Today is a day I've been dreading

I know it's pretty minor compared to some of the terrible things people here are dealing with; tornadoes, snow storms, sick pups, sick people etc. But this afternoon I have a 4 hour dentist appointment and I am being a REAL baby about it.

I am having THREE crown preps done at the same time 8O . Over the last year I have cracked three molars by grinding my teeth at night. I am "Dentist Phobic" and kept putting off having anything done.

My Dentist decided to go ahead and do all three at once since she knew the odds of getting me in three different times were pretty slim. It was supposed to be done in January but the Dentist had an emergency and had to reschedule. So today is the day 8O

I have "issues" when it comes to the Dentist and just wish the day was over with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hee Hee....Tasker's mom, you're going to think I'm crazy...
but I hope by reading this I'm somewhat easing your anxiety..

I looove going to the dentist.
I get that kind of tingly nervous feeling sitting in the chair...
...and it's..well..Euphoric...
(Now you'll probably think my life if boring as hell.....and it is!!..)
I've never done drugs or anything in my life, but it's probably those rare times when all my senses are heightened to their maximum..

The only thing I hate is being anesthetized.
I avoid it as much as I can...
I went last week because my inlay fell out of my back molar.
I refused to be numbed up while he kind of cleaned my tooth to put the inlay back in.
The sharp pain/feeling when the dentist injects you is much lessened when he kind of shakes/pats the side of your mouth while the stuff is going in.

I kind of think of going to the dentist as going to the spa.
You hurt sooo much during your bikini wax, or blackhead extractions but afterwards, you come out so nice and clean refreshed!

Maybe you can look around for a HOT dentist.
My dentist looks like Harrison Ford, and since I had told him that he's been extra caring, and gave me a free cleaning session. LOL

I don't know if you have seen the movie, "Good Luck Chuck" It's a cheesy movie /w Jessica Alba that came out recently on DVD...
Well, Chuck is a dentist and his business starts to flourish one day.
All the women in town are all of a sudden, going crazy and gaga over him.
(For a VERY special reason!!
Ever since I saw the movie I've been to the dentist twice and each time I couldn't help thinking about the movie, didn't even think about what was happening inside my mouth.
joanna21 wrote:
I looove going to the dentist.
I get that kind of tingly nervous feeling sitting in the chair...
...and it's..well..Euphoric...
(Now you'll probably think my life if boring as hell.....and it is!!..)
I've never done drugs or anything in my life, but it's probably those rare times when all my senses are heightened to their maximum..

You sound like Bill Murray from Little Shop of Horrors!!
^^ Is it a horror movie?
I should rent it!
I just registered at Hollywood videos and all my rentals this month is $2
It's more of a musical comedy. Rick Moranis plays the lead. He's a guy that works in a plant shop and he ends up with an alien plant that drinks blood. He likes the girl that works in the shop with him but she's dating a sadistic dentist, played by Steve Martin. (Bill Murray goes to see Steve Martin but Steve Martin gets made because bill Murray likes the pain, at one point he's yelling, "You are something else!" over and over again. IT's one of the best parts of the movie. So Steve Martin throws him out of the office.) The plant makes him famous and he gets the girl but it eats the dentist and his boss and a bunch of other people. It's pretty funny and there are some great visuals.
I LOVE Little Shop of Horrors!!!!!!!!!!

When my daughter was in pre school it was her absolute FAVORITE video. The other kids were watching Winnie the Poo and she was screaming for LSH! To this day when she's hungry she'll say "FEED MEEEEEE".
joanna21 wrote:
Hee Hee....Tasker's mom,
Maybe you can look around for a HOT dentist.

LLLOOOLLL I switched to a Very Hot Optometrist just because he was Hot. It was a joke between my husband and I that I never missed an appointment. I loved getting my eyes checked. The only problem was that for three years my prescription wasn't right and I couldn't really see all that great. I finally had to go to an old fogey. I now see beautifully but don't like going as much.

The moral of the story, Find a Hot Dentist, but make sure he knows what he's doing :roll:
Can't do it..... My Dentist is a female, and the first Dentist in MANY years that understands my craziness when it comes to having work done. I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.
I don't like going to the dentist either, Ginny. Does yours give you a sedative to relax you while the work is being done? There are quite a few area dentists that do that now for folks like us.

My good friend likes going to the dentist like joanna21. He falls asleep in the chair while they're cleaning his teeth. :roll:
No, my dentist won't give me drugs. Which I guess is a good thing. I have to go to class tonight and it's a long drive :roll:
I can't imagine ever loving to go to the dentist either. I always had mini panic attacks when I had to go. Then I found a female dentist who I love. she made me feel less nervous when she said "cool beans" at one of my visits. I used to say that all the time in highschool. It made me not so afraid anymore, I trusted her. It took forever to find her. I beg her all the time to never move out of town.
I can take the injections since they numb it well before the actual injection. This last time he had to do one inside on the palette w/o numbing and it wasn't that bad.

I wouldn't recognize my dentist on the street but I do know he's quite young. Last dentist looked like a bar bouncer, those were big fingers 8O

My two dentist hatreds:

keeping my mouth open! Oh the pain!!!

the cold water and cold air suction........groan.

The grinding, sounds, etc are fine, just don't make me open my mouth :lol: and don't put anything cold in there 8O
I hate trips to the dentist too, and of course God gave me troublesome teeth and gums. Even though I go religiously every six months, I still have tons of problems. I've had a bunch of periodontal work done in the past year. My MP3 player has been a big help. I find a relaxing album to play and listen to music the whole time. It blocks some of the noise and helps the time go faster. So, if you're not gone yet - take an MP3 or WalkMan with you!
poor ginny!

Yeah, take an iPod with you or something to distract you.
Geez, Ginny, don't scare me like that!! 8O
I thought something happened to Tasker!

Now that y heart has restarted, I hope you have a good (tolerable?) time at the dentist!

I am one of those people who almost naps in the chair. In fact think I did one morning when I had an appt after working all night. :wink:
Geez, Ginny, don't scare me like that!! 8O
I thought something happened to Tasker!

Now that my heart has restarted, I hope you have a good (tolerable?) time at the dentist!

I am one of those people who almost naps in the chair. In fact think I did one morning when I had an appt after working all night. :wink:
got sheep wrote:
Geez, Ginny, don't scare me like that!! 8O
I thought something happened to Tasker!

Now that y heart has restarted, I hope you have a good (tolerable?) time at the dentist!

I am one of those people who almost naps in the chair. In fact think I did one morning when I had an appt after working all night. :wink:

ooh, sorry 8O

Well, I'm shutting down my computer and heading off..... I have class tonight so I have to hope I get out of the dentist in time to make it to class on time. Which sucks cause what I'll really want to do is go home, pull the covers up and WHIMPPER.
WELL I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That was fast you say, SURE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to the Dentist at 1:55, sat in the waiting room. At 2:15 the receptionist comes out and tells me the Dentist is behind and it'll be another 20 minutes. Ok, I say (even though it isn't).

At 2:40 my Dentist comes out, sits next to me and say YOU ARE GOING TO KILL ME........ (yup I most likely am I think...). Her daughter's school just called and she is sick and running a fever so she has to go get her.

Appointment post poned til the end of Feb :evil:
Oh man!! :twisted: Now you have to go through all this dread and anticipation again?? :twisted:
lol...poor you....
Ginny, right before your appt, take 800 mg of Advil/Motrin. My dentist had me do it before my root canal and crown replacement- no pain whatsoever.
He even gives you his pager and cell phnes numbers in case there is a problem later.

I didn't have the sore jaw from keeping my mouth open, which is always the worst. I had no pain from the root canal - my first ever root canal and it was a breeze.
I have several crowns due to teeth grinding. The only painful part is the numbing up. You need to come down and see my dentist - if I hadn't been to him, I wouldn't believe how painless he makes things.
I understand how you feel. I have an appointment on monday to have my teeth cleaned. It has not been done for 6 years. I had a dentist that I had an understanding with. He hurt me and I would bite him. Then he retired and I have not gone since. Which is strange because I am one of those people that sleep in the chair.
Ginny - I feel your pain and know exactly what you are talking about.

I have a terrible fear of dentist and continue to travel over 50 miles to see the same dentist I've had for years. Won't even consider someone closer as I'm used to this dentist. Many years ago I used to pay the extra $ and get completely put to sleep for any dental. Then I graduated to having head phones on and something to relax me. Eventually no more head phones....and nothing in my system since I now have to drive myself back and forth. Even something like cleaning which I force myself to get done every year puts me in a anxious state for days before an appointment. Ironically I don't mind the needles at all. ( Um yes up until 2 years ago I actually had my mouth frozen just for cleanings..ha ha) I'm such a whimp! But getting better all the time as I don't need the freezing any longer!!!!
Having a focal point on the ceiling helped...LOL remembered that from Pre-Natal classes..and heck I'd give birth to more babies as that's less stressful!
Anyhow....Ginny...I understand. BIG HUG to you.

I didn't mean to add to your anxiety as I know where my fear arose from. I use to go to the dentist by myself at six years old. That's right - no typo...six! We had just moved to Canada and think my mom still thought in terms of a small town where kids did that . The dental office was located 4 blocks from my school and I went there to have some teeth pulled and then returned to class with my mouth stuffed full of cotton. Sheesh I can't even imagine sending one of my kids on their own as teens even. Ah least I understand where the fear originated from.
:D Dentists! Last year I had the worst one ever: he tried to pull a tooth when the anaesthetic hadn't taken! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Like Marianne, I decided to go back to my dentist: 350 miles away rather than be tortured here. :roll: I always take a sedative to avoid an anxiety attack which could drive up the old blood pressure. :oops: I also remember one year that having a root canal was better than my working conditions so I was happy to take an afternoon off to see the dentist. They are all so kind at that office. 8)

Best of luck Ginny. You might try the motrin as at worst, it should dull some of the pain of anaesthetic! :D
I have found that if they are patient and wait for the topical anesthetic to work for a bit before injecting the main lidocaine (or whatever) and then push the lidocaine in slowly it doesn't hurt much if at all.
I've been rescheduled for February 28 :(
Taskersmom wrote:
I've been rescheduled for February 28 :(

i know you dont want to hear "YEY", but i get my final chemo that day....we can be pain/yucky sisters!!!

oh i feel the bonding already :twisted:
Darcy wrote:
Taskersmom wrote:
I've been rescheduled for February 28 :(

i know you dont want to hear "YEY", but i get my final chemo that day....we can be pain/yucky sisters!!!

oh i feel the bonding already :twisted:

Darcy, you are ALWAYS looking for someone to be your sister in pain/puke/hair loss/whatever! :lol:
barney1 wrote:
Darcy wrote:
Taskersmom wrote:
I've been rescheduled for February 28 :(

i know you dont want to hear "YEY", but i get my final chemo that day....we can be pain/yucky sisters!!!

oh i feel the bonding already :twisted:

Darcy, you are ALWAYS looking for someone to be your sister in pain/puke/hair loss/whatever! :lol:

You got a problem with that, pukey sister???????

Misery ALWAYS love company...and i happen to love good company :twisted:
Ginny, look at this place. 8O

It is right near me. You can come stay with me and have your dental work done at the SPA !!!!!!!!!!! :D

Oh my-- how did I miss this??? So sorry Ginny!!! As one dentist hater to another, I can feel your misery!
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