You guys guessed it!!! I was DYING without computer access.

So on Ron's Birthday...
I go to my appt thinking nothing, but knowing I can't walk. I literally regret not bringing Mr. J b/c I was hunched over walking to my appt. Nurse does an exam and says, "Holy Cow... the baby is saying hello he's so low. I think you should just get checked by labor and delivery." As they hook me up to the monitor in L&D, I have my VERY first contraction. This is 11:15 a.m.

They were 4 minutes apart from the START. I call Mr. J and say... you might want to come here FAST. By this time, I knew I was going into labor b/c I had uncontrollable tears from the pain and the emotions that go along with it.


THEY TELL ME NO EPIDURAL b/c I would go too quickly.

Getting that news w/o Mr. J there was very hard. I was so scared, lost, and well... terrified. They tell me I need to start pushing as soon as I feel the urge. I kept lying and saying I felt nothing although I knew it was already time but my husband wasn't there, and I wanted them to think I had time for an epidural.

Mr. J finally arrives... I'm screaming, I'M NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!!
Bloodwork comes back and they get an okay for the epidural.
Dr. tried to insert it 3 times unsuccessfully as I'm going through absolute HELL to sit still through contractions while getting poked with the longest needle ever. My water breaks!

Holy crap... everyone is saying GRAB YOUR KNEES MRS. J!!!
I kept screaming, NO!!!!!!! YOU GRAB MY KNEES!

I'm not difficult. :oops:

I kept swatting at the midwife b/c I felt like she stretching me out and kept YELLING FOR HER TO STOP! She says she's not doing anything. 5 people hold me down and 3 pushes later... Baby Joshee (what we call him and I don't mind if folks call him here) arrives.

Did I mention that from start of labor to delivery.... it had only been AN HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES. Delivery being less than 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SMOKES, a lot happened in that time period!

The nurse and my husband told me it was baby J's head coming out and she wasn't even touching me. I apologized for swatting at her and to the nurse on my left who I grabbed her belly roll and twisted with all my might. :( :oops:

Anyway, I just got home 30 min. ago and feel completely out of it. Of course I had to immediately post, but now I just want to relax. Uterus contractions for a second child is the pits.

Did I mention I had 0 minor or major tears? :yay:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY RON!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY JOSHEE (born 12:31 p.m. on the 18th of Jan)



I like this one. This was him "rootin'" when it was feeding time. That's when they search hardcore (by shaking their head back and forth) for the bottle/nipple in hopes to run into some milk.


Big J came to visit mommy and brother Saturday morning.


Heading home!! Giving the nurses one last wink.


Thanks for all the support you guys have given me leading up to the CRAZY day!! Guess I shouldn't expect anything else when my son is born on the same day as Ron ;)

Oh, he was 6lbs 14oz
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Big Congrats!!!!!!
I think we all must have checked for an update today
at least 100 times - I am so glad you are both well!

HE IS GORGEOUS! You must be so proud. And little J
looks like he is thrilled too. He will be a great big brother.

Glad you are home and now the pain will go away pretty
quickly. Rest and relax as much as you can - you already
know the drill!

CONGRATS to the whole family!

Mrs J, Joshee is so beautiful. Nice and healthy and pink. I love the pics of him and he looks so big until the pic of Little J next to his new baby and Joshee looks so teeny.

I am glad labor/delivery are behind you now and your new family has begun. Lucky labor was so short, even though I am sure, at the time, it didn't feel that way.

Get some rest, yes I know, like you can with a new born baby. :lol:
Take care of yourself. Sheepie/Aussie hugs to all!
Baby Joshee is so adorable! :D :D Lil J looks pleased sitting next to him - what a big brother.

I am so happy that everything turned out well. :D

Those are great picures of baby Joshee too - very handsome little guy.
CONGRATS!!!! and Welcome to the world, Joshee!!!
He's gorgeous Mrs J! Good work!

:lmt: Okay I was one day off with my guess, but I did day 38 weeks. :wink:
Congrat's he's adorable........Kathy
WOW you don't muck around that all happened so quick, great going Mrs. J. :D :sidestep: :bow:

Congratulations to you Mr. J and Big Brother J. Joshee is sooooooo adorable what a sweet bundle :hearts:

Love to you all and welcome to the world lil Joshee. :kiss:
:cheer: CONGRATS :cheer:

Welcome baby Joshee :yay:

Well done J good job enjoy

wendy and gismo
OH!! Is he the most precious baby boy???? Beautiful!!!! Big J looks so happy that he is a big brother!!!! Congratulations!!!! :yay: :yay:
BTW...I logged in and saw all these storks floating down the pages..with "JOSHEE"..............Very cute!!!! Love the was Ron decided to celebrate "jaycee"s birth!!!
:yay: Congratulations and welcome baby Joshee. :banana: :banana: :banana:
OMG he is so beautiful and his Brother is so delighted to see him.

You did AMAZING. With my first son they had sent hubby home. I refused to push until he came back, the midwife was telling me off and said I had to push. I was screaming at her No not until he comes back. 6 am in the morning they couldn't wake him up, he was asleep on the sofa! They got hold of him midwife said get down here bl...dy fast your wife is refusing to have the baby until you get here. Hubby came and they put me in a wheelchair and ran down this long corridor with hubby tearing behind us. I can laugh now. Second son was piece of cake 2 hours from start to finish but as you said the contractions after the birth were so painful.

Sorry I am rambling but I love icky tiny new babies! :P :P
Congrats on the new arrival, very cute thanks for the pics.
:cheer: :hearts: :clappurple: :banana: :ghug: :cheer: :hearts: :clappurple: :ghug:


He is beautuful. So happy for you all.
Congratulations, Joshee is beautiful and Lil J looks so proud :D
Happy that it all went so quick and well
:rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: /b] :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss:
:rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: /b] :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss: :rimshot: :banana: :high5: :excited: :yay: :kiss:

That rooting picture makes him look like a rock star hitting a high note!
We knew it! We knew you couldn't go that long without posting something!!!

What a beautiful boy, that Joshee is!!!! Lil J has been promoted to Big J now, and he looks very happy about it.

All in all, that was a very fast labor! I'm a bit upset you had to go and give birth on Ron's birthday! We'll never hear the end of that! Thanks for not naming him lil Ron! (Note to Ron...LOVE THE STORKS!!!!)

Mrs J, Mr J, lil J and Baby J...congrats, long life, L'chaim and MAZEL TOV!!!!
Congratulations hon!! What an gorgeous baby!! I am also so happy that you had quick delivery with no major issues.....feel bad about the epidural though, at least it was quick!!! Once again, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Congratulations! He is beautiful, not the often smushed face babies.......but then he didn't take the LONG RIDE down the canal to get all smushed.

Hope his breathing clears quickly.

:ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

What a beautiful baby!!! Lil J looks so happy to be a big brother!!!

PS Ron...I love the storks!!!
Congrats! I was confused by the storks, and searched the name... whereupon I found pictures of the most incredible little baby.
Maisey sends gentle sheepie kisses!
HOORAY!!! Well done Mrs J!! Welcome baby Joshee!! What a BEAUTIFUL baby :excited: :hearts:
Hope you are recovering well, Lil J looks so excited hehe! Lots of love to you all!!
:ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:
He is beautiful...well done!!!! :ghug:
Congratulations! Welcome baby Joshee!

I was thrilled when I hit the forum this am to see the little storks.

Very happy for your newly enlarged family!
WELCOME TO THE WORLD!!!!! Joshee is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations!
:D Congratulations!! What a sweet baby!:kiss:
:banana: :go: :hearts: Congratulations!! :banana::go: :hearts: Baby Joshee is just gorgeous!! And what a nice size he was!

Lil J (or now, Big J) looks so happy next to his little brother. Glad you have your in-laws there to help you for a little while.

Now get some rest so you can enjoy those two precious munchkins of yours!!
Oh Jo, he is just gorgeous!!!! We had my little niece Alayna last night, and I could hardly wait for Mommy to come get her so I could check in and see if we had a baby. YEAH-- we do! Congrats to ALL. Just precious!!!

And what a fast delivery.... Oh my golly! :)
Congratulations! He is adorable and his big brother looks so cute smiling next to him!
Congratulations!!! :D

Best Wishes To You & Your Family~
Oh I could just pick up Lil J and Big J and give them a kiss! :kiss:

Congrats!! Your new little boy is just beautiful and the former Lil J does look huge compared to his new brother! Sending my best wishes to you all.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He is beautiful!!!!
Congratulations :ghug: :cheer: :cheer:

He is so adorable :lol: he made me want another baby :lol: :lol:
Congratulations!! He is beautiful! Or should I say handsome!!!! I hope I can go as fast! 8O
:o Congratulations Mrs. J!!! Joshee is beautiful! Take care and get plenty of rest for you and the baby. :)
Congrats, he is gorgeous. I love how lil' J #1 is just beaming next to his baby brother!

And I think you gave Ron the greatest gift ever on his birthday!
Congratulations! While I am looking at your beautiful new baby Joshee I think I can faintly detect baby smell. My favorite scent. An hour and a half, who's the lucky girl? That was really quick. Both of your children are beautiful. :clappurple:
Congrats!!!! He is absolutely gorgeous :)
congrates so so cute
You done good girl! Congratulatins to you all.
I got to thinkingabout it and the 18th was my dad's birthday as well!


back to last minute duties before my hubby come's home tomorrow am for 2 weeks!!!
Mony and Laci send their love your way. Congratulations. And great job Ron, loved the falling storks/babys..... :D :D :D
Yay! He's out!

Is his name Joshua and you're calling him Joshee? Or is it Joshee by itself? If so, is it pronounced like Yoshi or with a J?
Congrats....he's so cute! :hearts:
lol ...no, I'm not that weird. Joshee is just what has always came out of my mouth while I was pregnant. So, nickname... ;)
Congratulations! He is beautiful and Lil J looks so proud of Baby J. Congratulations to both you and Mr. J.
Congrats! He is so cute and looks so healthy! Big J looks so happy on the bed next to his little brother!
Congratulations Mrs. J and family! He is so BEAUTIFUL! You have every right to celebrate and be proud. You are so brave!
Every child begins the world again.... ~Henry David Thoreau

Enjoy your new baby boy!

He is gorgeous!!!!
Congrats! He's so cute and looks SO TINY next to lil J. I'm glad things went well and FAST! :D

And I was thinking the same thing as Jill--is it Joshee (yoshi) or josh-ee ha ha ha. Very cute!
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby!
Nice job L!!!!! Joshee is truely a beautiful baby! Lil J makes a great big brother.....should we call him Big J now?? :D

Get some rest, you deserve it....oh and dont forget to post lots more pics!!
Wow, what a delivery! 8O

Congratulations, you have a beautiful family!
Hurray!!! I was going crazy without internet access all weekend. I just knew you'd made an announcement and I was missing it. :lol:

He's just perfect. Such a handsome little boy. I'm so happy your labor and delivery went quickly. Golly that was fast. :sidestep:

Love the pic of both boys. Big J looks thrilled with his little brother. :kiss:

:clappurple: Huge congratulations, Mr & Mrs J!! :clappurple:

:cheer: Welcome to the world, Baby Joshee!! :cheer:
Congratulations!!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
He is so beautiful. How exciting that he came so quickly like that!
I'm sorry to hear about the hard time you are having right now, and will keep you in my prayers.
He's beautiful and so tiny.

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