Problem with windpipe

Hi, I'm new to posting here but have been reading for awhile.
I have a 5 1/2 year old OES doggy girl. We are the third owners after the first two found they could no longer care for her.
At Thanksgiving, she was diagnosed with kennel cough although she had been vaccinated. The vet mentioned that she had a sensitive windpipe.
Now, she coughing again after she runs or barks. The vet has put her back on a antibiotic and a cough medicine. The vet mentioned the windpipe issue again. We had been using a regular collar but have now switched to a harness.
Anyone familiar with OES having windpipe issues?
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The windpipe diagnosis strikes me curious. Did the vet do any xrays? If you put some finger pressure on her throat (when she's not sick) does she gag? Did the vet say this makes her more susceptible to infection? Dogs can get kennel cough even though they've been vaccinated as there are many different strains. Kennel cough is a virus, not an infection, although most vets seem to prescribe antibiotics as a preventative. Some dogs just seem to catch it more than others.

Doggygirl wrote:
Hi, I'm new to posting here but have been reading for awhile.
I have a 5 1/2 year old OES doggy girl. We are the third owners after the first two found they could no longer care for her.
At Thanksgiving, she was diagnosed with kennel cough although she had been vaccinated. The vet mentioned that she had a sensitive windpipe.
Now, she coughing again after she runs or barks. The vet has put her back on a antibiotic and a cough medicine. The vet mentioned the windpipe issue again. We had been using a regular collar but have now switched to a harness.
Anyone familiar with OES having windpipe issues?

It's not something I've often heard of either but ironically I read something last year about it on the net.

I vaguely remember that research had shown that dogs that were tugged hard (as is often the case that trainers suggest when teaching the heal command using a choke collar) was detrimental to the dogs.

In the study I read, the researchers did a followup of 50 dogs from birth to death regarding their windpipes and the use of owners tugging hard - quick jerk movements on the leash. It was astounding to find that something like 45 dogs had damage done to their windpipes when an autopsy was done when they passed. Most had the problems occur as young pups and inexperienced owners who were too euthusiastic to give a hard tug.

The study recommended that all young pups be trained on a harness..and not a choke collar. I suspect this might have occurred with your girl earlier in her life. It's a good idea to use a harness.

Best wishes to your girl and welcome to the forum!

Thanks for the information. We have no info on the first owner who had her for 3 or more years. She really dislikes teenage boys and young men. So, go figure.
She's doing well today.
She may have a "sensitive" windpipe due to previous trauma, whether that be from excessive pulled or any thing else. If she wheezes or coughs after running or excersize she may have a partial collapsing trachea or tracheal paralysis but you would need xrays to confirm this. Possibly switching her to a harness or easy walk harness would help out.
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