Going to the groomer guidelines

I just finished reading Aphrodite's post about Zeus being shaved by the groomer when that was not what was expected.
It seems this has happened several times to people.
I can't imagine how I would feel if I took Mojo in for a bath and he came out shaved.
"Groomed" means 50 differnt things to 50 different people.
I thought it would be nice to compile a list of guidelines for going to the groomer for the first time. We could then post it as a sticky so hopefuly it won't happen again to a new owner.

Here are a couple to get us started.

Take your dog with you and interview groomers.

It is your dog. Don't be intimidated. If the groomer is pushing for something you don't want, say NO.

You are paying for a service. You should know exactly what you are getting for your money.
Does the price include a nail trim, are private areas clipped and teeth brushed?

What products are used.
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Those are great tips. When I took Tucker for the first time, I went nuts with how specific I was! I brought in a full page of pictures of sheepie cuts that I did like and whole page of what I did NOT want. I also held up Tucker's hair and showed with my fingers where to cut. I made a "Groomer To Do" list with everthing that I wanted done.
I was friendly about it all and apologized for being so picky. "I just want to make sure that we're both clear so that I get what I want and you don't take hours and hours to do something that isn't quite right". My groomer was fabulous about it. When I went to pick him up she wasn't 'quite done, so she invited me in and asked if there was anything I'd like her to fix.

I felt a little embarrassed at first for being SO specific, but she didn't mind at all and was interested in giving the right cut. She also asked if she could keep the paperwork so that next time she would know exactly what to do. I would recommend suggesting this to the groomer if she/he doesn't ask.
When you take your dog to groomers you got to be spacific on what you wani done like Mel & Tucker said. or the groomer will do what they think what would be best.
I took pics it did not matter, so I will being doing it my self or drive 2 hours to next town and get it done.
It's not a matter of taking pictures or telling them what you want, it's even more important to stress what you don't want. "I do NOT want this dog shaved under any circumstances." "I do NOT want you to even bring clippers out without calling me first and explaining why." "If the dog is too much for you to handle, I do NOT want you to make decisions without consulting me." I'm not saying you have to be rude about it, but you have to make sure they know.

I think about 90% of groomers will do what is easiest for them. You can't really blame them unless you let them know what is acceptable, unacceptable and what you're willing to pay for. I've been doing all my own grooming for the last year but when we did go to the groomer, I hung out and talked to her, recognized what the challenges were going to be and then tried to come up with something we were both comfortable with. You should never be surprised since it takes about 15 seconds for the groomer to go over the dog when you drop it off to let you know what your options will likely be. If you're not showing, let the groomer know that they can cut out some mats, or cut some parts down that won't be too noticeable. I think a lot of groomers are intimidated by the fact that you're expecting a perfect dog back from the matted mess that you're handing over but if you meet them halfway, sometimes it's easier.
If you use a specific shampoo take some with you, most groomers are glad to use it. Also, if you are showing you may only want the white's bathed, be clear on that and since you don't want a soft coat be sure to explain no conditioner. I prefer to have my dogs hand dried and not put in a crate with a dryer, before I even make the appointment I find out if this will be a problem. If it isn't I will gladly pay extra for the additional time it takes. If I am really happy with the result I will tip generously :)
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