LOST Season 4 Discussion

My husband was wanting more out of a first episode, and I felt it opened up several doors to the new season and enjoyed it.

It looked like Jack's dad sitting in the chair at Jacob's!!! Not sure though but I can look up the still photo somewhere. If it is, question is why would he be there and appear to Hurley.

Also, I couldn't get over how much ol Hurley had gained between seasons. Holy cow.
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Okay. So. I don't know. I guess it was weird to be watching the show again after such a long break or something, but it didn't captivate me as much as I had hoped. I thought it was a fairly good episode.
I expected more. I feel like after waiting for so long, we could've gotten a little further along in the plot. Some interesting things to look at in terms of easter eggs and such but, overall, I was pretty let down. My first reaction as soon as the LOST screen popped up at the end was, "Well, that was lame."
Here is a pic I found while googling:

I know it's supposed to be Jacob, but it sure looks like Jack's dad.

I was expecting more too, especially after hearing the the NY times gave it 4 stars. I do think it opened a lot of doors for the rest of the season.

I guess you heard Hurley say he was one of the "Oceantic 6" while he was being arrested by the cops. That was the biggest shocker for me.
Says "They need you"

All the reviews that I read have LOVED the episode. Maybe it will grow on me. I'm definitely glad to have it back though.
VerveUp wrote:
I guess you heard Hurley say he was one of the "Oceantic 6" while he was being arrested by the cops. That was the biggest shocker for me.

For me too!
Much better episode last night. Now they've got my attention again!
Well, me too. But I was expecting to find out more about the six who get off the island.
I want to know who the ghost was in that house. Seemed like it was possibly Walt's room or something??

The guy named Faraday seemed like the writers being clever. Faraday's law has to do with a strange amount of electromagnetism, which can apply to the island. The guy who came on the island said he was a physicist.
Joahaeyo wrote:
I want to know who the ghost was in that house. Seemed like it was possibly Walt's room or something??

The guy named Faraday seemed like the writers being clever. Faraday's law has to do with a strange amount of electromagnetism, which can apply to the island. The guy who came on the island said he was a physicist.

All the names have extra meaning:

Charlotte Staples Lewis-- C.S. Lewis

Minkowski: In physics and mathematics, Minkowski space (or Minkowski spacetime) is the mathematical setting in which Einstein's theory of special relativity is most conveniently formulated.

Miles Straume is a play on the word "maelstrom", which means a powerful whirlpool or a swirling mass of water.

Frank Lapidus's last name means "torches" or "candles." That's pretty vague though.
Yeah, I was much happier with last night's episode.

I don't think it was Walt's room--the grandma said that he was murdered...and I don't know if that fits...but maybe.
Interesting. I'm also curious how Naomi had Penelope and Desmond's photo and how they can claim to be there to save those on the flight when the two aren't connected or related. Nor are they connected with Dharma (assuming they're there for Ben because he killed all their people)??? I'm just confused now.
The whole episode started off weird for me since I couldn't stop telling my husband how unnatural it looked to see Sayid golfing.

Also noticed the dead girl and Naomi wearing the same bracelet. Looked for a screenshot and at least Naomi's bracelet says "N, I'll always be with you. RG" Who is RG?

The time difference thing was interesting. Electromagnetics go back and forth normally, but physical objects get dilated. Makes me further wonder if Michael and Walt made it back since they were also given EXACT headings to follow.

I saw the Sayid working for Ben thing coming.

It made me think that Ben may be in the coffin. He has hundreds of passports, so the name in the newspaper could have been fake. I don't know, I'm sure I'll change my mind several more times.
Holy Cow I'm confused. We kept asking questions to each other last night! I like Jack's story about the '8' that survived.

So does this mean Sawyer gets left with no girl at the end? Dies? Or maybe he ends up with the last girl he screwed over and had a kid with?
It was weird...so does Kate have Aaron, Claires baby?????????Not sure if I like all the flashes thou. And the chopper??? You know they make it because of the other flashes. Just weird.
We know four of the six now and one of them is Aaron? This is so confusing. Why does the cover story say only eight survived? Did everyone else stay on the island by choice? So, they let the world believe they died in the crash?

Just more questions....
We know 5 of the six-- Jack, Hurley, Kate, Sayid and Aaron.

I knew as soon as she mentioned her son in the courtroom that it was Aaron. I only brag about it because I normally guess these things incorrectly, lol. I wonder if Jack now knows that Aaron is his nephew and that's why he doesn't want to see him?
I just couldn't remember Kate thinking she was pregnant earlier. I couldn't remember that from past episodes. I know it was speculated that she was going to get pregnant, but I didn't remember anyone actually talking about it.

I just wanna know what happens so that Kate becomes Aaron's mom!
Maybe Aaron isn't one of them since he wasn't someone who was counted as part of the original crew. Or I guess he is?
I was completely in shock when she said Hello to Aaron! 8O
I was almost 100% sure it was Sawyer's baby.
But it makes sense why Kate wouldn't allow her Mom to meet him.
Right when you get the feeling they will show the baby (show keeps continuing and you end up at that house) ...I knew it was going to be Aaron esp after they made a point to say she knew she wasn't preggers last time Sawyer and her boinked.

I just want to know whose bed everyone winds up in at the very end. Like what about Juliet who is in love with Jack? Everyone gets screwed. Poor Hurley couldn't even get any action. Not that I should complain b/c my only wish in this show is that Jack and Kate live happily ever after. I hate Juliet going after hottie Jack (although he wasn't looking so good last night ...neither was cleaned up version of Kate).
I thought cleaned up Kate looked good with the sunglasses on coming out of the car in the beginning, but yeah, after that not so much. I mean, better than dirty island Kate though!

Yeah, I knew it wasn't Sawyer's baby when Kate told him she wasn't pg and then wouldn't go all the way with him.

Aaron didn't look to happy to see Kate though :lol:
VERY FAR-FETCHED, but some people are wondering if Claire's ex-boyfriend (father of Aaron) is related to Ben. Making Ben the grandfather. Making Jack not want anything to do with Aaron. I guess they see a resemblance.


Again, not sure why he would be brought back into the storyline, but just sharing one of the many theories out there.
I do find the existence of Aaron off the island confusing as far the the Oceanic 6 are concerned. Technically he was on the plane, but he wasn't a manifested passenger. Also, when Jack was testifying he said 8 people survived the crash, but that 2 died. Technically, Aaron couldn't have been counted as part of the 8...so how could he be part of the 6?

I'm sure the producers/writers are doing this on purpose...to keep the mystery of the Oceanic 6 on everyone's minds. :twisted:
i havent watched it since the first season so i am really ''lost'' ..get it hahaha....anyway, i digress....

my question is this...what the heck was that invisible thing-a-ma-bober that was attacking everyone.....
We're not sure.

by Trish Wethman

Episode Recap: Eggtown
This show gets me every single time. I don’t know if I am in the minority on this or not, but I didn’t see the Kate/Aaron twist coming at all. I thought for sure that the baby was Sawyer’s and that Kate would walk into that bedroom and call him James. I gasped when she said Aaron—literally gasped! I thought that we would learn the reason that Kate decided to leave the island was because she lied to Sawyer about being pregnant and knew that the only way to save the baby (and herself) was to leave. I think it is safe to say that we can count Aaron as one of the Oceanic Six. So what does that leave us with, you ask? A boat-load (or rather, a freighter-load) of questions, as usual. And yet, instead of being completely frustrated, I am riveted.

At first glance, as Locke prepared breakfast for his hostage, I thought that we were being introduced to the next “survivor.” I’m sure most eager fans have already identified the novel that John grabbed off the shelf as Philip K. Dick’s 1981 science fiction novel VALIS (an acronym standing for Vast Active Living Intelligence System). Click here for a link to the author’s site and a summary of the book. Based on the quick research I did, there are some interesting parallels to be drawn.

Overall, the flash-forwards tonight were not as compelling as I hoped they would be based on the previews with Kate in a sea of paparazzi. However, I am glad that we got a solid explanation about how she was able to walk away from a murder rap. It would have been harder to swallow if she got off the island and all was simply forgiven as a result of the notoriety. (To all my fellow Big Love fans, Kate’s attorney was played by Shawn Doyle, Bill’s reluctant-polygamist brother Joey.)

Back on the island, Kate was up to her old tricks, mixing it up with Sawyer and defying Locke’s orders. Getting Miles some face time with Ben resulted in an awkward extortion attempt—for the strangely specific amount of $3.2 million in cash, Miles agreed to mislead his employer into believing that Ben is already dead. However, Miles ended up with the short end of the stick as John went to some rather extreme measures to keep him from talking. (Yes, I would say that a live grenade is an excellent incentive to keep your mouth shut.)

As for last week’s island escapees, Jack and the gang on the beach waited impatiently for word from Sayid and Desmond. However, nearly a day after their departure, no response had come from the freighter. When Charlotte finally gave up the secret, “emergency” number, the woman on the other end of the line had no information about the helicopter or its occupants. So, is this another example of the island's apparent time distortions or has something terrible happened to the chopper?

Future Jack’s trial testimony was definitely revealing and certainly provided a window into what the world knows (and doesn’t know) about the Oceanic Six. In his testimony, Jack stated, “Only eight of us survived the crash.” (By the way, if six made it off the island, who are the two that allegedly died between the time of the crash and the rescue in this fairy tale?) He went on to sing Kate’s praises as a hero/savior in what really was more an account of how he had taken control of the situation. It is now confirmed that the Oceanic Six lied when they returned. But why? Did Locke’s group swear them to secrecy or is this a decision they make on their own to conceal the truth? I am certainly more understanding of why Jack devolves into an alcoholic, drug-popping mess and Hurley ends up in an asylum.

Why is Jack avoiding Aaron? Well, we know that Claire and Jack have a father in common. Or at least it appeared that way in the Claire-centric flashback (I am learning to take nothing for granted in the Lost universe.) But Jack has not yet learned of his connection to Claire in island time. Does future Jack know that Claire is his sister? Based on Claire’s fierce maternal instincts, as well as the warning she had previously received from the psychic, it is difficult to believe she would have willingly handed Aaron over while remaining behind on the island. So does Claire die? And if so, does Jack learn his connection to her at some point? And if he does, is Jack’s reluctance coming from his grief over Claire or guilt that he couldn’t help her or both? As I type this, my head is reeling from all the possible places the story could be going. It is why I say over and over again, I love this show.

Some other fun/interesting tidbits from tonight:
—Josh Holloway's scrumptious Sawyer, shirtless in multiple scenes (always a welcome sight), flirting with Kate and back to calling her Freckles.
—Locke, in response to Ben saying he had already read the book he selected: "You might catch something you missed the second time around." (It might just be me, but I felt like it was a wink to the fans to keep looking for clues.)
—Hurley getting “Scooby Doo’d” by Kate.
—Hurley and Sawyer as the next generation Odd Couple
—Jin, on the beach with Sun, explaining why he learned English
—Box o’wine and Xanadu? This island truly is a paradise!

If the previews are any indication, next week promises to be even more exciting than tonight. In the meantime, check out the Online Video Guide for more Lost clips and previews. And of course, keep the comments coming!

Posted by Trish Wethman 02/21/08 11:35 PM
I'm so LOST... 8O
BTW, I laughed at Hurley's scooby doo comment to Kate :lol:

Random, but I guess about 30 babies play Aaron (boy and girl) each season.
Here's the revised episode schedule. Not a bad gap :yay:

Episode 5: Feb. 28
Episode 6: March 6
Episode 7: March 13
Episode 8: March 20
Episode 9: April 24
Episode 10: May 1
Episode 11: May 8
Episode 12: May 15
Episode 13: May 22 (season finale)
Nope, not too bad at all! I still wish they'd give us those 3 extra episodes though!
I'd rather just get them all in a row instead of waiting a month in between. I hate those gaps.
How awesome was last night's episode? Things are finally coming together!
I'm going to have to go online & watch it and get back to you. I fell asleep and haven't seen the ending yet. :lol: The time travel thing is interesting though. It makes the scene where Desmond & Charlie met in England a few years ago make more sense now.
I fell asleep the second it began... didn't even feel myself dosing off :( I'm so bummed.
Yeah, last night's episode was awesome. I wasn't quite sure when they started bringing in all the time travel stuff, but the way they are doing it (at least so far) seems to be good!

And Desmond cleans up quite nicely!
Desmond is HOT!!! Last night's episode was fantastic! I really need to get TIVO though.
I've always thought he was hot, too. That accent does me in. 8)
Ick. He looked terrible to me with a cleancut haircut. This is from someone who hates long hair "most" of the time and thinks anyone with a military type haircut is generally hot.

....just not in desmond's case. Someone tell him to grow his hair back, quick. :P

Anyway, I was reading comments about the show at another place and someone was wondering who will help desmond, sayid, and crazy dude get out of sick bay. Someone guessed Michael. I thought that was a definite possibility!!!

Also that it may explain why Faraday had a caregiver when he was watching the tv and had that breakdown. ...because he keeps collapsing or because he seems insane.

...and that if Locke left the island, he would have the same problem as Desmond due to his exposure to the same electromagnetics

I watched all but the last 15 minutes of the episode. Husband came home and said he wanted to watch it with me right before the new episode this upcoming thursday. So, I turned off what I hear was the best part of the show.
Last night's episode was interesting, too. So, it isn't Penny's boat, per se, but her dad's. :lmt: Wonder how he knows about Ben and what is behind that animosity. :lmt: Who is Ben's contact on the boat? :lmt:
It makes sense that Penny's dad sponsors the around the world boat race every year....he wants people to stumble upon the island so he can find it. I wouldn't be surprised if he had tracking devices in every boat or at least access to their gps stuff :lmt:
I really liked last night's episode. I like when they focus more on the characters than the crazy supernatural or time travel stuff. Like I just found it was so interesting the relationship Ben and Juliet had and how he still had power over her and how the freighter people and the island people were interacting.
I hated that it was only 30 minutes into the show when they started to tease us about who Ben has on the boat helping him. I was excited and expected an answer, but of course... it was like watching a day time soap. all the time in the world to tell you the answer but instead they skip around it and don't move ahead anywhere until the next episode :(

I want to think it's Michael, but that's too obvious from Ben telling Locke to sit down b/c it's going to blow him away. ...and where would that leave Walt. He's a single dad. Who would be taking care of Walt... anyway
I was thinking Sayid or Desmond. I'm starting to get tired of the show dragging. Lost is about to lose me.
Lost is about to lose me.

Mr. J said that last night and I almost brought out divorce papers. The fact he will continue to watch it with me is what saved him. ........and our marriage. :twisted:
I was thinking it'd be Michael too, but that does seem rather obvious, but who knows.

I thought it was dragging more last season than this season. This season it might be prolonging things, but it seems like things are moving in a forward direction.

And Kate bugs me. I don't know why. It's like she somehow knows how to expertly track people through the jungle, but then she's dumb enough to turn her back on Charlotte and get knocked out.
sooooo who else can be on the boat.... THAT Ben AND Locke knows????? Who died but may still be alive??
WCLARKE wrote:
I was thinking Sayid or Desmond. I'm starting to get tired of the show dragging. Lost is about to lose me.

If he had someone on the boat "already" spying for him, it wouldn't be sayid or desmond as they've been on the island. I don't know, and you could be right, but that's just what I'd think.

We know Sayid eventually works for him, but not necessarily presently.
barney1 wrote:
I was thinking it'd be Michael too, but that does seem rather obvious, but who knows.

I thought it was dragging more last season than this season. This season it might be prolonging things, but it seems like things are moving in a forward direction.

And Kate bugs me. I don't know why. It's like she somehow knows how to expertly track people through the jungle, but then she's dumb enough to turn her back on Charlotte and get knocked out.

I agree on all counts. Look at all the typing you've saved me!
I thought the same thing about Kate last night. It was just stupid to let her get knocked out - poor writing. :twisted:
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
I thought the same thing about Kate last night. It was just stupid to let her get knocked out - poor writing. :twisted:

I totally agree...if she was suspicious of them why would she ever turn her back :roll: She should have known something was wrong, because there is no way that Jack and Co. would ever let them wander off on their own.
Glad I could help, Jill 8)
Well, Joah, your theories were spot on for who dies and who is the spy on the boat. :D

Now, do we know all of the Oceanic Six?
Sun, Hurley, Jack, Kate, Aaron and ? who else? :?
I totally didn't see the Jin/Sun hospital thing coming.

Did Michael recognize Sayid? Obviously Sayid recognized him, but I couldn't tell if Michael didn't or if he was 'undercover' and acting like he didn't.

And I must say, as a pregnant person, I really liked Sun's top before she went to the hospital!
LOL...Steph...you'll have to find out where they shop for the clothes on this show. :lol:

I thought the Jin scene was a flashback and the Sun scene was a flash forward. :?

I think Michael is undercover and acting like he doesn't recognize Sayid. He would not have known Desmond - right? :?
Michael knows everything-- he's Ben's man on the boat. Did you hear Ben say (in the preview for next week) "A man will do anything to save his son." Michael's a jerk. He'd agree to anything. I hope they throw him overboard. I'd love it if they also found a way to get rid of Jack, too...

I want to know where Ben got 324 bodies!
See, I knew Michael was working for Ben and figured Walt was being held captive or whatever, I just didn't know if maybe Ben had sent Michael on a different timeline to the boat so he'd know Ben but not remember the oceanic people.

I don't know where Ben would get all those bodies. The only thing I could think of is that somehow the babies born on the island can mature to adulthood faster, so he just used them for that purpose.
Oh, and what was up with the out of it girl who was reading the book upside down then jumped off the boat?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Well, Joah, your theories were spot on for who dies and who is the spy on the boat. :D

Now, do we know all of the Oceanic Six?
Sun, Hurley, Jack, Kate, Aaron and ? who else? :?

I don't believe Aaron is one of the 6. I still think it's Jin. Though the year of the Dragon is 2000 which makes his scenes "flashbacks" ...Sun still went to a fake or real grave for Jin. A fetus in a stomach didn't seem to me as one of the original passengers, but I don't know... this is just what I think. I'm not buying that he's dead.

Although I don't know why Jin's grave said 2004 and that Hurley was the only one who visited (and why did he say he was glad no one else came)

Mr. J has finally dropped lost :( He says it's boring and is genuinely not interested.
Jin's grave said 2004 because that's when the plane crashed, or at least I'm assuming that's why it said 2004.
My theory on the 324 bodies is the people he mass murdered on the island from the original Darma project. :lmt:

Why do you think that Jin doesn't really die? :?

So Mr J is officially out of the Lost fan club? :( I'm still interested. I think they're finally moving forward again this season. :)
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
My theory on the 324 bodies is the people he mass murdered on the island from the original Darma project. :lmt:

Why do you think that Jin doesn't really die? :?

So Mr J is officially out of the Lost fan club? :( I'm still interested. I think they're finally moving forward again this season. :)

But remember the big bone pit that Locke fell into when Ben shot him? Those were the Dharma bodies. And Roger Workman? I get the feeling the Dharma extermination happened long enough ago that the bodies would've disintegrated unless there was a special Dharma body cold storage somewhere.

The more I think about it, the more I think maybe Ben didn't have anything to do with the bodies.
I was wondering also if Ben did not know about the bodies also.
Do you think maybe Whitmore is behind the whole thing? Is he connected to Dharma?
I thought they stated last night that it was him who staged those bodies?
Joahaeyo wrote:
I thought they stated last night that it was him who staged those bodies?

They did say it was him....but that could be an assumption on their part. Although...he seems to have the best motivation to make a fake crash sight.
That's what the captain said.... but what is true these days???? Who are we to believe?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Do you think maybe Whitmore is behind the whole thing? Is he connected to Dharma?

I'm pretty sure he's not connected to Dharma. I think he is looking for the island for his own reasons. I think that is why he sponsors the round the world boat race every year....hoping someone will find it. That is why he bid on the diary of the Black Rock's first mate at the auction...hoping it would have clues to the island.

If he had staged the fake crash he wouldn't have had to spend considerable money to obtain the fake black box.
Spoliers for next episode: sneak peak on youtube

meet kevin johnson


Courtesy of: SPOILERFIX

Episode 4.08: Meet Kevin Johnson (Michael-centric) [Last episode completed before the writers' strike]
Airdate: March 20, 2008

* 03/17 - The current print edition of TV Guide (March 10-16) drops some spoilers regarding what's to come in Lost's late season: we may learn in the March 20 episode (4.08, Meet Kevin Johnson) whether Michael ever reached the mainland, if he's come back to rescue the other survivors, whether he went home. Source: DocArzt's Lost Blog
* 03/12 - Walt does appear in episode eight, but 100-percent-trustworthy sources tell me that during his blink-of-an-eye appearance, "He is exactly the size that a nine-year-old should be." Source: Kristin on E!Online
Confirmation Aaron I guess was the 6th person:

http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2008/03/con ... nic-6.html

Big "possible" spoiler about who dies although could be very false:

On Lost website they have two sneak peaks for next week's episode that are different than the previews. One of them has Michael telling Sayid that he's "there to die." Why would Michael want to die? Is it b/c Walt is dead & gone forever (except the occasional Locke hallucination)? No clue, just thought I'd share.
Between this thread, the spoiler thread, and the big brother discussion and spoiler thread.... I'm getting so confused and have been posting info on the wrong threads!

Anyway, to confuse things more

Source: Michael Ausiello, TV Guide
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

For further (NON) clarification regarding whether Aaron is one of the Oceanic Six...

Question: Who the heck are the Oceanic Six? If Aaron's not one of them, and Jin's grave marker is for his "supposed" death when the plane crashed, who else made it off the island with Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid and Sun?

Ausiello: Who said Aaron is not one of the Oceanic Six? Certainly not me. Take another look at my asterisk quiz from Feb. 27 and consider all of the possible combinations. In the meantime, don't expect a definitive answer about the Six from Team Darlton. Carlton Cuse tells me they're "not going public with any further clarifications right now." And what of the ABC promo that promised viewers they'd know the identity of the Six by the end of last week's episode? "We don't determine how ABC promotes the show," says Cuse. "But Damon and I will say you have now seen all of the Oceanic Six in this season's episodes."
I was wondering what you were doing. I had to stop and think.
So...what'd we think of last night's episode?

Who shot Rousseau and Carl? Will they abduct Alex or will she be free to go?

Michael is annoying.

Loved the scene with Arturo.

Loved Ben saying that Michael is now one of the good guys.
I liked it...nice to see Michael back again. Be interested in knowing whether the captain knew who he was before Sayid turned him in. I would think they would have done much better background checks. Atleast know what the potential survivors looked like.
I actually wanted more from this break episode. Learning more about "kevin johnson" was also not interesting. I think it's odd that his son isn't talking to him b/c of what he did. That's just me though. The island being so strange should have been enough of a reason.

I read the below and became very curious to what the answer will be to who or what the two skeletons are from. Would be weird if it was Kate and Jack and some sort of time traveling reasoning.


* In an EW.com article, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse answered the fan question, "What is the meaning or significance of the two skeletons that Jack and Kate found in the cave of season 1?"
CUSE: The answer to that question goes to the nature of the timeline of the Island. We don't want to say too much about it, but there are a couple Easter eggs embedded in "Not in Portland", one of which is an anagram that actually sheds some light on the skeletons and hints at a larger mythological mystery that will start to unfold later in the season.
LINDELOF: There were certain things we knew from the very beginning. Independent of ever knowing when the end was going to be, we knew what it was going to be, and we wanted to start setting it up as early as season 1, or else people would think that we were making it up as we were going along. So the skeletons are the living—or, I guess, slowly decomposing—proof of that. When all is said and done, people are going to point to the skeletons and say, "That is proof that from the very beginning, they always knew that they were going to do this."
o In the Official Lost Podcast transcript/February 12, 2007, Damon and Carlton confirmed that the anagram was Mittelos-Lost Time.
Hmmm, interesting!

It's so funny how some of the side stories are more interesting than others. Like I didn't mind the Desmond-centered stories, or the Sun-centered story, but the Michael one wasn't interesting to me, and some other ones.
I find the Michael storyline interesting. If only to show the "reach" of Ben and what he is willing to do.

I don't know who really set up the fake 815 plane, but I thought it rather naive of Michael to believe that Widmore did it based on photographs that prove nothing.
I do not understand this show.... :?
This is a show that I've needed the help of my friends (their interpretations and what they catch on dvr when paused) to fully understand ...and even then there are so many twists, turns, and story developments that I forget what I learned the week before. This is also what has made the show so much fun.
buy the dvd's and when you are sick in bed.... you put it in and start with the first one.... you will be amazed at what you forgot. :D
TVGuide said they may extend the season by an episode!! We'd get 14 of the originally planned 16 episodes rather than 13.

Minor spoilers but great article

TV Guide confirms the original 2 hour finale has been extended into a 3 hour finale! Starts this week!
i know that almost every year when the season is over i can sit and watch season one epoisoid one, all the way to present ALL over again.... i notice sometimes i miss one show and give up on the whole season!! wait for DVDs. i swear its my new christmas present to ppl who don't watch - they say they can't handle missing a show so if you start them on season one, they'll be occupied for a while. i swear to god when i first started my roomie thought i was on drugs or something bc i watched the whole seaon start to finish in one sitting....lol...bugging out for hours!!!! its an addiction i swear!!
you sound like my teenage daughter. Watched 2 seasons when she had the flu.
So I really liked last night's episode. I thought it moved along really well and had some good info. I LOVE Ben. I just think he's an awesome character. I mean, he looks like such a wuss, but then when he's in the desert with those 2 men on horseback and he takes them both out? He's awesome. And that smirk he gave after Sayid 'volunteered' to work with him. 8)
Last night's episode definitely pulled Mr. J back in!!!!!!!! We were playing scrabble and he couldn't even look down at the board because he was so enthralled by the episode!

So the question is who gets where first? Ben to Penelope? Widmore to the island? Or maybe Sayid kills Ben so Penelope and Desmond can live happily ever after? Were Ben and Widmore partners and this is some big game of Risk? ...as said in last nights episode "Australia is the key to the game"

Nice to see how Sayid was recruited ...or recruited himself.

Best closeup of the smoke monster. We were at the edge of our seats wondering if Sawyer or Claire were going to die this episode.

Will watch online some time today.
Neener Neener Neener... I'm so glad he proposed. Although who knows what the future holds with the warning that he shouldn't be raising Aaron. I want them together so bad. Sawyer belongs w/the girl who loves him the most (last con) and w/his kiddo.

Still curious who is going to die! I feel so teased in the episodes with these "almost deaths"
What do you think happened that only six of them leave the island? Do you think the others live, but choose to stay there?
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
What do you think happened that only six of them leave the island? Do you think the others live, but choose to stay there?

For the first time, I started wondering if the Oceanic 6 were the ones that were actually dead and the others lived.
Well, after that scene with Jack & Hurley, that's a good possibility.
I have no idea! I go back and forth on my 'theories' of what is happening, between death and alternate realities and time/space continuums and all that. So I've stopped guessing for the moment!

I think I don't like Jack and Kate together because her teeth bother me. They're like smokers teeth or something.
John Locke and his stories for some reason just don't interest me. I couldn't get into last night's episode very well (although it could have been because they were interrupting it every 4 minutes with storm warnings :evil: )

I thought Claire was awesome in the the cabin. Just the way she was acting was so intriguing.

It is an interesting dynamic between Locke and Ben.

Was the guy who came to visit young John the guy who recruited Juliet?
barney1 wrote:
Was the guy who came to visit young John the guy who recruited Juliet?
Yes, the ageless guy.
Wasn't the guy in the cabin, Christian, Jack & Claire's dad? :?

Move the island? :o
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Wasn't the guy in the cabin, Christian, Jack & Claire's dad? :?

Move the island? :o

Yes, that was Christian Shepherd.
I was also interested in how they would "move the island".
ahh this damn show!!! i''m lost!!! i missed a couple episoids but caught up on the internet (prasise the internet!) and now all this stuff is coming back into play and i don't remember it all..... like "ageless guy" who visiting young john locke... remember he also gave that file to john before about his dad?? WHO IS THIS GUY!!!! i forget to much stuff!!! i'm officially trying to buy season 1-3 and will re-watch them all again just to get caught up! again... lol
He's the same guy who recruited Julia.
What? No comments on last night's episode??

Does the ship blow up??
I can't wait to see what's in the Orchid!

It would seem so obvious if the ship blew up, and how would Sun and Aaron survive since they're still on the ship? I'd imagine it'd be hard to tread water carrying an infant.

I was glad to see the Others again. I keep forgetting that they're still around.

Cheech makes me happy in whatever role he's in, so I'm glad he was in the episode (you all like my deep observations!)
This was the worst season finale of all the seasons! Mr. J fell asleep and has officially dropped the show! :(

Wasn't as suspenseful or shocking. Their big climaxes were predictable and let downs :(

1. The big kiss - sucked however for the first time I felt sorry for Sawyer always having to play second to Kate despite his deep love for her. This is coming from a Jack only fan, but it does look like him and Juliet may be doing it in the future?? How did he get back to the island w/o barely breaking a sweat (didn't seem overly tired)

2. I've always liked the penny and desmond story but there was no build up to their reunion. Usually I have goosebumps when they have their big moments, but I just didn't "feel it" this time. Not sure how they would have improved that, but big let down.

3. I did like the Asian guy who can see ghosts revealing that the red head girl had previously been on the island.

4. How Ben went about moving the island was a bit "much" and laughable.

5. Felt bad for Jin. Should have been Sun.

6. Locke didn't look the same as he normally does but I assume it was from makeup. Will he miraculously come back to life when brought back to the island?

Being a mommy, I couldn't help but wonder how the hell is Aaron being fed? Not like they keep Similac on hand and Kate ain't bf'ing. ...and while we're on the subject, jeez Claire looked like she packed on the pounds.
Not that it's not possible Jin survived and everyone on Faraday's boat.
EW's recap:

a couple words about Jeremy Bentham, another classic loaded Lost name. Bentham was a 19th-century philosopher associated with utilitarianism and liberalism. He also designed the ''panopticon,'' a cylindrical-shaped prison that requires minimal security and facilitates intense paranoia. He was also buried in a bizarre box designed for public display called an ''auto-icon.'' Bizarre. Clearly, one must consider comparing and contrasting philosopher John Locke to philosopher Jeremy Bentham, but one should consider those things when one is not falling asleep at his computer at midnight.

More interesting to casual Lost fans is this: The name Jeremy Bentham all but confirms as legit the obit text that has circulated throughout fandom since last year. There are many more curious details in this notice — including the suggestion of suicide that was raised by Sayid later in the episode
Alternate Ending and who else could have been in coffin

http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/20 ... dings.html
Joahaeyo wrote:
..and while we're on the subject, jeez Claire looked like she packed on the pounds.

Geez Jo, you're tough! :wink: But I still love your new avatar.

I liked the finale - thought it moved along nicely and it still has me puzzled as usual.

My questions, and sorry if I don't have their names right:
How did Locke's name become Jeremy Bentmir, or whatever it was? And I thought he was never leaving.

Curious what Sun is doing with Mr Whitmore

Even though it was cheesy with Ben at the steering wheel, loved seeing the island disappear.

They were playing the phone call that Kate received in her dream backwards on the radio this morning. It said something like "the island needs you go back".

Liked that Sawyer jumped ship, a move totally fitting his character.
She by NO MEANS is fat :lol: ...............but from whenever they filmed the episodes for this season and the break before finishing the finale, she packed on 20lbs EASILY. That's a lot for a short period of time!

My wild guess on Locke is he realizes he NEEDS the O6 back, so he goes back himself as an alias to not draw attn to him since he is one of the original passengers. I really feel he'll be alive again once he returns though or else he would die the failure he was born as ...and it just didn't seem where that character was going with him.

Sun said she was going after two people.. I'm assuming her father? ...and Jack??????? Jack said to Ben at the end that Sun doesn't like him because of what he caused with Jin. I hope he survived the explosion by somehow ending up on faraday's boat ...or something. Still not sure how they get back to the island that has moved.

I also wonder what this will mean for Desmond once Widmore finds out!

Still not 100% Claire is dead even though she's come back as a ghost. Husband mentioned Walt came back as a ghost but is still alive. He also wondered why Locke didn't put on the heart monitor as his heart started to slow down to prevent the ship from exploding. He kept screaming it. :lol: Then I saw a few other people mention the same thing today.
I thought it was an excellent finale-- probably the best one that they've had so far. I liked that it knitted back a lot of pieces that got left off before and there was plenty of action.

I'm very interested in all the glyphs on the wall in the ice chamber, which were similar to the countdown glyphs.
I HATE people who think everything is about race. Note that Rose got to be reunited with her husband. :twisted:

TV Guide: Were you disappointed Michael and Walt didn't reconnect before your character died?

Perrineau (Michael): Listen, if I'm being really candid, there are all these questions about how they respond to black people on the show. Sayid gets to meet Nadia again, and Desmond and Penny hook up again, but a little black boy and his father hooking up, that wasn't interesting? Instead, Walt just winds up being another fatherless child. It plays into a really big, weird stereotype and, being a black person myself, that wasn't so interesting.

[Responds Cuse: "We pride ourselves on having a very racially diverse cast. It's painful when any actor's storyline ends on the show. Harold is a fantastic actor whose presence added enormously to Lost."]

He's just mad because they got rid of him twice now, lol.
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