Hi fellow OES owners and lovers of the breed. I am new to this site and very happy to find it. My problem (well one of them) is the needless barking for no obvious reason. I think my girl Sassy wants out so I let her out only to have her stand at the door and bark to come back in. I think maybe its attention she wants....I play, I love, I do anything. She has food, water, has been out idea what it is she wants. She is 7 months old and still has puppy bark (high pitched) when she barks for no reason.
When she sits at the window and sees critters in the yard she has found her "Big Girl" bark...yea that will show them...get out of her yard. Anyway we are starting obedience classes in a couple of days but I don't think they are going to be much help with this issue. A suggestion I have tried is a can filled with rocks or coins, shake it when the barking starts and then drop it...big deal she retrieved it as if it were a play thing...Any ideas. Sassy is my second OES. I never encountered this with my first girl. But I know all personalities are different.. :?: :lol:
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Hey Karla-

Welcome to the forum! - I have a 13 month OES girl- and like you she is my second- and like you I see all sorts of differences between the two - and I too have problems with the needless barking- we can't figure it out sometimes. I noticed you were in Rock Island - did you get your girl from Lori Harding in Lockport? Just curious. Anyway - I can't help you much with the needless barking, I can totally relate though - you have every need met and yet they bark as if there is a short circuit in their head-

Two things I've noticed with my Chelsea- she barks for no apparent reason when she can't see. She wants her bangs pulled up and out of her eyes, she settles once she can see better- also Chelsea barks needlessly when she is over-tired.

Any way - welcome to the forum- this is a really helpful place for figuring out all sorts of OES related stuff- AND you will find there are a bunch of us here in Illinois!

Welcome to the forum! :)
My first oes used to bark almost constantly... nothing I did really helped unfortunately, but by the time she was about 3 or 4 she finally settled a bit if that helps at all? Hopefully you'll have better luck with this, and I know more now than I did then, if I had that problem with one of my dogs now i would train train train. Their minds need work, mental exercise.
Welcome! I can totally relate. Lennon loves to bark and Sofa is on the quiet side. The only thing that we have been able to figure out is that Lennon uses it to try to communicate something to you, altough it's not very clear what he wants to say :?

Do a search on bark on command, maybe some training on that may help. It reduced some on Lennon, since we also taught hum to be quiet, at least now he knows that he has to stop barking and obeys most of the time.
We have three OES's, three different personalities. One barks at everything. One sits down, throws her head back and says "pleeeease pet me". The third rolls around and follows mom (me) everywhere.
Have you tried to put your hand around the muzzle (spelling...?) firmly and say a sharp NO!..? When our barker is out of hand, we do this and then the barking turns into a quiet barely there murmur sounding thing...
It kind of helps.
We have learned to live with it and it does have it pluses! Scares away those solicitors! And I don't think anyone with half a brain cell would ever attempt to break in.

Good Luck! :lol:
Hahaha... I forgot how great doorbells these guys make. The people that comes to work on repairs always leave impressed, there's no security system that can match them!
While searching once again trying to find a puppy I ran across an ad with the name Lori Harding. I e-mailed but it was returned as no such e-mail. The more I thought about it the more her name sounded familiar. Does anyone know her? She is in Lockport, Illinois. I couldn't for the life of me remember the woman who I had bought my Nana-Martha from 12 1/2 years ago but the more I see her name especially her last name the more I'm hoping that this is the same woman I bought Nana-Martha from. I remember she used to live in a house set back with a big front lawn on RT83 well past 75th st or maybe even 91st st. I also remember the last time I had talked to her when I bought Nana-Martha that she would be moving further south. Could this possibly be the same woman? Could this possibly be the sign I've been waiting for? If anyone knows this person could you please e-mail me? Thanks
We have one barker....she's very quiet when it's just me here, but if there are other people into the house, she barks and gets the other dogs going! After almost 11 years of trying every trick in and out of the book, we finally figured out what she was doing. (a bit slow, but I think we finally caught on!) I think it goes back to the herding instinct and she wants her "herd" all in one place, preferably sitting down where she can keep an eye on them! Maybe this is a similiar situation with your puppy? She just wants to know where you are? The instinct is much stronger in some and we, too, tried the can with coins and the scrunching plastic bottles and they all ended up under the deck with all the items she considered "tools of torture" : ) Try going out with her and see if she still barks at the door to go back in when you're out with her. I had one many years ago who just wanted the door left open (got pretty nippy in the winter!) so he could go out and come back in, at will, to check up on me! LOL! He started laying IN the door so I couldn't close it!
Cathy, the well trained upright!
Casey also would bark at me for reasons unkown. I then realized (like Cathy above) that everyone including my husband was in their bedroom except for me who was in the family room. I believe she wanteed me with the rest of the group in the same part of the house! Check your stituation and see if she's trying to do her "job"! - Kathy
Hi Karla,

Welcome to the forum.

One of my furballs, Merlin only barks when we are at the dog park. Placing himself behind another dog that is going to retrieve his ball , Merlin barks and barks. I was told by my trainer that he's saying "come chase me, come chase me" or wants to do the chasing. I have seen this happen with a few dogs at the offleash park and it appears it's mostly the herders that do this. Perhaps yours just want to play?

Blue barks if he spies another dog walking on the sidewalk. He can only view this from a picture window on the second story as my fence is solid and 8 ft high. This is the "hue and cry" which most pack animals do...meaning "Quick come here, look , a stranger amongst our mist". Some owners get upset when their furballs do this and tell them to stop or may say it in stronger terms. Most of the time a walk over to the window or door and an acknowledgement from you is all is needed to make them stop.

Panda barks when Merlin and Blue roughhouse (he's the odd man/dog out) and is either telling them to stop it or wants to join in. All pack animals protect one another and warn each other of danger. Although this instinct is much stronger in some than others.

Shaggy, my previous OES would bark at noises and I remember one time her doing so at 4 am one morning. My ex told her to shut up...I said she's probably barking for a reason. I looked out the window and noticed two men jumping my neighbors fence. She was barking for a reason and later I read about the "Come quick and see" bark that dogs have to alert the rest of their pack. All ended well as Shaggy prevented my neighbors home from being burglerized (I had been looking after their home while they were on vacation).

After you've lived with your furball for a couple years you get better at identifying the different barks, the ohhhhh they are having pizza for dinner, or kibbles!!! dinner!!! or hey finally you're back and I'm so happy to see you!!! Come play with me!!! Mom, there's a stranger outside ...I want you to look, or hey I hear strange banging coming from outside the house...anyway you get the idea. :O) Remember dogs have hearing a gazillion times better than ours and can hear noises expecially shrill sounds that we can't hear.

I guess in a nutshell it's not needless barking, as they are trying to tell us something ----only thing is we are not sure of how to interpret it.

Luckily these guys sorta slow down at age three - gives us something to look forward to!! Although they remain puppy like all their lives.

Our dogs do the "hue and cry" also. We always get up to check because you never know... Although, we always do a Lassie check with them; "What is it girl, is Timmy in the old well?" Sometimes they get annoyed,like we don't take them seriously. :lol:
Didn't Hue & Cry have a hit in 1986 with "labour of love"?

- sorry, British humour. :lol:
I am inclined to agree with Cathy's reply. Bam-Bam also has that loud crass bark and tends to use it when my husband comes home. He will actually grab me by the hand and pull me along so that I am kept in the same area. If we sit down to visit he will lay peacefully with that big goofy smile and watch over his sheep happily. If I get up to leave the room he will grab my hand and pull me back. He wants us together in the first hour after which we go to do our own things and Bam-Bam will go back forth between the two checking on us periodically. May not apply to all OES, but in this case it certainly seems to have something to do with the herding instinct.
Marianne, you couldn't put it better. They are like the New Beetle... Bark for a reason :lol: :lol:

Once you teach them to bark on command, they realize they can communicate with you by barking and vocalizing. They can express a lot of ideas and feelings, we've identified more that 20 different sounds and sequences that have different meanings with Lennon and Sofa... These guys are so smart!
Didn't Hue & Cry have a hit in 1986 with "labour of love"?

I thought that song was by Level42.... :D !
Hey, I do the Lassie check too!

I think Belle's just saying "hello" to everyone and telling them she's available for skritches.

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