muscle mass to do the job. He truly did earn his beans!

Ardis reminds me of a lady I knew, 90+ and still cross country skiing......she gave up downhill at 80! I don't know how many more years she continued to ski......a few as she and the family were featured at some international ski event......4 generations skiing together.
Great Job Chewie! Sure looks like you had a nice sunny day. Doesn't the wet snow stick to Chewie more? We always have more snow balls on those days.
Dawn your guys never cease to amaze me. You're such an effective trainer.
Wow, what great pictures!! Go, Chewie, go!! :yay:
Sunday after the race he did get kind of wet and clumpy - the picture with Ardis and the one at Big Ole were after we had run and he was still all wet. Thankfully we had fresh snow Saturday night and was a bit cooler - so not clumping too bad!

Luckily he and Gabby love this stuff, so we will keep doing it. Variety in life - for both dogs and humans - keeps it interesting! I have met so many nice people, I love it.

Jo - check with some of your traditional mushing breed groups - there must be some active clubs up there that would let Yuki join in! You can show them Chewie's pics if they need convincing. :D

I don't think he really noticed the dog food! It was quite a pile in the van on the way home. Luckily the sled was on the roof and we had enough space for the dog food. They were so glad just to nap! It took a whole weekend, but they finally tired out. Gabby is just a bit over 2, and Chewie is 22 months. Takes a bit to tire them out at this age. :D

SheepieBoss - she sounds like another amazing lady! I wish I can be even close to that when I am old. :wink:

4dognight - yes, pulling is the right term. How does her dog like it?
at least alll this snow is good for something....way to go!!!!!!
Joahaeyo wrote:

There's some dog mushing race going on right now here, and we always wish we knew where to go to get our dog involved!

There is forum Dogslovetorun on Yahoo you may find interesting and informative.
Looking good, kiddo!! 8)

Dawn - are you still waiting for race photos?

Stories!! We need racing stories!! Who ended up driving????

Wow Dawn!!! I'm so impressed at both yourself and Chewy!!

Love the pic of Ardis and we should all aspire to be like her at 90!!

Thanks for the great photos and sharing your day with us!

Wahooooo!!!!!! You guys look awesome! And that story is amazing!
Dawn -

Chewie's pulling amazed me so I showed my youngest - who loves the traditional huskey and alaskan malamutes. She was wondering how much those types of dogs pulled in comparison.


Becky (Alexa :D ) and Miley
Awesome dawn, chewie amazes me everytime I see the guy in action.

Wonderful photos of endurance boy as usual :bow: and he gets to eat too, wow what a haul of doggie food. :clappurple:

Well done to you both :kiss:
great pictures - but it looks soooo cold
I think you should invent some kind of vehicle that Chewie could power by running on a giant hamster wheel. It could be a new sport and there could be races. Chewie could be the solution to the world's oil problems!
Does Chewie think he's a husky?
In our area of Maryland we're use to snow, could you send us some, I'm tired of this d***** ice. Tonight we're to get 4-6 " of snow topped by 2 days of ice. I've invented sheepie skiing this winter.....HELP, send snow, or better yet SPRING :twisted:
Mad Dog wrote:
Looking good, kiddo!! 8)

Dawn - are you still waiting for race photos?

Stories!! We need racing stories!! Who ended up driving????


Yes, I am still waiting for the pictures. I hope to get them Friday, so look for an update!
A teaser - I was the driver......... :lol:

Chauncey - we have a ton of ice too. Good thing where the pull and race was - they had more fresh snow. We have a bit of snow here - but just on top of the ice layer - very nasty!

barney1 - Chewie knows he is BETTER than a husky! :roll: :lol: :lol:

Monster Mom - Chewie pulls just as much weight as a husky or mal of the same body weight. To get his Weight Pull 1 Title, he needed to pull at least 20 times him weight. He pulled 1350# that day, which was 21 times his weight. That was pulling the wheeled cart.
For a snow pull they pull only 10 times their weight for a comparable title on snow. But, our snow last Saturday was sticky, so all the dogs did poorly. Chewie pulled only 4 times his weight. The best percentage at the pull was 8 times the dog's weight. And that was Chewie's Samoyed buddy Gabby who did it! Normally Gabby can pull over 30 times his weight on the wheeled cart.

Jill - I need to set him up to run a generator for electricity. What a way to get off the grid! :wink:
got sheep wrote:

Jill - I need to set him up to run a generator for electricity. What a way to get off the grid! :wink:

lol, if I had to rely on Barns for producing electricity, I would SO be in trouble!
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