Cooking my own dog food

I am going to start cooking B's dog food. The vet said to use portions of 40% meat, 40% veggies and 20% rice .
B weighs 50 lbs, 14 years old,and not active.
Would someone help me?i would like to only cook once a week and store the rest. I usually only feed her at night.
Thank you
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I'd suggest subscribing to Whole Dog Journal. They've done a lot of articles on home cooking since the pet food tainting last year and, if you subscribe, I believe you have access to back issues online. Check first though before taking my word, just to make sure!
I can't help with the food-- but I am certainly glad to hear from you. HOW IS B????

I cooked Shaggy's food for aprox 6 years when she was ill with an Auto Immune Disorder. The results were so amazing the vet said whatever I was doing to keep it up as not too many dogs recovered. I kept it up until she passed at age 15 1/2. My other dog Blue, just celebrated his 19th birthday today and I think while it's part genetics , natural food has also played a part.

Visiting the local library or investing in a good book of your own is the way to go. (Too many things to list) However , I was a bit opposite of what your vet suggested..added more beta carotene veggies to the food than equal amounts of meat. So more of a 60-75 % veggies ratio. I also added pasta sometimes. Dogs can actually be vegetarians while it's impossible for cats as they need Taurine in their system to stay alive and a veggie diet would be fatal for them.

A meal which I cooked would have been something like this.
Boiled chicken , using the same water I would throw in veggies, sweet potatoes are a must as they have 8 times the recommended dose of vit C in a serving!! (Regular potatoes don't) a bit of carrots, tiny bit of brocholi, and whatever else I happened to have on hand. I would then let it cool remove all the meat from the chicken and then mix it back up with the chicken broth and veggie mixture. Kinda like a thick chicken soup.

Sometimes I would pour this over kibbles or serve the entire mixture just as is.

Blue and my boys also recieve a fresh carrot daily which they've grown to love just as much as a tasty treat. Apples with no seeds (seeds are poisonous) a handfull of blueberries, celery, or whatever else they develope a taste for.

It seems a lot to remember but try to think in terms of a healthy balanced diet just as a person would have.

Organ meat is said to be very beneficial - heart,kidney liver, full of vit but also be careful to give sparingly as it may also be the store for toxins. Instead of using chicken sometimes I would use the organ meats.

Small amounts given over kibbles can perhaps be a way of introducing the new diet and slowing adding more daily to not upset the stomach. I actually like keeping kibbles in the diet a little bit as it's good for their teeth.
Soup bones with marrow for treats is pretty good too. Once my boys finish the marrow I usually retrieve the bones and use them as natural kongs and stuff the middles with peanut butter.

I personally think it's worth a visit to a holistic type vet or people doctor and also ask about vitamins that can be added and suggestions for a healthy diet. Shaggy's blood platlete count was a mere 10 (near death) and after 3 weeks of the diet and 3 types of natural immune booster vitamins her blood plalete count soared to 200. (a dogs should be around 185). That's when the vet said whatever you're doing it's working..keep it up. I originally created her diet from books I read in the library as her Immune Deficiency Thrombocytopenia is similar to cancer in some ways.

With a few adjustments as I mentioned she was on that diet for the duration of her life. Sometimes "people food" isn't all that bad!

Sending belly rubs to B!

Good luck to you!

Thank you everyone, I will write more later but we found B Saturday morning at dawn that she had crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.
I am so sorry! :cry:
She did live a long life and is now at peace.
You have my deepest sympathy.
Oh no...I am really sorry to hear this sad news.
My thoughts are with you.
We are just sitting here talking about B, our memories,crying in a quite and still house.
We honestly don't know what to do
Oh No! I'm so sorry to hear of B's passing and the grief you must be going through right now.

Please do me a favor - tell us about her in the Rainbow Bridge. We're all here to offer support and sharing her with us eases the grief somewhat. You are amongst friends.

Writing on that forum is difficult and the tears with flow but you will also be comforted by many who know or can relate you to your pain.

Hugs to you
Oh my goodness ~I am so sorry for your loss. :cry:

I'm so sorry that you've lost B. I know that "what should we do" feeling -- we wound up at a pizza place and stuffed a pizza down our throats. It kind of helped.

It took me I think 6 months before I could publish a memorial for our guy. Take your time and tell us your memories when you can.
I'm so sorry! I'm bawling my eyes out. I was remembering all your posts and all that you had done for her. You really tried so hard to give her a good life and she was very lucky to have you! The fact she lived so long in spite of challenges says a lot I believe for how much she loved you and was a strong willed girl.

When we lost Katrina, my good friend took me to the movies. It was just good to stay busy. We also had a funeral for her and yes actually people attended and that helped a lot. But still 6 years later not really a day goes by that she is not thought of.

If you could post in the rainbow bridge probably more people would see the post that would want to offer you their condolences. Not everyone seems to visit this section. I still can't post for Katrina, even though I've written pages for her. It seems there are just no words to do her justice.

I wish you much peace right now.
Hi Again,

Just to let you know you've been in my thoughts.

Ron is correct regarding taking your time. When Shaggy passed I could only write a line to inform the members. It was at a later date that I could even talk or write about it and then share my memories of her.

You were a wonderful mom and there's no doubt that B knew she was in loving hands and was dearly loved.

Oh dear. :( I am so sorry for your loss. :(
I am so sorry for your loss............Kathy
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