I'm glad we don't have a choice to rate members

I'm on another forum, and it allows you to rate other members (1-5 stars). I just think that is kind of lame to rate the people you are talking to.
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Holy moly - on my other forum (industry/social) I would be way off the charts...in the negatives! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think rating would be ridiculous too. Glad it's not a part of this board. Actually, I probably wouldn't be involved in a board where that was the SOP.

I've often thought that there could be some very interesting studies done by sociologists around networking bulletin boards. I've been involved in several, and they all seem to go in the same sort of cycles in my experience.

Interesting dynamics, to be sure.
haha... I belong to a forum where you can give people 1-5 stars too. I freak when I'm not at least 4*s and like when newbies come in to give me more stars ;)

However, they took it away recently b/c it hurt so many feelings. While I completely see where they were coming from, I always found it funny when someone hated your comments and gave you 1* ...almost found it flattering they'd waste their time to click on your profile in hopes it said something about you to reconfirm why they may have disliked a comment you made. I would only give someone a bad rating when they'd talk about not sharing food. I'm a dang cow. 8)

What a DUMB idea :evil: How hurtful would THAT be!!
It IS hurtful. I think I'm a nice person and I'm only 3 stars (Average). :cry: It honestly does make me not want to participate in that forum anymore. I started clicking on a lot of people's profiles and all the people I saw either were not rated or were 5 stars. So it just hurts that someone took the time to give me less than 5 stars (and you don't know how many people have rated you either, or who did it).

I think it's because I've angered some people by saying that I'm thin (stupid as it sounds) since a majority of the people are overweight.

But I'm bummed :cry:
I give you 5 STARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i ditto the 5 stars, you skinny minny....

tell them its just in the genes..... :twisted:
Thanks Ginny and Darcy!

Ha ha ha, darcy---supposedly the reason they're overweight is that the disease we have IS genetic and 'causes' them to be obese...and I said what about me? lol So then people question whether or not I actually HAVE the disease...
I think it would be a waste of time to rate members of the OES forum. In my opinion you all deserve 5 stars!!!!!!! :D
of course if you didn't you probably wouldn't own a sheepie.
Think of it as a Michelin rating: 2 stars is pretty darn good!
Steph, I'd give you a 100 any time!

I'm so glad that at my age of "25" 8O (like Lisaoes ) :lol: I have long ago left high school behind!
You are all megastars in my book!!!
barney1 wrote:
I'm on another forum, and it allows you to rate other members (1-5 stars). I just think that is kind of lame to rate the people you are talking to.

Hmmm... I give that comment a 3.5.

:lol: j/k
The idea of rating people just seems really funny to me. Do you rate per comment or overall? How does the system work? Can you rate for poor spelling or grammar?
ButtersStotch wrote:
The idea of rating people just seems really funny to me. Do you rate per comment or overall? How does the system work? Can you rate for poor spelling or grammar?

Yeah really. What is the criteria? Is it overall knowledge or interpersonal skills or the I don't like you because you are a dork mentallity? How many times can you rate people? Is it really like high school where you're best friends one day and you hate each other the next so you change your rating or give a different rating every day?

Is it like ebay where you can leave feedback? "So and So is such a jerk. They were mean to me in the chat and said my mom dresses me funny!"
Maxmm wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
The idea of rating people just seems really funny to me. Do you rate per comment or overall? How does the system work? Can you rate for poor spelling or grammar?

Yeah really. What is the criteria? Is it overall knowledge or interpersonal skills or the I don't like you because you are a dork mentallity? How many times can you rate people? Is it really like high school where you're best friends one day and you hate each other the next so you change your rating or give a different rating every day?

Is it like ebay where you can leave feedback? "So and So is such a jerk. They were mean to me in the chat and said my mom dresses me funny!"

Nope, you can't leave comments as to why you rated people a certain way. I think that would be better--that way you would know where things were coming from.

As far as I can tell, you click on the person's profile and you go to the 'rate this person' section and it's a drop down with choices 1-5 stars and you click on the one you want. So I think you can rate them as many times you want. It's not per comment or whatever. It's the person overall.

I WISH you could rate people for grammar and spelling. Like I don't judge when people misspell some words, but when the whole tone of all their posts is poorly done (or all done text-style) then I think it reflects poorly on the poster. (I see lots of "I is going to the mall today")

So I figured out that you CAN find out who rated you and what they gave you and I feel MUCH better about it because one person gave me a 1 and she was the mean lady who got mad at me for something several months ago and told me to SHUT UP :roll: . I was thinking it was probably this person, but now that I know I feel much better! She's lame :evil:

I was angry at some of her comments too, but it would never occur to me to go in and rate her poorly. Oh well. Over it :D
Want us all to join and blow her rating? :twisted:
ButtersStotch wrote:
Want us all to join and blow her rating? :twisted:


she really bugs me...she's one of those people who gives out a lot of advice to people as absolute fact and I've seen several of her comments were just plain wrong.
Ugghh!! Nothing worse than a "know it all" who knows nothing! :twisted:
Let's not be like that... We're better than that! ;)
I belong to several college football forums that allow you to give positive or negative respect (spek) points. The amount of spek you can give is based on how much spek you have. Some of the popular posters or ones who have been around a long time can turn a poster from red (negative) to very green (positive) with one click.
The amount of spek you have determines the goofy comment that shows up when you scroll over their spek - Ron would love this part. (Brad Pitt dreams about ME!)
You can leave comments on why you left the spek. They are very interesting and link back to the post (so you can see what prompted the spek). And they name the poster who left the spek.

It is amusing, but people can take it too seriously too. I am a mod on one of the boards - some people need a life (that would be me).
Yikes...I wouldn't want to be rated!

Even on ratemykitten.com or ratemypuppy.com..(cute sites by the way) I always give high ratings to everyone that post pics of their pets.

As for people forums...I just don't see the point of rating someone..seems kinda based on popularity of some kind. I'd like to think everyone is equal and welcome at this forum no matter who they are. Glad we don't have a rating system here! Thanks Ron! :hearts:
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