Sleepless nights!!

So for the second or third time in about a month and a half, Tucker had an awful night, and subsequently, so did we. When we first went to bed he whined and whined, then rang his bell (the patio doors are in our bedroom which is where the bell is). We let him out. After letting him in, we figured he would settle on the floor and go to sleep. *Ahem*...not so much. He continued to whine many times throughout the night, and rang the bell I think 4 times between 10pm and 6am. This is really unusual, as he has been perfectly housetrained and sleeping all the way through the night since the summer.

What the heck is going on? Maybe he doesn't feel well? He would sometimes just go out and lie down on the snow!! Is there something we can do to help him or stop this, or should we just grin and bear it since it doesn't happen very often??
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So sorry Tucker (or you) are not sleeping peacefully....

How are is bowels? eating?...maybe he has a little tummy ache?

Heart does this periodically...but the next day she seems fine. I think she is having puppy colic. :lol: :lol:
Do you know if he is actually doiing something out there? If one of my dogs goes in and out in an abnormal fregency I usually see them straining, or having runny stools outside...

Or if he is peeing each time he could have an infection..?
Isa there something outside that he is hearing or sensing? I live outside in the country and often the boys will have a restless night when the coyotes are on the prowl. They often hear them when I don't.

We also have a bear in your neighborhood, if the bear has been through the yard and the boys pick up the scent they will be unusually restless for the night.
mine act like that and then I hear there has been coyotes in town... maybe he hears something out side??
Obe did this last summer, he was 12-15 months at the time. He was sleeping through the night with the occasion (once a month) wake up in the middle of the night, I need to go out. Well on occasion I have to wake and go as well so didn't think anything of the matter. Then it became every night with him. He went back to sleeping in his kennel again for a week or two. Now he's back to sleeping through the night. He now realizes that when we go out, usually around 9:30/10ish, he is to go do his business. I also don't give any water after 9. If there is some in his bowl ok but I wont fill it up again until the a.m.
Hmm....we were thinking of crating him again at night, something we haven't done since he was very young. So you think that maybe if we do this for a while it might "re-set" his system, so to speak, so that he sleeps through the night again and then he can go back to sleeping on our bedroom floor?
Hi Mel I would keep an eye on Tucker just in case he has an infection, then what you describe is very suspicious to me. I only have this when mine have an upset tummy, when they cannot settle it can be a few different things like an infection of the bowls, prostrate gland, etc. If this goes on for a couple of days check it out with your vet.
Have you taken him to the vets yet? Rufus is 6 months and has somehow got into the habit of waking up at 4.00am!! I think something is waking him, then he needs the loo. I'm going to try walking him later so hopefully he sleeps all night again. Maybe you could try a high energy walk last thing at night? I hope the re-crating works, keep us posted :)
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