Where are the polititians and people of vision?

Calling all people .. we have a job to do!

Our politicians are playing it safe. All are talking about "change" of course they only talk about really one or two issues. Where are the politicians calling for big projects? Where is the space program?

Where is the grasp of the big picture? Where is the call for a little self-sacrifice for a common good? Where is care for the future?

For an investment of about $1,000 per person ($300 Billion) we could build all of the hardware necessary to generate all or nearly all of our country's electricity needs from solar. OK so it's not cost effective at the moment. But what about 10 years from now? 30? 100? What about the greenhouse gas reduction? What about reducing our Billions of dollars in trade deficit in oil perhaps lowering the demand (and hopefully cost) for oil?

What other "big projects" or "calls to action" would YOU like to see talked about?
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THE ECONOMY! Goodness! I can't believe that there isn't any hard, factual talk about the economy in this campaign. Giving everyone $600 is nonsense, and while it may make people feel better, it only makes the underlying situation worse. We need to start talking about reducing the national debt, reducing the trade deficit, reducing the inclination of Americans to carry too much personal debt, improving the personal savings rate... The US Dollar is going down the toilet because the US economy is being held up by a scaffolding of foreign investment and imported goods and services.

But instead, the press talks about the unimportant stuff - McCain's mother, Obama's middle name, Romney's religion, Clinton's hair styles. I can't believe the trivia that gets discussed when the important issues are totally ignored.
So why are you complaining here? Write newspaper editorials, contact the newsmedia, talk radio, make a stink. The media is congratulating itsself on such a good job, write, email, call to remind them they aren't so great. Please note I haven't said a thing about calling your political party....they are in on the sham.

Nobody wants to take a stand so the other will have a target. So we get politicians who hold their finger in the air to judge popular sentiment and go with the flow instead of leading.

You are right Ron. Energy will be a huge issue in the next decade or so as oil production declines. $6 gal gas......easy. So what does the government do? Changes light bulbs. (there's probably a joke in there somewhere: how many politicians does it take to change a light bulb?....several thousand and multi-billion $$.)
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