Going to the bathroom question

I will be a first time puppy owner and I live in the suburbs with a medium sized yard. What do you do when the puppy poops in your yard? I know this is such a lovely question! Do you pick it up from your yard and put it in a bag and throw it away into the trash can outside your home each time? Is a pooper scooper best or the poop bags? Or do you leave the poop in the yard? What is the best way to handle this?

Thank you!
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I'm sure each person handles it differently, depending on how sensitive their stomachs are.

We only have Oliver, and we often go for walks, so we don't get that much poop in our yard. I walk the yard twice a week with a plastic bag (Wal-mart, Target, HyVee, whatever bag) and pick it up. (Just turn the bag inside out and scoop up the poop.) Tie the bag, and throw it in the trash.

I'm kindof anal when it comes at looking at his poop (poop can tell you a lot), so I'll pick it up as he goes sometimes too.

Good luck!
well, personally, we play in our backyard...so picking up is a must...not only that but it attracts flies and other bugs.....now what we do with it is another thing.....brian insists that it must be thrown in the big trash right away...im more of a leave it in the pooper scooper till the end of the day...

i wont admit this to him, but hes probably right....the flies still come into the yard with it all piled into the pooper scooper 8O
Everyone is different. I don't like poop in the yard. My husband rather just pick it up once a week. I make him do it AS she does it. Otherwise the yard stinks, and I think a lot of times you think it doesn't because you're used to the smell. I don't want "that smell" when guests come over.

With what? With grocery bags. They're free like another person said. :)
Congrats on the puppy!

We are much more diligent in the summer. We bought a cheap trowel from the dollar store and once or twice a week we walk around the yard and scoop it into a bag, which then goes into the garbage (the bin outside). I have to admit that we've hardly done it at all this winter, which is going to leave us many mushy, nasty surprises come the spring thaw. Oops...still learning as we go, I guess! We haven't been in the back yard since we got the dumping of 2 feet of snow (which makes for about 3 1/2 or 4 feet total in some places).

NOW there are other options both for picking up and for disposal. For the picking up, if you have a bad back or just dont'want to get too close, you can buy a children's rake and shovel set from the dollar store and use the rake to scoop it into the shovell, then dispose.

For the disposal - there is a compost thingy you can buy. It looks like a tiny garbage can, and you bury a hole for it in your hard so only the top is showing. You can put the poop right in there, and there's some sort of enzyme in it that breaks down the poop and distributes the nutrients into the soil in your yard to furtilize it. Also, in some areas, the poop can go right into your composter if you have a weekly pick-up.
We don't do either of those things (we can't put pet waste in our curbside composters here), but we do buy biodegradable poop bags from the pet store so that the whole little package (?ew) will breakdown in the garbage dump.

That's all I have to say about that!

Well enough of this crap for now, eh?!
(HA. Crap...ohhh I just kill myself sometimes ;))
We are multiple dogs and live rural, so it is a bit different at our house.
The poop gets picked up in the dog yard with a scooper and a 5 gallon pail. Same for the dog run. Pails get dumped when full by taking it away out back with the 4 wheeler. The rest of the yard gets pooped on in various amounts. When things unfreeze I will do a thorough round with the scooper and my pail. In the summer the yard gets gone through every few days well before we mow. The areas more by the house get picked up daily or as needed.
Poop bags are for walks in town, training classes and trips.
we have two puppies that poop in the yard. We've trained them to go in the same area, so picking up is easier. I pick up every morning, and if I have the time, every evening too. Otherwise we risk stepping in it when we go out at night, and they risk stepping in it when they play during the day. We've had a few un-scheduled baths due to accidentally wrestling into poo!

We use a poop-scooper; and have a descrete area in the woods behind our house were we dump it. But growing up, my parents had a compost pile and put it there.
I pay a service to pick it up for me. I find that works best. :)
ButtersStotch wrote:
I pay a service to pick it up for me. I find that works best. :)

Really????? Does that really exist????
Mel & Tucker wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
I pay a service to pick it up for me. I find that works best. :)

Really????? Does that really exist????

You bet. It's great and well worth the money. They pick it up and take it away with them, too so we never have it hanging around.
I thought that was pretty incredible the first time Jill told me that, too. Later, I looked in the phone book and found a similar service here. :D But, I scoop the yard myself, pretty much every day. I play in the yard with them and don't want to have to dodge land mines. :lol:
Thank you! I guess I will pick it up every time. Not fun!
We are rural, and once a week I take a walk around our 1/2 yard with my pooper-scooper and fill a couple of small grocery bags. They go into our garbage bins for pick up weekly...

However.....when it snows it all gets covered, so I wait until it melts a bit, and is hard and frozen....then go for a tour. Much of it is mush, by then, and sort of makes its way into the ground eventually...

I have to try to keep up when it rains, though, so the dogs don't run around in it and then come in with their "muddy" paws...! 8O

I know...I know...TMI..!

Bosley's mom wrote:
I have to try to keep up when it rains, though, so the dogs don't run around in it and then come in with their "muddy" paws...! 8O

I know...I know...TMI..!


I have 2 OES and a dog run with pea gravel. I pick up poop once or twice a day. I don't want the idiot puppy running over it and tracking it in. I have the time, so I pick up almost daily. It's too big a job if I wait a week. Enjoy your new furbaby!!
We just had seven puppies, the last few are going to their homes over the weekend. Believe me, you will want to do clean up asap. Otherwise it gets everywhere....... and with seven of them there has been a lot of it. I shovel into a bucket and then bucket onto the compost heap once a day.
ella wrote:
I will be a first time puppy owner and I live in the suburbs with a medium sized yard. What do you do when the puppy poops in your yard? I know this is such a lovely question! Do you pick it up from your yard and put it in a bag and throw it away into the trash can outside your home each time? Is a pooper scooper best or the poop bags? Or do you leave the poop in the yard? What is the best way to handle this?

Thank you!

There are quite a few things to consider here but one that seems to have been missed is compliane to local bylaw requirements. If you live in a suburban environment check with your city hall as they usually have a whole host of regulations about pet ownership and cleaning up after them. And it isn't fair on neighbours to have to see and smell poop and even pee residue.

As noted there are a lot of choices but it is always best to clean-up as it happens - the old story that it is easier to keep up with cleaning than to try and catch up later! For poop we pick up with plastic grocery bags and then toss them into a closeable container to hold it until garbage day and then it goes out with the rest of the garbage - make sure you use a strong garbage bag because your pick-up service will not pick-up the 30 or more little bags of poop if the big one tears. I have seen doggie "septic systems" that digest most of the matter and just requires the fiber being cleaned out once a season or so.
When I was growing up with dogs we would walk them on our drive until they finished their business before going on walks. We would scoop up their poop on a kid's play snow shovel and simply carry it to the downstairs bathroom and flush it. (In my opinion the best solution but it requres easy and direct access to a bathroom and toilet which is not always the case.)

Don't forget about pee either. If your dog(s) pee on your property the uric acid will start to concentrate and end up smelling. Rince the areas frequently and occassionaly treat the property with lime (on grassed areas) to neutralize the uric acid salts and kill the smell. For gravel areas sodium bicarbenate (baking soda - but buy it in bulk) does a good job as well.

Remember to be good neighbours. We need to try to minimze the effect that our having dogs has on our neighbours. Unfortunately it is due to teh actions (or lack thereof) of a few irresponsible owners that have lead to the myriad of stupid and oppressive municipal bylaws that dicate how many dogs we can own and the things we must do if we have dogs.

Thanks and Cheers

Thanks for the advice Carl! It is good to know that I can do something about the pee. I will do exactly what you said. Thanks again to everyone else. You are all so helpful!!!
We have 6 dogs so we have to pick up daily. We use coal shovels I like these- http://www.redhillgeneralstore.com/A30671.htm to scoop it and put it in a covered detergent bucket lined with plastic bags. If we have a few days in the winter where it thaws/melts a bit, we catch up on anything missed. We have a section of the yard designated as their bathroom and underground sprinklers help to control any urine smell from spring to fall. I re-seed the area every spring.
I have 5 dogs and pick up as they go :D stops anyone running through it or rolling ! :D
Julie .
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