Substitute Teachers?

Is anyone on here a substitute teacher? I am and am having great difficulty adjusting to the lifestyle...
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I worked a sa substitute for years when the kids were younger. WHat bothers you about the lifetsyle - other than the uncertainty, lack of respect and need to be able to adjust at a moments notice?
Well you pretty much have it bang on!!
I'm the type who needs to know what's going on in advance. I don't mind the work too much if I get scheduled before-hand, but the "drop everything and come right now" thing is NOT my style. I shouldn't be complaining - I don't have children yet, I'm only 24, and don't have much going on, but I just don't like the sponanteity of it. Will I earn $200 or $2000 this month? Who knows.... :x
its definitely not a job for someone trying to keep the wolf fromt he door so to speak. You have to be very adaptable and go with the flow.

Once you get established in a district it is a little less unsure but it is a temporary "pick up" job.

Now - I work 9-5 or when ever now and do miss the free days. If I could have that schedule and my current pay check .... :twisted:
Yes, the days off are nice. If I could just get a solid 2-3 days of work (scheduled in advance) a week that would be great, but I know there is no such thing, really, and I guess most people would argue that there's no such thing as a perfect job at all, so....
I'm not, but 2 of my good friends are.

One does it for just 2 small rural school districts, so she has some continuity. She is older - near retirement age, but for the 20 yrs I have known her, she has always subbed. I know she did regular teaching before, though. Her husband is now retired, so I'm sure she will never stop subbing (Duane is kind of...whiny??!)

The other subs for just one district. She also has regular hours as a PCA at the hospital I work at. She really picks up a lot of sub hours, though. She has said she would love a FT opening in teaching, but none so far.

Subbing would be so difficult - for those reasons already mentioned. Good luck, Mel. :D
Bring the dog
OH wouldn't I love to?!?!?!?!?! That would make the day a lot easier. Although I foresee a lot of...:
"Tucker, off! Drop it! What do you have? Give me the crayon!"

Child: "Miss D....the puppy ate my sandwich!!!! Awweee..Booooo"
Me: "He didn't eat your sandwich, John, you dropped it. Now where is the dog? Tucker? Tucker?

Child: "Miss D....Tucker is in the kindergarten room again and he's licking all their faces!"

Ok so maybe it wouldn't be easier. Unless we're all outside, then maybe? Let's see if the Board will go for it :D
This school district hired me as a science teacher, then told me I wouldn't get a class for 2 months. They used me as a sub and co-teacher for those two months.
Talk about no respect. Subbing in an inner city high school isn't for the faint of heart!
Still I am considering just subbing from now on. When I got my classroom, they did not have an established curriculum and have me teaching two core classes with labs. What really bites is when their parole officers call them out of class. The rest of the class wants to leave with them, sigh. None of them seem to love science much.
what grades do you sub? I find the grade 7 and 8 worst, Pre teens are the worst. I am not a sub.... BUT my kids do not know I am listening when they are talking to each other :lol: The older grades here I think smell fear or know when the subs do not have info on what to do... made some cry and leave and never come back(male to boot) he actually became a correctional officer and now watches inmates, he said it was easier... you can lock them up for bad behaviour :lol: teenages can be hell and half. Now the young ones are just fun.
I have been teaching for 13 years now and I would not be where I am if I hadn't subbed first. I was called a lot of sub for middle school which I had no intention of teaching; I wanted the younger kids. After I became known in the district, I subbed almost exclusively for them and that helped a lot.
I do remember how I hated waiting for the phone to ring also. I discovered that elementary school was a lot more work subbing than middle school was.

Now, I teach middle school. I love it.

We need you here :D No one wants to sub middle school here.
I subbed for four years before getting on permanently where I am now. It was really hard for me. I'm the queen of routines, and couldn't stand the not knowing part.

If you are looking for prebooks, schmooze directly with the teachers at the schools you are working at. After a while on the sub list I was able to make the bulk of my days worked prebooks only. And when you know that you have a certain amount of days already planned, you can decline something last minute on an off day if you just happen to feel like it.

I hated those last minute calls a lot. I also hated ranging from one half day to full time per month without knowing what was coming next, but once I got "in" with a few schools it helped a lot.

Now (a dozen or so years later) we have a sub shortage, and many of the candidates on the list are the type you call in once, and then you kind of try someone else in the future. When we find someone great we call them first, over and over again.

Good luck to you. It was NOT my favourite time in my career. My heart goes out to you.
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