I QUIT!!!!!

So far so good. I have not had a ciggie is 5 days. I know all you long time quitters think I'm crazy for bragging about 5 days. The best part is I haven't even been slightly uncomfortable. It has been a breeze. How lucky am I? This is the 3rd attempt at quitting. The first time I actually quit for an entire year. The next attmpt lasted only a few weeks.
This time if I get an urge to smoke I DO NOT say to myself 'I want to smoke' I say or think 'I have the urge to smoke, but I don't want to'. I think it's all in my frame of mind. I was so tired of coughing all the time.
I am using the patch and I am having all sorts of weird and scary dreams, but I like them too. My parents and my hubby quit at the same time, so I have quitters support group at my disposal. This IS going to work out this time!!!!!
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Congrats Wendy, that's awesome! :clappurple:
GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you kidding me??? 5 days is HUGE!

You've already started to break your psychological habit of the rituals of smoking -- the pack packing and the pack unwrapping, then the fondling, placing lighting and puffing of each cigarette.

That's HUGE!

Keep it up and soon your body will be rid of all the nasty nasty toxins that you have been breathing into your lungs.

Remember, smoking causes your lungs to stop producing mucous and deadens the cillia that help to clear your lungs of that mucous. In some people the mucous production comes back a week or two before the cillia resume working, so you may develop a cough from quitting smoking! If you do, just take it easy until the coughing passes and if you're concerned, go see your doctor who will be THRILLED to see you while you are quitting.
five days are awesome!!! i am soo proud of you!!!!

keep it up!
I am very proud of you! Five days is really terrific. You will make it!
Thats Awesome! :excited: :banana: :go: :high5: :clappurple: :cheer:
Wendy that is fabulous! Each cigarette you don't smoke is celebration worthy!!!

Big huggles for taking the step. Congrats, darlin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:excited: :cheer: :clappurple: :go: :ghug: Well done! 5 days is amazing! Keep up the good work!!!
Wendy great success keep it up and you will soon be rid of the habit.

Congrats fro all at Tikki-ti boo
Wendy you are doing great!!! I quit smoking a year ago - Dec. 25th 2006 to be exact :yay: - and what really helped me every time I wanted to smoke was that I kept telling myself how dizzy I would feel if I had a cigarette.

The first month was pretty hard for me but then thinking about how much I have accomplished made me not smoke. After 6 months I knew I would feel awful if I smoked (sick and dizzy).

So, you just keep up the good work! :wink:
congrats :yay: :yay: :cheer: :go: ive not had a cig in over 12 weeks now
That is awesome!!!! Way to go and keep it up!!!

My friend had a fantastic book that she used a couple years ago..written in an offbeat way about a monster that exist inside people and is only kept alive with nicotine. Thus quitting smoking would kill "the monster".

I quit last year but unfortunately took it up again..much to my regret as I had quit for many weeks. It just takes that one, so now I'm convincing myself again to quit. Having a mantra helped...things like thinking of that monster and saying to myself...I'm stronger than you!

Whatever works!

They've done studies and quitting cold turkey is tough but possible. Quitting with Zyban 20% and along with the patch 33% gives you a 50% chance. Whatever works best for you ..5 days..wow! Take it one day at a time and don't be tempted! Your an inspiration to me!

It can be done...it's benn 16 years for me and they didn't have patches back then.

Keep up the strong will!!!!
Take the patch off for the night and you won't have that many dreams. Congrats to you! When I quit panicking at the thought of not having a cig will be the day I quit.
Congrats Wendy. Five days is huge. Heck, 5 minutes is huge! I was so scared to quit because I thought how will I enjoy (driving, watching TV, reading, just about anything) without smoking? But I discovered that all can be done without a cigarette. There are times I really want to smoke (and I've had abaout 10 cigarettes in the 10 months that I've quit) but I enjoy not having that gorilla on my back. And if you slip up and have a smoke, quit immediately. Never quit quitting.

You might want to go over to the Healthy Lifestyles forum. There are many posts about quitting and support.
Thanks for all the encouraging words everybody!!! Still no smoking. I am really surprised at how easy it has been for me. So many people have quit now, it was embarassing to still be smoking. I'm glad I did it!!! I will keep on quitting. I'm OK with being a quitter for life!!!!

Keep going...one day at a time if that's what it takes :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: : :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :g :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: o: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :g :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: :go: o: :go:
Congratulations! I applaud you and wish you continued success!!!!!
:clappurple: Bravo Wendy!! :clappurple:

I'm still not smoking. Oh boy I do get the urge. I have quit the patch and I'm doing it all on my own now. My son was in some trouble last week and I had to fly to Florida for moral support for him. I could have smoked, but didn't. I find myself looking for opportunities to smoke, I guess I am naturally sneaky. haha I have to talk myself down. Because who would I be sneaking from,....ME!!! It's tough but not the hardest thing I ever tried to do. I'm just a brat who doesn't like to be told NO. Even if I'm the one laying down the law.
It seems like a lot longer since my last ciggie than just a couple of weeks. (dec. 31)
awesome...just do what i do.....

dream about it and make it good...wake up satisfied and yet smoke free 8)
Wendy, that's wonderful! You can do it, heck! you ARE doing it!

Hope your son is alright.
You are doing great, Wendy!! :cheer:

Keep up the good work. :D :D
:yay: :excited: :bow: :clappurple: :high5: :go: Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
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