I Should Have Been A Vet

For as long as I can remember, as a kid when asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always answered either a vet or teacher. I leaned more strongly towards being a vet but even now, there exist no vet schools in my province and one would have to travel across the country to attend school.

I always felt lucky that I sorta got the best of both worlds..being a teacher and living with a housefull of critters. Think the number is around 28 but definately not a collector as you'll read my post.

Except...since Oct I've been going a bit zany.

I cared for those 10 SPCA URI (Upper Respitory Infection) kitties.
Some took longer to heal than others and giving everyone meds via mouth every morning before work meant getting up at 5 am. The vaporizer was on constantly to clear stuffed noses which I wiped, as well as forcefeeding the sickest. They all rallied and the majority were eventually adopted! I ended up adopting Petunia, Roger..and most recently Sable. Okay but that's finally it! I couldn't with good conscience return Sable to the shelter as she had been possibly exposed to ringworm and no way could she go back. Shelters euthenize cats with ringworm as it's so contagious.

Previously, One Eyed Mickey came into my home after a period of incubation he was placed with the others in the foster cat room. 3 weeks later, after improper diagnosis by a vet of a food allergy - turned out he had ring worm. Oh no! It's not a worm as unfortunately as the name states, but a a highly contagious fungal infection which unlike most things is transferable from humans to any other species with hair! Think athletes foot..same thing! I've had to scrub my entire house top to bottom and spray every surface to make sure the fungal spores are killed.
Mickey is on meds which I have to give for the next six weeks as well as applying creams. I had to visit 6 pharmacies before I found one that even had the medication on hand..this wonderful pharmacist made me a special concoction so that's it easier to give to Mickey..liquid and not pill form!
I'm exhausted as I've been fastigious about not allowing it to spread to the others. Means donning cap, gown and slippers when entering his isolation room. I have to change my clothes to enter foster cat room but as they were exposed to him for 3 weeks, I then change again when travelling to the rest of my home. Loads and loads of laundry and scrubbing surfaces with bleach solution. So far so good! Only another 2 1/2 weeks and he's in the clear and I'm crossing my fingers!

Before I even leave my house I jump into the shower and dress with freshly laundered clothes..even if this means doing it 2-3 times if I have to visit or run errands..as everyone I know has pets! I smell nice though! LOL

Petunia with the protruding anus needs meds (stool softener) until we try yet one more time for another surgery. The last one did not hold and not only did she blow her stitches but developed an infection and high fever as a result of her surgery and spay.

The two bunnies, Moppet and her mom Willow developed an eye infection! I was devestated as I thought perhaps it was something I had or hadn't done or was related to Mickey's ringworm and felt extremely quilty. Turns out that Willow and all her babies that were brought into rescue have Vent disease. The co-ordinator of the shelter and I got them some penicillan. I have to inject them weekly for the next 3 weeks to help clear it up. Started last week and already see a big improvement. Tonight will innoculate the bunnies again. Luckily I learned to innoculate animals several years ago as the vet the bunny shelter uses is in another municipality. Hey I can do this!!! Innoculate even a wiggling bunny!

The top shelf of my fridge resembles a pharmaseutical company..penicillan, antibiotics, creams, lotions, Medacam, Glucosamine..and the list goes on. Not to mention the pharphanelia of vaporizers, needles, and syringes and holistic meds. Means everyone is on good quality food and my bank balance is diminishing at an alarming pace. I'm on first name basis with 5 vets..lol and probably helped put their kids through college. Also have an excuse for my numerous typing errors.

See...shoulda been a vet! Then again...I'd be quilty of bringing my work home with me.

Tired but very happy Marianne
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8O Wow Marianne!
I don't know how you do it all. You are just amazing!!! :cheer:

I thought I had it rough last week with with two sick upright kids, a court date, ER visit, a visit to the Vet and a Dr's appt. Seems like I had it easy compared to you. :lol:

I do hope things get easier and everyone is feeling better soon.
Your amazing Marianne :ghug:
You are my HERO....Marianne...........and you are amazing!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow: (thankyou!)
Thanks for the accolades but really not necessary as I'm in awe of the spirit of so many on this forum. Many of you that posted deserve my admiration for the trials and tribulations you have gone through. So here's to you guys! :clappurple:

No doubt the past couple months have been tough and sleep seems like a luxery. Still, I'm thinking ahead when the sunshine and good doses of Vit D will cure most of these ailments. I am still in the process (when the weather gets better) of building my indoor/outdoor foster cat room.

I just get up earlier, go to bed later, shop during my lunch hour to get fresh veggies daily for bunnies and other critters and buy a months supply of dog/cat food at a time. The majority of the cats are on canned food as it's easier to give meds which is $$$ and I purchase 40 pound bags of crunchies. I rush home after work and only go out to walk all three dogs nightly. Occasionally I've had the opportunity to meet friends and it's so appreciated as I love every moment as it's very rare.

At the end of the day when I sit watching a vid in the foster cat room, or snuggle with the other furkids I think, "I'm so lucky!".

I'm glad I have you guys as my lifeline though!

Marianne, all I did was just read your post and I was exhausted! And I thought a new puppy was hard work! :wink: I promise never to think I have it tough, EVER again! You are my hero. Thank you on behalf of all your furry friends for all that you do!
:D Yay, Marianne! :cheer:
Hi wow I was tired from reading your post too :lol: I admire you too, and love reading your stories. I wish I could be just 1/2 the person you are. :lol:
NOOO you wouldn't want to be 1/2 the person I am ...as you'd then only weigh 50 pounds! :excited:

Sigh that was a lame joke wasn't it? :roll:

:kiss: to my special evil and kind big hearted twin. :D

I always wanted to be a vet, darn that maths, algerbra gawd still don't understand it. :lol:

Your a hero for all fuzzies. :ghug:
Marianne, I too have gotten tired reading what your life is like. The animal world is very lucky to have found you..or you found them..found each other. You are a role model here and I know that I wish I could be more like you..If I had the time and ENERGY!!!!
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