Dont Trust all the "breeders" on

I purchased a basset pup in Kenton OH, I found the breeder through (Your new puppy LLC). I live in Michigan (4 hours round trip), I was under the impression the person operating the store was the actual breeder. (Read all fine print). On arrival (taking a day off work), my husband was upset asking what kind of operation was this. I didn’t think anything of it, I thought I did my research and spoke with both the husband and wife of the store. Once in the store I even made a comment about all the barking dogs (Doesn't that drive you nuts), again not thinking. I also noticed the cages. They do their business in the same cage they stay, oh excuse me it drops through to the bottom part of the cage. I thought this to be pretty gross. Still so happy to be finally getting a new pup, and the breed my husband has wanted forever. While playing with the pup we noticed that we was not as playful or vocal as his brother ( shook if off as he was the lazier of the two). Upon scooping up the pup and waiting for my husband to fill out the check, the store owner had us sign a contract. Thinking there would be no problems (to trusting), I quickly signed it, and off we went. On our way back we noticed the pup to have a shallow cough. Again, we figured he was nervous and car rides can make pups sick. Once home we noticed he was pretty withdrawn. Within the next day the cough got worse so I called my vet. On the second day, the pup was taken to the vet and given cough tablets and meds for kennel cough. The next few days the pup got worse, after calls to the vet emergency they said bring him back in. On the 7th day (one week after purchase) the pup was hospitalized for giardiasis and pneumonia, this was found after blood work was performed. You see this "store" does their own shots. I feel if your buying a pre breed top of the line dog at top of the line price (including tax), the dog should be vet checked. How can a store make "vet decisions"? They are not educated or even trained to make these types of calls.
So upon all the expensive stressful mess, the store owner wanted me to bring the pup back to her, (4 hour round trip), miss a day of work. For me to return the pup. Are you crazy? After caring and loving the pup you want us to return it to you and what let it die, now tell that to my 3 and 7 year old. Heartless? So of course sense I signed the make shift contract, she is not responsible for any vet bills or reimbursement of the pup since I decided to keep the pup, how insane!!!
I even gave the vet special permission to discuss with the store owner any and all questions she may have, Guess what, she never called. I also offered to send all x-rays and documentation directly to her vet, guess what no response!!! I wasn't sure what a puppy mill was, now I feel I have hands on experience, buyer beware!
Total cost not including ANOTHER follow up visit $ 1,317.89. I will seek further action, if nothing else I will try and stop anyone from purchasing any animal for this store!
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You have my sympathies.
In addition to belonging to this group, I also am a board member of Basset Buddies Rescue. We serve the areas of MN, WI and northern Il.

We see bassets from mills and back yard breeders very often. Sadly, many are from families who love the dog, but are unable to keep up with the vet bills from their sick and poorly bred dog. They end up relinquishing their dog to rescue.

Good luck with your puppy. Bassets are really wonderful dogs.
But, is the puppy alright now?

We are the owners of Your New Puppy LLC in Kenton, Ohio and we would like to post the other side of this situation.

Yes, we are a pet store. We are small and independent. Yes, we are breeders, but we did not breed this litter, nor did we ever claim to. We do sell dogs for other breeders. Yes, we keep the puppies in cages while in the store. It wouln't be safe or sanitary to just have puppies running around now would it? It is cleaner and more sanitary for the cages to be suspended so that the dropping can fall through as opposed to the pups stepping and sleeping in their own mess, right? We have an 8 foot sqare playroom for the puppies to use during the day for exercise and socialization.

Yes, we have a signed health guarantee. Every good seller has a contract. It protects both the buyer and the seller. We offer a 72-hour money back guarantee on all puppies for ill health. When Tammy called a week later to tell us that her puppy's cough had gotten worse and progressed into pneumonia, we still offered a remedy to the situation. We not only offered to take the puppy back and refund her money ($400 + tax which is required in the state of Ohio), we requested that he be returned to us so that our vet could manage his care, of course at our cost. We offered to drive to Michigan to get him back. She would not have had to take a day off work and incur gas prices or her time. This is an important point. She boldy refused to surrender the puppy back to us.

Yes, we do vaccinations on our puppies. We are on a schedule, from our vet, as to when to do which vaccines. This is perfectly acceptable and legal. We do not claim to practice veterinary medicine. We have an attending licensed vet who treats all of our animals. How insulting to insinuate that we would ever just let a sick puppy die! She chose to keep the puppy and let her vet make medical decisions for "Carl" .

Our "make shift contract" is posted on our website. Anyone can view and review it. If you do not agree with our contract, you are under no obligation to buy our puppies.

This is a very unfortunate story. We tried to make the situation right, but were unable to come to an agreement. Our goal is to sell happy and healthy puppies. And we did not intentionally sell them a sick puppy. When the puppy was found to be seriouslly ill, we tried to correct it, but she refused to let us do the right thing. We still think that it would have been in the best interest of the puppy to have been returned to us. She would have been spared the stress, time and expense.


Mark and Charity Johnson
Your New Puppy LLC
All I have to say is SHAME ON YOU for selling puppies from a pet store, as a broker and not taking the time to breed properly.

Someday puppy mills and pet stores that sell puppies from puppy mills will be put out of business.

I have viewed your web site:

You are not a responsible breeder, you are a broker of puppy mill and back yard breed dogs. You are the type of business that responsible dog owners want to see closed.
I am trying to maintain my "we're all here for a nice cup of tea" oath.


Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, I understand your perception is that you are running a legitimate business.

Mine is quite different. I believe that your choices contribute to puppy mills and irresponsible back-yard breeders, to the detriment of the dogs you sell and their breeds overall. I can't respect that.

I hope for you that your consciences will lead you to pursue a different line of business.
I'm not drinking tea this morning :evil: and I am tired of being nice to the people that are contributing to the conditions we watched on the Oprah Puppy Mill show last week.
I know....I know. It's frightening that there are people who either don't see or don't care what they're doing. I think our only hope is to teach them what awful results they contribute to the animals.
I could drink all the tea in China...and still be angry :twisted: :twisted: enough to post this.....

The oringinal post was in January... and you are just "getting around" to setting the record straight?????? (good job!!)

Mark anc Chastity..

Since you are breeders and were instrumental in Tammy's choice...You probably can answer the following questions for me......

How that poor puppy is doing..??

Did he survive the illness??? How long before he was 100%?

Is he a happy puppy???? A (finally) healthy puppy????

What are the pet names that Tammy and her family call him??

How much does he weigh now???

Can you post pictures that Tammy has sent you in the last 4 months??? We'd love to see them!!!

When was the last time you talked to Tammy to see how your (her) puppy is doing???

I know you can't answer these questions :cry: ....BUT....

If you would call my breeder and many of the forum breeders...they WOULD be able to answer all these quesstions and MORE about every puppy they ever sold.... so...what does that tell you????

It tells me you should stop using the word BREEDER and tell it like it are a PUPPYMILL AND A BROKER......

..You do realize you are selling MOSTLY ...mixed breed dogs...(MUTTS) for $450.00???? ....

SHAME on you!!!! You are taking such advantage of people!!!!

That's all......and of course the views of this email are mine alone!!!!!!!
sheepieshake wrote:

That's all......and of course the views of this email are mine alone!!!!!!!

No, I don't think you are alone :evil:
"Our "make shift contract" is posted on our website. Anyone can view and review it. If you do not agree with our contract, you are under no obligation to buy our puppies. "

When will people get smart and not buy puppies from these folks...they are all responsible for poor puppies being not cared for and all in the name of making a $$$ That's what it's all about in the long run...supporting puppy mills who mistreat beautiful dogs is WRONG and if people would stop buying, they would go out of business. In America the bottom line is always the dollar...and then they have the nerve to defend it on a forum to people who LOVE animals and fight for their rights! Bottom line is this buyer spent 2,000.00 for a sick puppy...good news is they could afford to pay vet bill and will love this beautiful dog. Can't say the same for the puppy's mother who is in a cage not being cared for at a puppy mill! Sorry, just needed to vent...we need to CLOSE DOWN business that sell pets from a puppy mill! No $$$ puppymills!
I honestly believe that as long as people can make money doing something, they will. Sadly, some people are just at a loss when it comes to morals and compassion.

I think we need to educate the rest of the population to what a purchase from these type "businesses" is contributing to. Many potential puppy owners are ignorant to the hard truths that lie beneath the puppy breath, squirms, and wiggles.

Thanks Oprah for taking a stand, hopefully the rest of the world will follow.
I think the majority of you have missed the entire point. All responsible breeders have a health contract for their puppies. Tammy's puppy got ill and we tried to make the situation right. Tammy is not claiming that we are in breech of contract or that we did not offer her anything, because we in fact did make her several offers. She refused to return the puppy to us so that our vet could treat the puppy. I don't think any of you breeders, weather you admit it or not, would let a buyer keep a puppy, refund the purchase price and pay all vet bills without question.

And don't you get it? I am not a puppymill just because I sell dogs. That is really what you are all claiming. I want puppymills closed down just as everyone here does. If laws go into place, I will not be affected, because I do a good job of raising puppies properly. Tammy's puppy contracted pneumonia. And all of your puppies could get it just as easily. That doesn't automatically mean that the puppy was mistreated and neglected.

We do not contribute to mills or backyard breeders. I can tell you that I get calls on a daily basis from these folks. And I turn them down, everytime. I only sell puppies that either I breed myself or that come from a handful of breeders who pass our inspections and specifications. I say that makes me a responsible store owner. I don't want sick puppies in my store that will make other puppies sick. That wouldn't make much business-sense now would it? I can only stay in business by producing and selling the highest quality puppy. By rights and definition then, I cannot support low quality, backyard breeders. You don't believe me, and that's fine.

If I'm not mistaken the most accepted definition of a puppymill is one that deals with kennels that feed poorly, lack basic vet care, have non-social puppies, are dirty and unsanitary and have numerous dogs in small, crammed cages. Sorry to disappoint all of you, but this in no way describes my kennel or my pet store. As all of you know, raising dogs is not easy or cheap. We spend every minute of everyday in our kennel and every penny goes back into our kennel and business. We have nothing to be ashamed of and feel no guilt for doing the work that God has led us to do. This was not exactly the work that either of us thought our lives were going towards. But this is the path that we were led to. You won't believe me, but we make many, many families happy with our puppies. None of your comments and accusations and slandering will ever take that away from us. I have stacks of pictures and Christmas cards and references from customers over the past 10 years. If we did such a horrible job, we would have been shut down long ago. But the obvious fact remains that we are still here.

Shame on all of you who are so judgemental and closed-minded and self-rightous. The anger and hate that drips from this forum is misguided and really rather scary. Direct your anger at puppymills. I'm okay with that, since that will deflect your anger from me personally. I won't lose any sleep over all of this negativity. I applaud you for your passion over dogs and their care. I'm not here to make arguments. I would hope that some narrow minds might be broadened to accept the possibility that not all pet stores and brokers are evil. And that there are two sides to every story.

I have been taught to love all people, enemies included. I love all of you on this forum, yes even Tammy. I hope that all of you will replace your anger with peace and have blessed day.

Charity Johnson
Your New Puppy LLC

Sorry that you cannot understand why I am so frustrated with "shops" like yours...Again, you sell mixed breed dogs, dogs that your customers can find at any shelter, for 2 to 5 times the price...And this is OK with you???

Sorry that you cannot understand that the people you are selling to have no idea that a Cockaliar or a Shi-poo or a Chuckapoo are merely mutts and not a BREED...And if you actually breed OR broker these mixers on purpose.. you have no remorse about this???

Sorry that although you may not be a puppy mill by all the criteria, you certainly are a BYB...which is really not good, dear.

I have not doubt that you have customers who are very happy with their dogs...but....they wouldn't they have been just as happy going to the pound....of course they would have!!!!1

feel no guilt for doing the work that God has led us to do

Now shouldn't bring God into this....Cuz if he knew what you are doing ( and we all know he knows) he really wouldn't be happy about it. Would you really pay the kind of money that you are asking for a MUTT????

And that there are two sides to every story

You are correct there...but...sometimes side is wrong----which, I'm sad to say is your side. You really do need to know where you are....this forum is dedicated to breeding only to IMPROVE the breed...NOT to make money...NOT to sidestep responsiblity....NOT to write demeaning thread to justify their means......

And finally, dear Charity.....although you write a "real good"'s just words...and I see through them.....
What does love have to do with it?

I have been to your web site. You sell multiple breeds and mixes, the "hallmark" of a puppymill.

Do you show your dogs and only breed those that have received their Champion status? Is your breeding program carefully engineered to "improve" the breed (and AKC breeding guideline)? Are your dogs genetically tested to ensure that they do not have or carry the diseases prevalent to their breed? Do your agree to take back any puppy bred by you, during it's lifetime, should the need arise?

You are adding to the pet over population problem, at best as an ill informed back yard breeder, at worst as a puppymill.

I do not hate you, I hate what you do.
Anonymous wrote:
I think the majority of you have missed the entire point.

No, unfortunately, it's not that we've missed the point at all. It's that you clearly refuse to accept responsibility for your contribution to the overall problem. You want to play semantics, but it is what it is.
I can only stay in business by producing and selling the highest quality puppy.

I don't know anything about your store so I have to confirm this...

* All the puppies you sell come from breeders who pretest all of their breeding stock at the appropriate age and before they're bred?
* If a genetic condition is found, the adults are immediately spay/neutered and responsibly rehomed (not dumped at shelter or AC)?
* Breeding adults are OFA and CERF rated? Are there any lethal or debilitating genetic/congenital conditions in the lines?
* All temperaments of breeding adults are excellent? No neurotic behaviors, obsessive/compulsive behavior, or mean temperaments?
* All breeding dogs are treated humanely and kept in clean conditions?
* The breeders give the bitch plenty of time to recover from a litter and don't simply breed her the next time she can produce puppies?
* Do you have a spay/neuter contract in place or can your buyers breed the dogs they buy from you?

I'm not even a breeder but I know that this is part of what goes into producing the highest quality puppies. Anything else is really just playing Russian roulette or crossing your fingers. Assist a rescue sometime to see the dogs that come through with inherited health conditions... dogs that were destined to suffer because of careless or ignorant breeding practices. LIVE with dogs that have been affected by genetic/congenital health conditions. If you truly love dogs, you'll quickly come to understand the importance of breeding responsibly and in a way that reduces the chance of conditions known to affect the breeds.

Granted, pneumonia is a viral/bacterial condition but since other aspects have been brought up about the quality of the dogs you sell, help us to understand.
I only sell puppies that either I breed myself or that come from a handful of breeders who pass our inspections and specifications.

I am assuming that your specifications for yourself and the handful of breeders from whom you accept puppies includes health screenings for breeding animals (for OES, it needs to be done no sooner than 2 years of age) to certify hips, elbows, eyes, hearing (can be done as a new pup), etc. before the dam or sire is allowed to breed. I also assume that your dams and sires all are not simply AKC registered (the poorest quality purebreed with a host of genetic and congential medial problems can be registered with the AKC and most definitely should not be bred) but also have been shown and judged to be good representatives of their breeds. And that temperment is an important part of the selection of the breeding program: only those animals with the best, most stable temperment are allowed to breed.

Every single puppy I have ever seen was so cute it was almost impossible not to immediately fall in love. But some of those dogs, through poorly thought out breeding programs or even accidental breedings, carried a host of problems, some medical and some of temperment.

I believe that you feel called to be involved in getting families who want a puppy the right puppy. I am just not sure that you are really taking all of the care you should to make sure that every single puppy that comes through your hands has the best possible start in life by coming from the best possible parentage.
I have recently bought a dog from Your New Puppy. We (my fiance and I) both read the post that started this discussion, and I talked extensively with Charity about the situation mentioned on this forum. I was very sceptical about her ability to provide my fiance and I with a quality animal. She answered all of my, to be quite frank, accusatory and vicious questions with grace and understanding. I know that she is not a "breeder" in the sense that the word is used in this forum. Yet she is a passionate individual who feels called to raise dogs, and raises breeds that she likes.

I feel we should present our credentials as dog owners. Our first dog was a shelter dog, and up to that point, I was a vociferous proponent of rescue dogs. I still am, to an extent.

Our first dog, Sasha, was the cutest little thing in the shelter. She had one ear perked, and the other folded over. She was a tiny thing, only 25 lbs. We fell in love with the "sheperd/sheltie" mix we took home after 2 weeks of first seeing her. The reason for the delay was her broken jaw, and her recent arival at the shelter.

3 vets, 3 months, and countless hours of trying to train her later, we discovered her actual heritage, to the best of several experts (trainers, breeders (in the sense used on this forum) and vets) ability to judge breeding, a Belgian Malinois/Coyote mix. Abused, and nine months old, we brought this dog into our home. She was beautiful, loving, and friendly.... but her history, and resulting behavior, caused our hearts to BREAK.

She was a nightmare made flesh, but we worked with her for a long time. (Improving her behavior very slowly and with the help of every resource we had.) We loved her, and when she died, I died for a week.

I still miss her.

Moving into a new place, we started looking for a puppy. Shelter dogs looked cute, but had hallmarks of bad behavior. Even puppys sold at Jack's pets (do not attack these people, they take in many pups that would not fit into shelters) would, after handling by people with no idea how to raise dogs, would have dominance issues. Your New Puppy had a corgi pup (Mikin) for a price we could afford, that had not been handled by people inexperienced at handling puppies, and was the first dog we saw with no dominance issues. Mikin has no papers, and we have no intrest in breeding her. We want a wonderful dog, and so far, our pup is exactly that. I would recomend Your New Puppy to any of my friends because of their knowledge, openness, and prices.

You won't agree with anything I've said, but maybe someone else will read this, looking for a pup at a reasonable price as a family companion.

Your New Puppy LLC is not a "breeder" in your sense of the term. But in your elitist and narrow view, very few will ever qualify as such.

I despise puppy mills. But I think there is always a place for people who will provide family companions at reasonable prices who maintain a high standard for their pups. Maybe in ten years I can go to a "breeder" and be able to afford a pup. But reading your vociferous attack on Your New Puppy, an establishment that has done nothing wrong to my mind, I don't think I want to be part of your little club. [/b]
By purchasing a puppy from her you have supported not only commercial breeders (puppymills) but the backyard breeder.

The best way for someone to obtain a family pet at a reasonable price (your words) is to go to a shelter or rescue.

There are many contradictory statements in your post, it just doesn't make sense. She is a breeder, she isn't a breeder, which is it? Have you been to her website? She is a PUPPY BROKER, it is through PUPPY BROKERS that PUPPY MILLS stay in business. This is not a reflectin on her as a person, she may well be alovely person but her business is BROKERING PUPPIES.

Credentials as a dog owner? What credentials would that be? Anyone can be a dog owner (unfortunately). We are not a club, we are a group of individuals who are also "passionate" about animals and trying to educate people who so easily have the wool pulled over their eyes by someone with a pleasant personality.
Mikin's Dad,

I'm sure you were/are a good dad to your pups, but there really is more involved in your purchase of an animal. The economic power of your wallet's actions has a huge effect on what happens behind the scenes in places where you will never see, and in what quality of life future dogs will have.

You need to understand where we are coming from.

Many many of the people on this forum spend countless hours working to rescue dogs from bad situations bred and sold by "people who will provide family companions at reasonable prices who maintain a high standard for their pups."

Many of us have gone through the heartbreak of owning or placing genetically sick dogs that were bred and sold by "people who will provide family companions at reasonable prices who maintain a high standard for their pups."

As you know, there is more to being a breeder than sticking two dogs together and allowing them to do what comes naturally. There are some things that you think of right away including veterinary care and socialization that are important, and while most BYB (but not puppy mills) do them well there are some things that don't come right to mind:

1) There is health testing that needs to be done before they should be bred. In our breed the tests include genetic, hearing, vision and hip x-rays which means that no dog under two years of age can be bred by an ethical breeder.

2) In the purebred world there is showing that must be done to get an independent viewpoint on the soundness of your breeding stock. If you don't want to produce healthy, great examples of the purebreed, then why are you breeding them?

3) There is a lifelong commitment to any dog that you have bred to take the dog back into your own custody and finding a great place for the dog should the placement not be right or if anything ever happens to the new owners.

These 3 items are hugely important but are very very costly. The failure to do all three is the hallmark of a backyard breeder and of puppy mills.

How does Your New Puppy LLC stack up in these 3?
Since we're in an age and time where we treat pets as furry children, I have to ask this: if any of you or someone you know have children, how many considered adopting a child or fostering homeless children? I'm sure you love your human children as you do your pets, but the truth is, do we really need any more babies out there just because someone wanted a grandchild, or a biological clock was ticking down, or the joy and blessing of a child was too much to resist?

It goes both ways. By ourselves, humans are contributing to the overpopulation problem...stripping the rainforests for livestock land, developing perfectly good farmland for newer and bigger housing (never mind fixing what's already there), relentlessly pursuing the American if we are the 'superior' species, why are we selfish enough to breed (heck, even humans are having litters now, what with fertility drugs!)?

Go after the people who place ads for puppies in the newspapers. At least Charity is doing this with all the effort and money she has, and not just slapping an ad in the paper to get rid of a litter. By the way, you know Ohio law states that no puppy may be sold under 8 weeks old? I've read quite a few newspapers that advertise pups anywhere from 5-7 weeks old "ready now." Center your efforts and go after those worth going after.
What "efforts" should we "center" away from? You are responding to a post made how long ago and at how much "effort"? Maybe we should stop rescuing dogs to go after newpaper ads that reach how many, instead of puppyfind ads that reach the entire country (and beyond)?

LOL How about centering YOUR efforts and not try to stop people talking the truth about puppyfind? LOL

...and by the way many people on here have spawned no children, including my wife and me.

Have a nice day!
Bought a puppy from Charity a few weks ago. Best puppy we've ever had. 14 weeks old & hasn't had an accident in the house for the last week. Waits at the door to go out. Gets along with our other dog. Loves to run & play with the kids. If we ever need another dog, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Charity.

We looked at several rescues, pounds,etc, but couldn't find a small, playfull (not aggressive) dog. Seems most were big dogs, hyper, etc. Probably the reason they were there in the first place.

Thanks for helping us find the perfect puppy Charity. Look forward to getting our next puppy from you!
Have no idea who you are, or who Charity is or why you respond to and ancient thread about puppyfind. BUT, a few weeks is not long enough to judge the temperment or health of a dog.

I wish you the best with your new pup but have no idea what you post has to do with the subject of the thread.
If you wanted a small pup, why not pick a breed, and go to that parent clubs breed rescue instead of contributing to the byb, pet store problem? You could have a dog that you know what it's traits are and are supposed to be. A healthy dog that has been evaluated by that breed's rescue people and known to be healthy and of good temperment before going to someone's home???

As somoene else said, you were just perpetuating the puppymill, byb problem by buying from a petstore.
rainbowrpk wrote:
Bought a puppy from Charity a few weks ago. Best puppy we've ever had. 14 weeks old & hasn't had an accident in the house for the last week. Waits at the door to go out. Gets along with our other dog. Loves to run & play with the kids. If we ever need another dog, I wouldn't hesitate to go back to Charity
Thanks for helping us find the perfect puppy Charity. Look forward to getting our next puppy from you!

I had posted and deleted it BUT, I am glad you have a wonderful puppy that may have ended up in the shelter otherwise!
You are correct in saying that alot of the dogs in shelters and rescues are
"big and hyper"
That is why so many of us do what we do...
Try to educate the public and train the dog that does end
up in a shelter due to lack of training and irrresponsible breeding.

I am not sure what "breed" of dog you have???

If it is an OES only being 14 weeks you will learn alot about the
breed as the pup grows up.

I hope Charity educated you on the breed as any responsible breeder would do before letting a dog go to a new home!

Good luck with your puppy!
I just recently bought a puppy from yournewpuppy, and failed to do my research as well. I was merely looking for a specific breed....Olde English Bulldog, because they tend to be healthier than a regular English Bulldog. My puppy came with hook worms, mange, and allergies galore. He is almost 1 year old by now, and has the best personality around....his health however is a whole different story. Seems like this store is really hit or miss with the health of the puppies. I was really wondering if anyone else had similar trouble wiht yournewpuppy puppies.
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