I've had ENOUGH of the cold weather!

Ok..I know we can't do anything about the weather, but this morning its -4 here in Chicago, with wind chills of -30. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I want to crack open a window and breath fresh air! Heck! I want to be able to go outside and breath fresh air!

"They" say its going to go up the thirties this weekend.

I don't believe them :cry:
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Up here in Petawawa, I've been especially enjoying all the frost on the INSIDE of my car. So lovely.

I hear that in the next couple of months the weather will continue to increase, but since I have no recent recollection of events, it is my opinion that it will stay this cold forever.

-28C here this morning. Brrrrrr..... 8O
I've got a great dog walking outfit you can borrow :wink:
Sounds like you need a vacation to a warmer climate, Deb. Give me til Monday and I'll have some 60 degree weather for ya. :wink:
Cold here too, it's -19 F right now. (That is regualr temp - not with windchill)
That is -25C, so we are not quite as cold as you, Mel. Close, but not quite!
Todd went out ice fishing early this morning - he just got back. Crazy guy... :roll:

It should be getting warmer. Statistically, the 3rd week of january is the coldest week of the year (or so says the guy on the weather channel). :D
Anyone interesting in visiting my way and participating in some Mardi Gras parades? It is going to be 70 degrees here on Sunday. :twisted:
Oh Wyn! How I wish I could!
Jeepers Wyn, you've got us beat! The high for the next week here is 67. Lows of 40 on a good night. At least it's sunny.

So, does anyone believe in Global Warming? I sure don't. We've had hard freezes for the past two years, and that never used to happen here.
It is brr-diddly-err cold here too (17 this am), but I remind myself that it is better than late August - sweltering with 105 degrees and 90% humidity. I'll take the cold and the higher gas bills, thankyouverymuch!
Yes!~!! Definately borrow Ginny's dog walking outfit!! It will place smiles on everyone you know!!

Sigh feel for you as I dislike the cold myself. Lets hope for an early spring and sunny weather!

Bailey's Mom wrote:
So, does anyone believe in Global Warming? I sure don't. We've had hard freezes for the past two years, and that never used to happen here.

So does this mean since the weather hs changed, you DO believe in global warming?

I just want it to be warmer, like above freezing. I would like to go for an outside walk today.
This weather is just awful :( It's my last few days here at work and I have a horrible chest cold. I need to come in so I can transfer this work over. I had a sinus infection just a few weeks ago. Summer.........
Stacy, are you leaving your new job?
ooooo, oooooo, you guys all come out and visit me....and sue!! i snivel at the low 60's but truefully its better than your weather...

besides in the next few weeks we wil have the superbowl AND the FBR open.....

lots of shopping and good food......

come one come all..... :D
Go ahead and open that window for a couple or a few minutes, Deb. It really won't cost much at all, and if it helps your head...

It will also reduce the humidity in your house if you are having that as an issue.
Humidity? HUMIDITY? I live in a fireworks house. Sparks everywhere :excited:
thanks I was wondering what I was missing. Ron don't you have heat in your house ? As soon as the heat comes on in our house everything dries up like ... well like really dry 8O The dogs get up scratching every morning and the vet swears its dry skin.
Our house is terribly dry too. Doug (being the HVACR man that he is) insists on monitoring the humidity. I guess it "should" be around 50-60%. In the winter we run a umidifyer and can barely keep it at 40%.

My sinuses hurt all the time, my skin gets really dry and I get nose bleeds almost every morning.

I guess I have a very tight house, in addition it is 2x6 construction so there's lots of insulation in the walls. My house is heated via baseboard electric resistance only, and the electricity costs aren't "that bad" so I know we're pretty tight. Perhaps too much plastic sheeting?

Anyway, we have condensation on the windows and the skylights if we close the shades. LOTS of condensation, so much so that mold started to appear on most of the window sashes.

We run the bathroom fans long enough to remove excess condensation from the bath, and there's only two of us and we take quick showers. Of course there IS the canine airwick of humidity....

We get NO static electricity shocks here!

Funny this comes up. I just found our hygrometer the other day (measures humidity) and I put it in between a shade and the window. Of course no condensation today and it was reading 60%. As air temperature is lower, the same amount of humidity in the air makes the "relative" humidity higher, which is what I'd expect this hygrometer to be measuring. I would have expected it to be much higher as the air is so cold between the shade and the window. It has been in the kitchen for about 4 hours now and it reads 56%.
So that is where our weather went. You are welcome, and you do not have to hurray and retrn it. Actully it is about 10 degrees here with icey snow. I talked to poor Raven Moon today, she has such a ba headache. She feels so bad she is not even able to read, and for her that is a bad headache. She said that using the computer is hard for her. Hopefully she will be back soon. :)
Hey deb you can visit us anytime, glorious sunshine and the weather is just PERFECT. No too Hot a sunny 26c one of those days that is just GLORIOUS. :P :lol:
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I know better than to say a thing.

thanks Liz for posting about Raven Moon, I was wondering where she was
Ron, I would LOVE to have your humidity!!!!! We run a humidifier, have pots of water on the stove and NEVER turn the exhaust fan on in the bathroom when using the shower and our house is dryer than the proverbial popcorn fart.
or come visit me in florida i've got the room, spend some time at disney ( it only 5 mile away) and it was nearly 80 at lunch time yesterday

zoe and einy
I'm coming to Disney in March!!!!!!
Can't wait!
Tasker's Mom wrote:
proverbial popcorn fart.

Seriously? :o There's a proverb about a popcorn fart?? I've never heard that one! :lol:
Beaureguard's Mom wrote:
Tasker's Mom wrote:
proverbial popcorn fart.

Seriously? :o There's a proverb about a popcorn fart?? I've never heard that one! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Once upon a time there, excuse me, lived a troll. Excuse me. The troll had a, excuse me, friend and they lived together under, excuse me, a bridge."
The "dryer than a popcorn fart" is a very common phrase at our house too.
And it fits our house too! :roll:
I never heard that one...literally!
Me either, Deb. I was being serious. I'm not sure how to interpret it. What exactly is a popcorn fart? :?
Whatever it is, it's dry!
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