Memory Lane

I'm just in awe of what happened all in one day today!

I live in the burbs but made a trip in the city today to check out an apartment for my son. The realtor couldn't go but the place had an open house today. My son was working I said I'd check it out for him. The realtor told me she's not familar with the city as the majority of her clients are in the "Valley" but had pulled some available places in the city that may be in my son's price range as he said he may be interested in living there.

First thing: The street seems so familiar to me. I drive around the corner and there's my very first apartment I rented at 19!! Directly behind the place I'm checking out for my son! In fact, his balcony which is at the back of the building overlooks my previous place. Wow lots of memories of living there when I was in university and he was a baby!

Even funnier is, the front of the building overlooks his dad's place he lived in as a kid! I found it humorous that years later my son may be living steps away from where both his dad and I lived when we were young.

Second thing: While in Vancouver, I had planned to make a stop and visit my mom. When I arrive I find a note that says she is at a friends home as her friend just returned from emergency and needed someone to stay with her, she list the address. It's about a mile away. The address seems familiar to me, but I don't know why. I drive over there and OMG!! I recognize the house as I used to babysit for that woman when I was in my teens!!!

Nah, can't be my mom's new friend or even the remote chance it's the same woman living there now. It was!!! Sitting in a house drinking tea with my mom and this woman where I spent my teen years babysitting seemed like deja vu. My mom and this woman never met each other when I was her babysitter from the ages of 13-18. She digs out photographs of me and her daughter from a gazillion years ago.

I leave and a few blocks away I see a woman in front of a store who I used to perform kidshows with. Karen and I haven't seen each other for a few years. I stop my vehicle and pull over to chat. I'm telling her about my day and mention the weird coincidences I've experienced. "I feel like I'm walking down memory lane I tell her", then I point at a home on that block and say" see that house , I used to play with a boy that lived there when I was in the second grade, His name was Bob Smith. She laughs and says ..I live there now ..and that boy you mentioned Bob...well I'm married to him". He bought that house from his parents.
She invites me over and sitting in that house brings back more feelings of deja vu.

I couldn't help think what are the chances that in one day I'm sitting in a house that I was in when I was 7, then another home where I spent my early teens in, and then again on a street where I lived when I was 19 and moved away from home for the first time?? Yes, I know may not be that weird if I had grown up in a small town..but this is a city of several million people.


Do you guys have any stories of returning to the town or area where you grew up and what was that like for you?
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:D Glad to hear aobut your day! What coincidences you encountered! My little gang missed seeing you but kept me busy packing. 8O See younext weekend! :lol:
Hi Lynda!

I'm taking a freebie course next Sat (morning only) on how to use a defibulator put on by the Red Cross. From 1ish I'll be give me a call.

Ha ha have a great memory of when I was a kid but can't remember where I placed my phone book a few days ago. :oops: Can you please pm your number?

I never left my town I grew up in. A year here in there is all. I ALWAYS come back to the town of 4ooo people( as low as 2500). How small is that abount 4 pages in the phone book. When My daughter was 4 people saying hi to me up town and stopping and talking every where she looked up at me and said "mommy you are famous" :lol:
You might be your own great-grandmother!
That's funny ej!!!

I've always envied people that came from a small town! Must be wonderful knowing everyone that is usually lacking in a large city.

I love those coincidences! Your head must have been spinning by the end of the day!

I went to a convention in London while I was living there a few years ago and one person I met for the first time I particularly clicked with. I was astonished to find he lived 75 miles away in the same town as my mum. We arranged to have dinner & he asked where he could pick me up, I asked if he knew where a particular row of shops were, situated at the back of my mums house. He said "Yes, I work there!" :D
MAYBE its Vancouver.... When I was 10 we went to disneyland and on the way back we went into Vancouver... We love to fly kites then ask around for a good stores with real diffrent types of kites, someone told us and away we went... My uncle came out of the SAME store he was on his honeymoon and LIVED in Edmonton. WEIRD
That is so wild Marianne! What a great trip. :D
I loved hearing your stories too!!! Things like that always facinate me..weird idiosyncrenicidies, coincidences..ect..

Sometimes we're left wondering what are the chances of that happening?
In your case could have sat next to anyone but just happened to be that person , who happened to live behind your moms!!

Or the story you mentioned ej..a few mins later and you may have missed your uncle entirely and never known that you both were in the same store mins apart. I often wonder how many "missed interactions" we actually have and of course never realize it! Seems everything comes together, a weird coincidence and timing comes into play. How amazing it must have been to run into your uncle!

If I had driven my car a mere min later I would have missed seeing my friend as she would have already been in the store. Anyhow stuff like that boggles my mind but I loved that I had the chance to experience all that in one day.

Our newspaper once printed a series of those types of stories and the one that sticks out in my mind was pretty humourous. A fellow returns home to realize he's locked himself out of the house. His wife is on a business trip and he knows he should call a locksmith which will be costly. He sits down and along comes the postman with the mail. He opens the mail and finds a letter from a friend that stayed the previous year and neglected to return the extra house key, which he enclosed in the letter!!! :D

When we moved to Florida 5 yrs ago, our son was being treated by a speicalist and we decided not to change dr since he was at the end of his situation. Anyway, my hubby and son flew back to Michigan for his final Dr's check up and he would always have his bloodwork done in the same building just before his appointment. So my hubby had signed my son in for the lab work and was going to sit down and a woman standing behind him said are you a "Tallman"? He said yes, and she started asking about his family...anyway, it turned out that she is a cousin. She had been doing a geneology study of the family and that is how she made the connection. The family and she are from the northern part of Michigan a couple of hours north of where they where. It was such an odd coincedence.
What a fun day!!! I love it when memories come flooding back when you least expect it!!!
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