New 8 week old pup

Hi all,

We've just picked up our new oes pup, Harry, today. I have read so much about care and housetraining etc but now he's here, we have 'new parent syndrome'! The breeder advised us what to feed him but I'm curious about how much exactly should be fed. He gets fed some rice pudding in the morning, some biscuits and meat at lunchtime, some biscuits and meat at teatime and some rice pud or bread & milk at night. I thought this would be enough info but when we put the amounts specified on the tins/bags, it seemed a lot of food, which he didn't finish. Can anyone advise in grams (or whatever's easiest!) what amounts an 8 wk pup should be eating?

I know the housetraining bits and the training will take a lot of time - it's is scary when it coems to putting into practice what I've been reading - very worried I'll do it wrong!!

Any tips would be much appreciated! Feel so sorry for the poor wee guy, there are still fireworks going off here and he keeps jumping! That, together with the new people, new house and long car journey we've all just had, must be terrifying!!

Thanks lots, Gillx
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rice pudding? bread and milk? i'm not really quite sure how to comment on WHAT you're feeding... maybe i'm just not understanding...

the problem with saying how much food the dog should be eating is that it depends entirely on the food. a low quality food like pedigree requires that the dog eat a lot more than say, innova. Different dog foods have different calories. Generally, one with the primary ingredient of meat and less filler (aka corn, wheat, soy) is more nutrient dense so you dont have to feed as much.

I let my roofus eat as much as he wants, he does seem to eat sparingly but he's shooting up like a weed all the same (wish he weighed a little more though). He eats a little over 4 cups a day now at 5 months and 50+ pounds. When I got him at 9 weeks I fed him 2 cups a day. I'm sure others have comments on free feeding puppies...
I was going to say the same thing, no offense, I have no idea WHAT you're feeding. I'm guessing it must be BARF/raw natural food based that your breeder has recommended? Either way, dogs and cats are lactose intolerant, milk is not good for them in large amounts. If you are feeding a raw diet, I would research carefully the guidlines and what is recommended and ask your vet....
My girls eat Iams dog food, which is not knonw to be as a super high quality food like it was years ago, but they do great on it, and i allow them to free feed. The bowl is always full.
And please excuse my manners, welcome to the forum!!! :)
I must say I ditto everything that Susan and Stacey has said.
I also free feed. When they were still potty training I would take it up at 9pm and down again at 7 am. Now that they are grown we let them eat all day long. It turns out though they usually just eat once in the morning and once in the evening.
But, also say when I was growing up, I also had a sheepie named Harry! He was my best friend growing up and got me through some rough times.

WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Please stay and tell us more about Harry. Pictures would be great also. Congrats on your new family member. :wink:
Stormi and co.
YUMMY!!!rice pudding :D wow!!mickey would love to be your buddy!!LOL!!

WELCOME to our forum,you will find LOTS of GOOD advice here.i sure have.i have a 7month old male sheepie named Mickey,and he eats Nutros lamb and rice.he gets treats during the day also,my daughter insist on feeding him scooby snacks so we got those for him also.i also have a collie w/ a sensitive tummy so the lamb and rice works very well for him,and both of their coats are beautiful,shiney and just healthy looking.also their poops are very small which is a plus since im the one who picks it up! :roll:

please keep posting about Harry i bet he is a real cutie!!
welcome once again!!
When my sheepie was on Science Diet he would go into eating spurts. He still ate plenty. Then after the antifreeze incident vet put him on Prescription KD ................. no he is eating me out of house and home. Oh well he is alive and that is all that matters.
I can imagine that Guy Fawlkes (sp) night must have been have been terrifying for a pup...all the fireworks and noise. My dh as a child remembers going around collecting a penny for the guy. In fact, I got to "experience" my first Guy night while on my honeymoon....we made a bonfire with my SIL old kitchen cabinets!!! Anyway, the feeding habits of your animals (in the UK) and our (in the US) are totally different. I hope you have found an answer to your concern.
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