How do I get my puppy to sleep through the night???

My husband and I just got our first puppy!!! I am so happy and I love her SOOOOO much already! The only issue that WE are running into is the fact that she wakes us up several times throughout the night. We are 2 working adults although my husband was recently granted to take some time off, which is the main reason we decided if there is ever a good time to get a puppy it's now since he will be home during the day.
A little more about our Maddie :D
She is a WONDERFUL, playful, gorgeous, 6 WEEK old pup!!! Yellow lab/golden retriever mix. She is doing SO well with potty training for being only 6 weeks however...we go to bed about 12am (let her out right before bed) and she ends up waking up around 3am!!! This is SOOOOOOO draining when I am faced with a LONG 11 hour day in front of me...
So we have been letting her go outside at 3am (she will go potty but a VERY min amount of pee) We are STRICTLY business with her during these "potty breaks" and we are in and out ONLY to go potty.
I have gone through and read a lot of responses to other peoples puppy isses, therefore we are starting tonight with putting her food and water dish up 2 hours before bedtime and we will let her out RIGHT before we got to bed.
I usually do not like to stay up that late, but I am doing it for Maddie to try and tire her out...

Thank you so much!!!
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Congratulations on your new puppy! I recently brought home my new OES puppy who is almost 10 weeks old. I have two other Old English Sheepdogs, a Cavalier King Charles, and a Lab. I have found that putting the puppy in a crate at night gives her the security she needs at night. You are doing right by pulling her food up, although I feed on a schedule rather than free feeding. It helps you know when she will need to go out most of the time. My vet once told me that a puppy should be able to hold their urine for an hour for every month old that they are. However some can hold it longer and some not so long. You might try to divide your crate into two sections, one side with a potty pad in it and the other with the sleeping blanket. My puppy goes out about midnight for the last time and I usually wake up at 4 to let her out and then in the morning at 7 or 8. She can hold it without any problems, but all puppies are different. If your puppy whines in the crate a "sshhhhh" works wonders. I didn't divide the crate with this puppy because I don't work anymore and loss of sleep doesn't effect me as bad as if I did work. As she matures she will try harder not to soil her sleeping area and you will eventually be able to snuggle all night with her without any problems. When taking her out always use the same words like, "potty outside".
Good luck with your will be over before you know it :D
Puppies are like babies, they usually take awhile before sleeping through the night.
Hi and Welcome to Sheepiesurfer and Maddie May....

I have posted so many threads about this...Heart, my 8 month old OES has been getting me up a 4AM since she came...She has gotten better, she used to wake me at 2 too!!!! :lol: :lol:

When she was younger I would take her playing, no nothing...pee and back to bed!! I was afraid she couldn't hold it.

But now,I know she can so SHE may get up at 4:00 BUT I don't respond to her until about 4:45!!!

Good Luck...these are trying times for us :lol: :lol: :lol:
it gets easier honestly. Summer goes from about 12.30 until 6.30 now. Trouble is she grizzles if she needs to go out, and I am the only one who hears her. You are doing everything right it will just suddenly fall into place..
Sami was up every 3 hours, then every 4 etc, but at about 4 months stopped. Blue was much easier but I also had a doogie door by the time he was 3 1/2 months... husband also off work so he was always up late Blue use to put himself out around 2am then that was it for the nite... If David happen to be in bed, I would listen and he was always go pee at that time.. then I would lock the door for the nite... If it was nice he would go to sleep out by the door for an hour before coming in. We had to break him of that.... he would have been a great farm dog... loves it outside.
This is normal. Puppies are like babies, they have smaller bladders. When Chauncey was younger, when I heard him moving about in his crate, I got up to take him out. It started about 2x per night and each week improved. The effort you put into potty training now will pay off. When you hear her wake, take her out to do her business and right back in...DO NOT PLAY or even speak beyond pee/poop, she needs to know this is strickly business. As soon as she finishes bring her in & tuck her back in for the rest of the night. At this age if your only getting up once at 3am that's pretty good especially if shes not messing in her crate or house.
I would not recommend the puppy pads for a lg breed dog, esp in her crate, if your goal is to have her trained to only go outside.
Chauncey is our 1st OES, our previous dogs were black labs. Labs are very eger to please. We had our Jake totally house broken, without crate training in less than 2 weeks....but it took alot of dedication to associate outside with potty only at first. It also helped that it was this time of year and horrible weather, which actually helped alot.....This stage will be over soon....hang in there :D
my girls have been sleeping from midnight when thier last pee break is until 8am... sometimes 8:45, for the last 5 days. It feels like heaven to sleep this much! But they are 15 weeks old now. When i first got them at 8 weeks, they were peeing every hour or so! They say the longest your puppy can hold its pee is the number of months old it is, plus one. So if your puppy is six weeks old? She can only hold her urine less than 3 hours.

Something that will help is to pick up her water bowl; no water after 7:30 at night helps us ALOT; just until they are completely house broken.
She is very young to have left her mother too. Most breeders will not let them go until 8 weeks, and I think it is illegal in most states to do so. That being said, you may have interrupted sleep for a while. I got Nigel at 8 weeks, and the first few nights were horrible. I think 12 to 14 weeks and she will last longer, but you can't expect her to last all night now. She is basically like an infant, and they certainly don't sleep all night. Don't worry they grow so fast you will be past this stage before you know it. :wink:
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