Jasper's Road to Recovery from being mauled by dogs

I wonder about Jasper's kidneys as he begins this road to recovery. Will they easily handle clearing his blood of the by products from the damage to his skin and muscles?
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Yes, I worried about that too. They were on that really early - I suppose it's all part of the package for shock or sepsis. They did a blood panel. Only thing that was out of whack was his protein - he's losing this in his "drainage"- others were borderline but Ok considering. The liver enzymes were good. He did get a bag of plasma which seemed to be magical for him - something else was low but I'm fuzzy on bloodwork being out of healthcare so long now. Vet said the worst days are over. I think it's going to be nitpicky things now like a wound gone bad and that scares the bejeebers out of me, but I have to face that it could happen.

Anyway, he's still eating. He lifts his one back leg when laying if I'm close down to him talking - I thought he was hurting, then I realized ---ahhh he wants a belly rub and his belly is actually a healthy spot. It's so good to see him begging for affection as he was so totally unresponsive to me the first few days. He does this weird "melt" thing when I'm super affectionate to him - I wonder if all OES's do this - they "faint" when they are in love and want belly rubs. He does it whenever I hug him on the ground while he's sitting. He used to almost hurt himself he'd go down so hard and fast..I have to lower him...He gets this drowsy look in his eyes. He does it for total strangers too which then invites groups of humans to do the belly rub. He's really got it down.

His front leg looks awful tonight.....and he's sleeping up a storm now which is comforting. I have bed stations all over the livingroom now. I am so dying to hydro bathe him massively although gently...oh boy. He stinks to high heaven but they said this is the drainage. The fluid is healthy (bright read and liquidy) so I shall get used to it. I would sure know he's home now =).

Too many details I know...but I feel like I've become obsessed with the wounds..you look at them so much it's like watching your favorite tv program and you can't wait for the dark red scab and pale pink skin.....living creatures are so complex.

And yes, I am gonna get things in writing for help before I sign anything (he wants me to sign something saying I am not going to sue, which I'm not, but he's being advised now). My boyfriend's brother who is an attny who is not advising me now, but chats w/ b.f. about this said it would've been cheaper for him if Jasper had died. That's weird to think about. I feel so much better though after talking to the owner...I am cautiously optimistic for us both to learn from this....I just can't harbor any resentment when my pup is back..as bizarre as it is.

:phew: He is eating and he is getting better!
I am so happy for your Jasper!

And it feels good that the owner of the daycare place will pay your bills.
This attck with so many dogs involved was probable the worst thing that could happen to him,
and to his buisness.
I think everybody may learn a lot from this terrible attack accident.

Looking at the picture - The wounds still looks terrible. Jasper is a brave dog!! :hearts:

:ghug: Big hugs to Jasper!!! I am sure he loves being at home with you!
Home - sweet - home!! :bdcake: A lot of hugs and kisses to Jasper from us. :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

Jasper looks pretty darn good after all he's been through!! I am so glad the business owner is stepping up. My guess is he got some "good legal advice". What a relief it will be for you notto have to worry about the bills.

Now that Jasper is home I hope you are able to get some GOOD REST, bothe of you!!

Jasper looks quite regal sitting on his red pillow with his blue collar!!

Hopefully you can get lots of high calorie treats in him, healing takes calories!
Great news all around..... :lol: Every time I would come to read about Japser I would be holding my breath....Big sigh of relief happening here, now.... :lol:

With the owner stepping up to the plate it will take some strain off of you, so you can give all that time and energy into Jasper's recovery. You must be exhausted, girl! Take some vitamins, you too!

Too many details I know...but I feel like I've become obsessed with the wounds..you look at them so much it's like watching your favorite tv program and you can't wait for the dark red scab and pale pink skin.....living creatures are so complex.

I smiled when I read this. When Dixie was so ill with all her skin problems I had every sore and scab memorized...I didn't even notice it until someone mentioned it to me...!

I am so happy for you to finally have your baby home.. he does look 100% better just being in his own surroundings. He will rest more and heal faster being there.

Big sheepie hugs and kisses to Jasper.

Dudley and Murphy
Sounds like Jasper is feeling like his ole self again...melting to the floor for pets...both my sheepies do it too!!!

When looking at the "improved" pictures. You can tell his is happy to be with you so he can get some good quality loving. :lol: :lol:
Oh, Jane, I am SO relieved that Jasper is home in in your own care! :phew: He looks so much better, although if someone would just see these pictures and not see how he originally looked, I'm sure they would scare them as well.

Of course he knows he's home with Mommy! A good mental attitude will go a long way in his road to recovery.

You are such a kind soul. I'm sure the daycare owner acted on the advise of his attorney when he offered to pay the medical bills in exchange for a no-sue agreement, but whatever motivated him to step up to the plate - kudos!!

Try to relax a bit now. Jasper is sure to pick up on your feelings, too. Big hugs to you both! :ghug:
Jasper looks so much better. It looks like he has mentally turned a corner too. I am super glad that he started eating, and that he got to come home.

I had sent copies of the video to many of my dog friends - people I train with, show with, from our basset rescue. The bassets are sending healing drool - which is very powerful!!! :D
All of them are pulling for you and Jasper!!!

My friend Terry with Berta (the black lab that peeled herself)
is on vacation, but she sent me some pictures of what Berta recovered from. She said it is a very long road, but worth it in the end. The healing process took a very long time, and there were time she was so frustrated when the incision was just about healed, and Berta would scratch it open again. She lived in t-shirts and wraps for a really long time. Terry passes on her wishes and prayers and says to just love Jasper and not give up hope. He WILL get better. It just takes lots of TLC and time.

Here are the pictures she sent:
(They are small - I think they were in zip files.)
The first one shows her main incision. That is one long rip - with all the staples in row. It went from her belly behind her elbow all the way up her side and over her back!!!
This one shows some healing. Berta had trouble with skin flaps and dying tissue too.

They used lots of natural herbals with Berta too, in addition to modern meds. Let me know if you want to know more about that.

:ghug: :ghug: to you and Jasper!
Jane, I'm late getting to this post, but I just wanted to say how happy I am that Jasper is home with you and on the road to recovery. I read through the entire other thread and my heart just ached at what you & Jasper have gone through. When I looked at the pictures, I burst into tears. I am just so relieved that he is showing improvement and is getting back to his happy sheepie self. Bless your heart. You & he are both in my prayers.

I am so happy to hear and see that Jasper is feeling better. It is great to see him eating. His left leg does pretty bad in the pictures, but I'm sure it looks worse than it really is.

Are you going to let the owner pay for Jasper's vet bills? Future vet bills will be important too.

I watched the news clip too. The story was good. I bet most people where like me, once they saw the pictures of Jasper, the talking was tuned out. I'm suprised you haven't heard from any animal rights groups.

Speedy recovery to Jasper, he is in my thoughts many times each day.
Jane, I'm so glad Jasper is home. He will heal faster and so will you. You are both in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. I have no words of wisdom about the owner paying the bills in lieu of a no-sue clause, but I want to say that if you harbor no ill feelings, you are truly a kind soul who knows the meaning of forgiveness.
I'm so happy to hear Jasper is recovering and that the doggie daycare ower is being responsible. I have thouhgt about you and Jasper everyday since this happened. He looks happy to be home.
Is Jasper on any pain meds still?
I am so glad the owner decided to pay Jasper's bills. I also agree with others who suggested he's only doing it on the advice of the lawyer he spoke with. Whatever the reason.... I'm glad he's doing it.

I am also glad to hear he's home and eating. I hope he heals quicker now that he's home.
I am glad he is doing better. :D
Hi Jane,
I am so sorry to hear about Jasper. Please know that he is in my prayers and that I hope for a speedy recovery on his part and ease in dealing with it for you.
Jasper is on a fentanyl patch. He seems to have no bad side effects from it. He had it in the IV before. It gets taken off tomorrow and then he goes on tramadyl.

I did a major, but gentle hydro therapy with him today with warm water. He didn't even flinch - it really seems to feel so good to him. And to me too knowing it's getting cleaned. But it tires him out. His left ear and head are so so swollen and red. It has not gotten worse, but I'd like to see it better very soon. It seems like I feel more concerned with swelling than I am with a big hole. (puncture).

Since it rains everyday here in winter just about, I have to wash his paws everyday outside before coming in due to mud. He's gotten to the point of just standing there while I do it. We have heated water outside which is a god send (the last owners had 2 dogs and had this specially put in).

Anyway, you think about all the little things you train your dog to do for other purposes - like muddy feet or a bath and then the training comes in so handy. He just sees this is matter of fact. He even let me trickle warm water over his head - forever it seemed - as it was relieving him. I think it's been a long time since he had that done. It's still a bit yucky looking though and the crusty oozy stuff doesn't always go away with water and that's frustrating. I'm glad I get to do this twice a day. I really need to shear him so it dries super fast. He's allowing me to pat him down gently with a towel too which the vet said he'd definitely not let me do. Everything she said he wouldn't do, he's doing. She was being cautious as if to say, go slowly and patiently if he refuses, but he's being so amazingly tolerant. Not snarling either. It makes me hopeful that he will not hold a grudge to people poking him for medical reasons or be guarded when someone comes to him with a weird tool.

I guess there was an update on the news last night and I missed it. They said the owner offered to pay, or at least I think. I hope they did not say he DID pay because we're far from that point yet. Even if he were just to pay for the follow ups I'd be thrilled. I think when he changed his story to "it's all Jasper's fault and you signed a waiver"...he was covering his butt - I was not convinced that was what he felt in his heart of hearts but he was protecting himself. Just like me doing the news story - it's a painful thing to do knowing it's hurting someone else, but then I have to protect myself too - justice isn't an easy thing.

Then I got a call today from some kind of spiritual or energy healer lady offering to help heal his "electrons" or "electromagnetic field"...Very sweet...but ok, it made me smile a bit. Oh gosh, if that was ALL Jasper needed I'd be so happy.

I found a laser person too at OS Univ...that seems new or different, but seems more logical.
Well, it certainly seems promising that he's allowing you to do the treatments. It really must feel so good to him. Bless his sweet little heart.

What would the laser treatment do? :?
You did the right thing by going public with this. Besides giving the daycare owner a gentle nudge into being a decent human being and doing the right thing, you may also have saved other dogs from a similar plight or a far worse one. So kudos to you for doing what you did. Also by doing so all of Jasper's pain and suffering will not have gone in vain. I continue to wish and pray for you both a very speedy and healthy recovery. By the way Jasper is a very handsome man jetson collar and all. After Jasper has healed physically I would consult someone to make sure he has healed mentally as well.
Take good care.
I just read about this. So sorry to hear about this. my thoughts and prayers are with you and Japser. Wow I was so shocked and feel so bad for both of you.
Jane, it really looks like Jasper is happier to be home. I know you are happy he is home where he can get your tender loving care. I'm hearing you say that you feel bad for the owner of the business that your dog was mauled at. You are a much better person then me because I hate to think of what I would have done if this was my baby. Let him pay the bills because down the road, even though Jasper is getting better now and God knows he deserves it there could be infections or flaps or something really big that Jasper needs. Its not YOUR fault or Jaspers. Let him step up and GET IT IN WRITING!!! My prayers are still going for you and Jasper.
Jane, I'm so happy to hear that Jasper is improving. Both Jasper and you have been very brave through all of this! Sending many belly rubs and much love, Sue
Dawn those are some amazing pics. Thanks for showing them. It makes me feel so hopeful that Jasper can certainly survive if Berta survived that. What a rip? How did it happen?
I don't even want to think about a skin graft. I am doing care on him every minute of the day to prevent anything from dying. I hope it can just heal open, but some of the wounds still look really awful and raw. I gave him another bath today and he likes to shake after but it sort of made one of the stapled area bleed. It's horrible, but then I think thank goodness they didn't stitch him - it's better that it just drain out, dry up and start over.

I'm posting new pics..he actually looks worse. This is after his 1st bath. he's Mr. pus head. The 2nd bath 100% better. That stuff was just dried on and you can't touch it. He's so tired tonight. But he's eating ice chips and everything seems fine. His eye is so much better too. I have to figure something out when i go back to work/school Monday. I hope the next 4 days are good for him.

On the upside I'm actually enjoying this as I feel I'm serving some purpose for him. Hand feeding him and feeding him ice chips is fun..and giving him many massages to his healthy parts. He just melts with touch..I remember something about stimulating large diameter nerves when there is pain else where..It can be a distraction from pain. I know when I'm sick or whatever, it feels good to have a back or belly or head rub...OH yes and the big haircut happened today. What a relief. He slept throughout most of it.

gallatea wrote:
Dawn those are some amazing pics. Thanks for showing them. It makes me feel so hopeful that Jasper can certainly survive if Berta survived that. What a rip? How did it happen?

Berta was outside playing in their grove. There was some old farm equipment in there (from before they moved there). Terry heard the worst scream she had ever heard, and found Berta coming out of the grove, still yelping.

She apparently caught her skin on something (they think a plow blade) and as she rolled to get away, it sliced her from low on her side - below her elbow - all the way up her side and over the top of her back. Then it still was hooked on her and peeled her skin back from her body. I didn't see her until after she had emergency surgery, but it was awful from what Terry told me.

It was months and months of healing, but it did finally all heal up. She has a very long scar that you can only see if you part her hair. Amazing!

I posted Berta's pictures so you could see that a dog did recover (and totally recover!) from a horrible injury. Her owner Terry really wanted to stress that while it wasn't easy or fast, she feels it was all worth it in the end. :D

I just wanted to send more good thoughts to you and Jasper. What an amazing spirit he has and I know that you're being there for him has helped towards his recovery.

Blue, Merlin and Panda are sending him sloppy sheepie kisses and I'm sending gentle belly rubs. :hearts:

i look at your post daily to see how he is doing.. all i can say is you are a great mom he is so lucky to have you nursing him back to health. he will always know this from now on... you are his hero! and mine to ! keep giving him all the love it will keep him going!!
You are a wonderful mom to your sheepie. Your dedication, love and strength for Jasper is exactly what he needs to heal. We are sending good thoughts and gentle sheepie hugs your way.
Stephanie & Winston
Oh my God - I just read all of this and the previous thread. Haven't been on the forum much lately, what with Tessie taking up so much of my energy.

I can't even imagine what you are going through. I'm so glad Jasper is home though - I think just being home and getting lots of love along with his medical care will aid greatly in his healing. It's gonna take time, but he will get better and better.

Best wishes to you!

Diane (and Tessie)
Jasper looks stoic and determined in today's pics. Go Jasper!!! Keep up the amazing work, Jane. I'm rooting for you both.
I also just thought of something that might be helpful for him on an emotional level. In the health food stores there are the Bach flower remedies - the one I'm thinking of is called "Rescue Remedy", and they are drops you can put in his water. It is supposed to help healing emotionally after trauma, which in his case, is an understatement.
I'm so glad you are home, Jasper!
Well, this one is more of a public service announcement but it's really fantastic that it's opening discussion about what daycare should be. I didn't even know he was on again. It's a different channel. It's funny that they picked a photo at the beginning of an OES, but it's not Jasper. I am PROUD though that they got his breed right....Sheepies rule.

http://www.myfoxeugene.com/myfox/pages/ ... geId=1.1.1
Great piece on the Doggie Day cares....2 great things in the segment..."the owner agrees to pay all expenses" and "possible accreditation for day care employees" ........

I think your experience and how you dealt with it, may be opening a window for better controls on doggie day cares.

Thank you
The new pictures of Jasper look good - he looks much perkier!

Nice news story too. Although their dry marker board for teaching staff about how to control the dogs had a spelling error - "muzzel"!!! How embarrassing for them!
I am happy that Jasper goes to better nicely you update Jasper health here.
thanks so much for keeping us updated!! Jasper is looking better every day.

That was an interestig piece on ddc.
Sweet boy... I'm glad to hear he's doing better. :D
Sending hugs his way :hearts:
I am so happy he is doing better. Glad that his eye is healing.
He sure has gorgeous baby blues! :hearts:
Sending positive thoughts for his complete recovery!
Haven't heard in a few days. Maybe I better get a life.......
Haven't heard in a few days. Maybe I better get a life.......

Nope, I've been curious too...
Me too. How is he doing?
Wasn't this the first day back at school?
I figure they are very busy - but I'm here checking for updates too. :oops:
Yes, back to "school" and 1st day of teaching one class. I'm the fastest teacher in the west now, let them go early, syllabus-talk only. All I can think about is Jasper. He had a follow up visit today at the normal vet.

And now back to working on the thesis...ugh.

Jasper saw our regular vet today. I felt bad because I'm sort of an "unfaithful" customer. They said, "we had no idea - we haven't seen him in sooooooo long".. Actually I was a little upset as the last time I went there my angora rabbit had wool block and died in the hospital. Another gigantor bill - mmm, not sure he could have been saved, but in retrospect I have to accept the fact that DOG and PET healthcare is the SAME price as human care. My boyfriend was looking up Jasper's meds online and they are 1/4 of what they are charged by the vet. But again, they have OVERhead and no one on a online drug website is going to assess him physically. By the time you get drugs by mail, it'd be 10 days later. You're paying for the convenience and immediacy with an office visit. So still worth it.

Jasper's ear infection is touch and go. We don't know if his ear drum is ruptured - I've very doubtful of that as he has no symptoms other than a normal ear infection (shaking head, pus in ear, redness, tenderness). No signs of deafness or a tilted head. We can't get him to let us look with a scope at his ear drum. And they don't want to anesthetize him for this. The medicines usually prescribed for ear infection can be toxic if the ear drum is ruptured. We're gonna wait a few days. They gave me an antibacterial flush (one that is Ok if the ear drum were ruptured). And raised the dose on the antibiotics. We go back on Wednesday. Cha ching!

His worse area is - and I have to post a pic of this - I think we should have a "medical" area for the "is he/she getting better - gross - out" pics - it is where his staples popped. I keep thinking about the lab that had the circular slice. That was so amazing that he/she recovered. Can't get the image out of my mind. Talk about a challenging recovery.

Beyond this I'm getting to know and love fresh, clean, healthy granular tissue. Something I never thought I'd be obsessing about. And the air smells much cleaner - ahhh fresh serosanguinous fluid (it has a smell, but not like pus).


The owner of the daycare called me this morning and said he got the bills I sent him in the mail today and plans on paying them asap (or me rather since I paid them already). So this is good..crossing fingers. Anything would help...

I still feel it's magical that Jasper is here. Sometimes I feel like getting his bills paid will be a hex on me. I know that's weird. But when you get your dog back you feel like you don't want to get too greedy with the higher powers that be for blessing you so much.
Thanks for the update!

Continuing to send my love to Jasper and you!

I guess the healing of Jasper will take some time
and it feels so good that everything is going in the right direction.

Thank you for telling us about his recovering!
:hearts: I wish the best of luck to both of you. :hearts:
The higher powers would think that the owner should cover the medical bills.
It was his responsibility to MAKE SURE there was enough trained staff for that many dogs!!!! No guilt, no question, that IS the right thing to do.
I am so thankful Jasper is healing :!:
Sending you both positive thoughts & love, sue & trio :hearts:
Thank you so much for the update on Jasper. Keep getting better big boy. :ghug:
Thanks you for letting us know how you are doing. We wish nothing but the best for you and Japser. :ghug:

Stephanie and Winston
Thanks Jane for the update. Sounds like Jasper is continuing to improve. Mony & Laci continue to send sheepie hugs his way. :ghug: :ghug: Good luck in School (teacher).......
I am glad to her Jasper is still healing. Not a fast process, that's for sure. What area did the staples open in?

Super glad to hear also about you getting reimbursed by the kennel owner also. It is the least he can do .
Thanks for the update, Jane. Still thinking of you & Jasper & hoping for a speedy recovery. :ghug:
I look at your pictures, turn around and see happy smiles on my sheepies faces and hope and pray we will soon see happy smiles on Jaspers face!!! Keep getting better Jasper!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm glad to hear of Jasper's progress....my husband keeps making me read your updates to him (he's not an internet kind of guy :lol: ). We've been pulling for both of you right along - I am thrilled that the owner is acting so responsibly.

Keep up the good healing, Jasper!
I am enjoying the "hood" or "cone" because it hides the worst part of Jasper. But yes I look when I do the hydro therapy and morning and evening. Outside that it's like watching water waiting for it to boil. These wounds are going to take months to heal.

If anyone has seen this - let me know - I'd really like to know how long it takes generally speaking. The vets give me a difference answer daily. Last one was 3 weeks - but it's been 1 already, and they got worse, not better (were close cleanly with staples and are now very big and open). I think they are healing well, but I can't believe he has a 1/2 deep cave on his legs. His legs are skinny enough as it is.

So new pics posted - one normal of him enjoying breakfast.

No word from owner of daycare yet. I'm still hopeful.

Hi Jane-
I'm not a vet but give him a couple of months to heal up. Any holes he now has may eventually fill in as they heal. Just speaking from personal experience with skin biopsies... you're left with maybe a 1/4" deep hole that is not stitched together. Very gross but amazingly they fill in flush with the surrounding skin.

I wish I could find a picture of that horse I mentioned that was in this episode of Animal Cops Houston. It appears others have also tried to find a picture- http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ... 0aj&show=7

"The Stallion Survivor"- A clash between two stallions presents the
SPCA veterinary staff with one of the biggest challenges they have faced.

The neck wound was enormous and so deep... the vet's hand easily fit inside it. They cleaned it daily and applied antibacterial meds. Though that massive would healed, it did leave an indentation simply because so much tissue had been bitten out. But the power to heal is amazing.

This is a different horse that the ASPCA had assisted-
Story (near the bottom of the page)-
http://www.horsegazette.com/Monthly_Fea ... -index.htm

Hang in there Jane. You're doing great with Jasper. :D
Jane -
I will email my friend Terry (her lab Berta is the one I posted pictures of) and find out how long it took to heal. Berta was injured several years ago - I don't remember the time frame for her healing anymore.

I will also ask her about meds and treatment that worked well for Berta.

I looked at the new pictures. I would remove those dangling staples - they irritate the new forming skin. Otherwise, things look clean and good. :D
gallatea wrote:

No word from owner of daycare yet. I'm still hopeful.


I know you don't want to sue but I would find out what time frames ar for you to file paprs. He may be just be delaying until you can't take action against him. JMHO
You must be doing a wonderful job. As bad as all the wounds are, they look clean, there is no redness at the edge of the wounds. It is terribly hard to tend to hurt animals. I had a 5 month old lamd attacted by dogs. They tore a huge hole in the skin on her side. I had to was it out evry day and give her injections of penicillin. One of the bites paralized one of her back hocks so I splinted it. She recovered and lived to be and old lady sheep.
Hang in there, you can do it and he will always be your very special baby!
hannahrose wrote:
You must be doing a wonderful job. As bad as all the wounds are, they look clean, there is no redness at the edge of the wounds.

The first thing I noticed when I looked at Jaspers new photos wasn't the open wounds, but the healthy, pink skin that surrounded the wounds. He looks terrific!

More good healing vibes to Jasper.
Thanks for the posts of stories. I also just read a horse story - got injured in a jagged tree. The vet pulled out a twig and yeah, actually put his hand in the wound. Yikes. Horses get into some serious trouble. I can't imagine tending to that kind of wound. I thought OES's were big patients.

Yeah, they do look so clean. The big cavern one is actually more worrisome to me than the bigger open wound. What is in there ? Muscle? It doesn't look like adipose tissue (fat). The vet was saying dogs have different skin than us and weird pockets of sorts. It reminds me of a kangaroo pouch. A healed gap or dip would be fine with me. His chia pet fur will cover it over.

I have some new pics..Happy pics. Jasper is being so super sleepy and a bed bug today. I can hardly get him out to go do his job. I worry, then we get out the ice cream and guess who comes to life, but Frankenstein himself. Even made an appearance on the forbidden new couch. I think part of his groggy-I-don't-feel-good-and-want-to-stay-in-bed problem is the drugs and the cone.

Behaviorally, I have gotten him over his fear of the shower stall. We have a heated water outside as I was saying - it is only 50 degrees in the day, so I do the quick rinse outside. But I hate that - he was totally refusing to go into the large shower stall inside - I think it reminds him of the kennel in the vet's office. He was getting weird about being cornered for procedures and such. So anyway, last couple days he's going in without much prodding. I hope he doesn't get it in his head to refuse. He can be VERY bull-headed - if he doesn't want to do something he knows I'm not going to move his 75 lb. butt. If I touch the collar when he knows I want to move him (he sees it as force), he growls.

The owner got the bill yesterday so I figure if he puts something in the mail today or tomorrow I won't get it til Thur. or so. I think I'd have quite a while to file something in small claims court. I can also go further with "spreading the word"...I've stopped doing that lately.

So that's it. Back to the vet tomorrow. I feel like we're at a stand still and the care we have set up is good.

I'm changing his bedding twice a day now with those open wounds. He's laying on the blankets at times, I have to think I need to keep everything like a sterile bandage. New pics tonight..I look awful.

He has an appt. to get the staples out next week. They are seriously embedded in his flesh - I don't know how the heck they are going to remove those. If I "look" at the "holes," the very act of lifting his kilt to do this - he knows what's going on and his lip goes up in the quiver. They are going to have to anesthetize him to get those out. There are 12 wounds that are stapled with up to 4-50 staples each. I'm not touching them. They seem very clean - I figure they are snug where they are and they have soft edges in a way - if I remove them, it opens yet another little cut. At least in the vet's office they can, put him out, take them out carefully and then flush it out when done. He's gonna freak and remember it if I touch one now.
Actually - vague memory from nursing school over 10 years ago - I remember taking out staples on a human - they had a really cool tool that bends them up and out and it's not very painful.
It isn't exactly the same thing, but after 2 of my c-sections, I was stapled closed. The removal was a little uncomfortable, but not painful. I know it sounds gross, but it actually can make a smaller, tighter scar.

He's doing wonderfully well. I am so glad.
The staple remover shouldn't hurt, but the tugging may upset Jasper. Depending on how he reacts to the vet, sedation may make the whole precedure easier and quicker.

We bath our dogs in the tub, using a an adaptor on the sink faucet (Home Depot, I think) and the 4 ft hose/sprayer from Petsmart (I think, it's been years). I wonder if that would be easier?

He looks so good in the photos. So much improvement so quickly, though I know it doesn't seem quick when you go through it.

Positive thoughts and prayers continue.
gallatea wrote:
Actually - vague memory from nursing school over 10 years ago - I remember taking out staples on a human - they had a really cool tool that bends them up and out and it's not very painful.

Yep - the staple remover. It is the same one for the derm staples in animals as it is in humans.
Just because he is touchy about it, I would sedate him to remove the dangly ones, and the rest when it is time. I would hate to have him jerk as you are removing them. Then it would hurt and he would probably freak out. No sense traumatizing him more than neccessary.
Just because he is touchy about it, I would sedate him to remove the dangly ones, and the rest when it is time. I would hate to have him jerk as you are removing them. Then it would hurt and he would probably freak out. No sense traumatizing him more than neccessary.

I'd be afraid he'd hook a loose staple on something too... carpet comes to mind. Ouchie.

Actually - vague memory from nursing school over 10 years ago - I remember taking out staples on a human - they had a really cool tool that bends them up and out and it's not very painful.

Yup... it's a neat little tool that bends the staples in the center to release the ends from the skin. The neurosurgeon gave my husband a pair so he could remove the staples from my ma's head. 8O (Need I mention that doctor seriously lacked good bedside manner?)
Ok, so Jasper surprised us all. His kilt cone was good at blocking the view from 'down there'. The vet tech fed him endless cookies, and the vet took out all the dangling staples. Even the super deep ones. He didn't even flinch, so I think either he REALLY loves cookies, or perhaps it's not as tender as it looks. They came out without a hitch. His ear is better, but his salivary gland is still swollen. I feel a ball like thing in the saggy part of his jowl. They are not concerned about it as long as it improves daily as it has.

BAD THING - Ok, so it became a 3 vet conference before long and the male vets decided the open wounds need to be closed. I've had 3 vets say to heal open, and 2 to heal close. One of the opened areas is at the bend of his upper front leg - so - whenever he moves around he's moving "it," meaning the hole. So, they think it would take months to heal - it would be easier if those were on his back or something. They plan to do surgery tomorrow morning. They are going to use a special technique to close it. I really hope this is best. He's still going to be moving that area. The big cavern is indeed down to his muscle.

Despite all this, Jasper had the time of his life kissing everyone including the people who were a bit taken aback at his general Frankenstein look. Most are so taken aback by him. I find that the only confidence I got was from the surgery specialist and the ER folks - they see everything.

Anyway, being overly affected by his looks makes me very nervous and sick inside like I did something wrong or maybe I've gone too far by keeping him alive. I wish they wouldn't do that, but I guess what happened to him is not too common.

No word from daycare...yet.

I'm off to go teach - mind miles away from "art."

At the least a nurse could've done the staple removal Jaci. Talk about cold. Or an offer to help? sheesh.
Oh yeah - Jasper goes into a big walk in shower stall that has an adjustable sprayer that goes to the floor - like a hose...It's sprays super lightly. But now the bathroom is smelling like dog, and other things - I have to find a spray to kill the smell germs...I spray it down with alcohol now but it's still stinking.
gallatea wrote:
Oh yeah - Jasper goes into a big walk in shower stall that has an adjustable sprayer that goes to the floor - like a hose...It's sprays super lightly. But now the bathroom is smelling like dog, and other things - I have to find a spray to kill the smell germs...I spray it down with alcohol now but it's still stinking.

Glad to hear Jasper is on the road to recovery. His story is heartbreaking :(

A bleach spray would probably be best for the shower. Not sure what the percentage mix with water should be. It would kill anything bad, at least. I don't know about smell improvement.
Anyway, being overly affected by his looks makes me very nervous and sick inside like I did something wrong or maybe I've gone too far by keeping him alive.

You didn't do anything wrong! I would have done the exact same thing. Look at how well he is doing now, and when he is all healed you will be so happy to have your best friend. His pictures look so much better, and you are doing such a great job. I can't wait to see pictures of scabs on those bad areas! Please keep updating us, I know I check the forum numerous times a day to see how Jasper is doing.
Anyway, being overly affected by his looks makes me very nervous and sick inside like I did something wrong or maybe I've gone too far by keeping him alive. I wish they wouldn't do that, but I guess what happened to him is not too common.

Try not to allow the comments of strangers hurt you. Months down the road when Jasper is completely healed and his fur has grown back, people will never know what happened to him. People can be cruel sometimes... some only see beauty in perfection... some live a blessed life so they've never encounter medical challenges... others simply would never love a dog enough to do what you're doing now.

Just a story to share about a dog many would have euthanized...
A pup was born with a cleft palate, harelip and mostly blind. My husband spoke with the specialist in Texas who had examined her. He felt she had liver shunts with only 6-8 weeks to live. She was said to be too small to test so we agonized over taking her away from a place she knew. We finally decided we'd love her as long as we could.

She flew in to the Detroit airport at 9 weeks of age. A lady stopped us on our way to the car and asked if she could see the puppy. I tried to prepare her by telling her she had a facial birth defect... you could tell she was shocked, maybe appalled, by Kaytee's appearance. Here's a picture of Kaytee the day after she arrived- http://oesusa.com/Kaytee/index23.jpg

A lady at a local pet food store said, "Wow, she's a mess"... another asked if we were going to return her to the breeder. This is Kaytee about 3 days after she arrived- http://oesusa.com/KayteeSit.html So much life in her... she deserved her chance to live.

Try to let the comments simply roll off. You're giving Jasper his chance at life. If you can think of a good reply (either educational or that he's improving), it will make it easier on you. Maybe a t-shirt will help cover some of his injuries...
jcc9797 wrote:
Anyway, being overly affected by his looks makes me very nervous and sick inside like I did something wrong or maybe I've gone too far by keeping him alive.

You really need to take some time for yourself - maybe even talk to t acounselor at school. we all react to these overly stressful situations differently and it is very important that the caretaker gets taken care of as well.
Very good advice from Kerry... sometimes having someone else "babysit" for even a couple of hours will allow you to regroup so you can continue on with what needs to be done.
Jane, Just wanted to say how happy I am to hear that Jasper is doing so well after such a traumatic attack!! This is the first I've seen of this, and I'm just amazed how far he has come in quite a short time span! I'm wondering why I didn't see this story on one of our local stations here in Portland?? This is such a dog oriented town, and lots of people drop their dogs off at daycare everyday without a second thought!! Jasper's story is very moving and I hope he continues to heal, I know it takes time, but he's young and strong!! Hugs to you Jasper :hearts:

Sharon and Max
Our continued well wishes for you and Jasper!

I whole heartedly agree with Kerry. Take any kind of break or do something nice for yourself so you can gain a proper perspective.

In a few months looking back you will be grateful you were able to do everything you have done. He is worth every single thing! He is such a strong remarkable Boy! I guarantee you will have no regrets down the road! Anyone so superficial with regard to their judgement upon how he looks is not worth your time or consideration.
That's really wonderful about Kaytee, Jaci. I had no idea. In the video it's like it doesn't even affect her. How could anyone give up on her? A cleft palette is such a relatively easy thing to fix on a human, but most dogs would be given up on. They told me a story about a Great Dane that had come in the vet ER that had the same thing happen to her (a pack mauling comprised of danes). She came in from a rescue - I imagine it was an accident, but anyway, he couldn't make it to day 5 because of lack of funds on behalf of the rescue which is so sad.

Talking to all these vets it seems that beyond 5 days, so many dogs will make it, but a lot of folks can't get that far or they get very emotional and can't go that far. I had no idea what the vet meant when she said, "are you sure you're up for this?" I mean taking Jasper home and doing his hydro therapy, meds, hand feeidng, grooming, bed changes, walks....I thought it'd be nothing, well it still is nothing because I'm happy to have him home, but it's an emotional rollar coaster especially when you have to leave for an hour or think about him nonstop or have complications and you have those "flashbacks" to the really bad days of the ER..

That is so amazing that Kaytee made it. And bless you for doing that.

It was a lady in the waiting room that affected me the most - Jasper was walking through with me past her and her dog and jasper just slightly turned his head towards her dog and she snapped at me "keep your dog away from mine - mine is REALLY mean"..sheesh. Jasper was no where near him. If it was that high of a danger, she should've had a soft muzzle him/her. I felt like more so it was Jasper's looks. One of the vet techs wouldn't touch him too. She just looked in shock. But gosh the mass majority of the folks at the vet are so wonderful, esp. the vet I saw - Jasper just about devoured her with kisses and she didn't bat an eye.

So more controversy - I had one of the ER vets call in the nick of time (out of the blue she called to check on him - she's been following our progress). She said I should go see the surgical specialist for the opinion about the wounds getting closed. I'm glad I hesitated. I called my regular vet and indeed the surg. spec. was 50/50 about closing them. I have a feeling when she sees them she will say leave them alone. If they close them, it could be abcess city, and another surgery. That could easily set us both over the edge. I'd rather wait 2 months to heal as he is than risk an absess and surgery just to rush the healing. We'll see though - we're going for opinion 2 tomorrow with the original specialist. I've gone to the vet more times in the last 2 weeks than in my entire life I think...well it feels that way.

Doing something for me...hmmm. will have to contemplate that one. I keep waking at 4/5 am everyday with panic attacks (Mini ones anyway). Maybe a glass of wine will do for now. I don't think I'd enjoy luke warm hydro therapy or pedigree super chunky gravy stew. =)

Also, I am from Michigan too.
Oh my, what a poor little man! I hope his recovery is as smooth & speedy.
I'm pretty well set mind-wise after one of the first panic-attack free nights of sleep I've had since this happened.

I'm going to see the surg. specialist today, but I'm 99% sure I'm letting Jasper heal open. I was reading about abscesses last night on the internet and reading about gangrene and pus and how in the absence of oxygen it can grow INSIDE the closed wound. I ended up crying seeing so many awful photos of these things.

So Oxygenated Jasper will remain. I'm thinking of converting to a t-shirt instead of the cone on Jasper. He doesn't bother it or the wounds at all, but it limits his mobility like crazy - he steps on it. And I know it depresses him. If I had a clean cotton shirt for him everyday, that would allow for much air flow, but at the same time serve as a dust and dirt barrier to the wounds. And it'd look nicer. Now all we need is a hat for his bald head.

I'm posting a pic of his ear healing in progress - 5 days did wonders. No real ear meds, just a keto flush & lavender baby wipes and CORN STARCH which I think was the real star of the treatment. The vet also doubled up on his antibiotic, Baytril, so I'm sure that helps enormously too. I was reading some holistic medicine article about packing a wound after cleaning with powder. I'm not going to try this, but it was an interesting idea. The powders were natural derivatives and had some mild antibacterial qualities - one was cayenne pepper ! That sounds painful though. Anyway, it's interesting to read about these things. And I'm still pondering the laser treatment - I just have to see if it can fit into my schedule - it requires 6 visits 45 min. away to the other university here.

Ok, off to two vet appt's - one for Jasper and one for Herman my angora rabbit. Yes, we've got a big family here. I'm spread thin, but they understand for now with an extra carrot or two. He just needs to be neutered, no health issues, knock on wood. I was also reading that germs from rabbits and some other household pets can be really harmful to a dog with wounds. How strange. Anyway, they are separated but who would think of that.

Just seeing if my "signature" works.
Glad to hear things are moving along in a positive way. I agree with leaving the wound open. I've seen some pretty horrific wounds heal from the inside out (on humans) and agree that while it takes time it certainly gives you a better idea of exactly what is going on.
Hi Jane,

I just wanted to say that I think you are doing a marvelous job with your boy. He is a very lucky dog to have you for his Mom.

I wish I could relieve you of your responsibilitys for one day and I wish I could take on Jasper's pain and discomfort for a day, to give you both a break, but I can't, so all I can do is send good thoughts your way.

Take good care.
Jane, I am so proud of you. You and Jasper are an inspiration to the rest of us. Jasper is my hero.
Haagen-Daz!! Wonderful picture. I am in awe of your devotion to dear, brave Jasper. I know you are not quite out of the woods, but he's looking really good. What's his mood like?

I have an extra "bitenot" collar that I'd be happy to send you if you think it would help. It prevents them from fussing at wounds without being as annoying as the big E-collar.

You can see it here:

Please let me know if you think it would help. Also, are there any other supplies you need?
As horrific as they are, his wounds actually do look quite healthy. Keep up the good work!
Jasper's picking up toys now which is a good sign. He's also getting up to go to the bathroom with just verbal prompting. He was being a real bed bug for a while - even with prodding he would at times refuse to stand when I know he had to go. Anyway, that is today's happy event - "let's go outside" brings him to life. He is also is back to harassing the rabbits too which is good. (not for them, actually they pretty much ignore him, but for him it's a sign of life)

On another note - here is a link to an awesome story about a horse healing from an injury - same idea - but on a larger scale. GREAT pics. It took 4 months to close. So maybe 3 months for Jasper? I'm so excited that he will be healed by summer. This would've been awful to happen in summer when it's the best weather to go romping.


The daycare owner's wrapping things up w/ his lawyer regarding a payment. He's offering to pay an estimate of future care too - I think he wants it done asap to avoid the ongoing 'surprises' we could have 1 months from now. I can understand fully. I want to get this over too. I have to send him in the last few bills and estimates. A chunk spent this week. It all seems too good to be true, I hope it's not.

I've been reading the other posts in this area of the forum (rainbow or medical). I definitely could have it worse - I hope I can give out as much support as I've gotten in the future.

And lastly, Jasper better not EVER get old.

Great update, Jane!
Please give :ghug: and :kiss: to Jasper from us!
I'm happy to hear such good news about Jasper's progress!
What great news Jane!!! You are a wonderful Mommy.... so dedicated to your sweet boy!!


Jasper is one lucky pup to have you for a Mom! We are so glad to hear that he is doing a little better everyday.

And any jerk who says cruel things about how Jasper looks doesn't have a compassionate bone in their moronic body. Just say, "Be careful. He bites people who look at him funny." 8)

Sending more healing vibes your way, Jasper......... :kiss:

Laurie and Oscar
A couple of packages of T-shirts from the local cheapo mart should do the trick. Just wash them a couple of times to remove the finish/sizing and lint. Hair holders/rubber bands to gather up the bottom of the shirt for some fit.

I think he is looking great. As for closing up the wounds, you may remember that cuts/injuries over joints are usually sewn up in humans. Some rational that the movement opens the wounds back up.
Soon the scars will be hidden under the beautiful coat.

And for dealing with stupid/insensative/ignorant people, just frown, shake your head and say "I had no idea what damage those Maltese/Pomeranians/Chihauhaus/Doxies/(insert small breed of choice) could do!"
I am so sorry what happened to Jasper. It is so sad. :cry: This will make me think twice before I will take Winston to a dog park or doggie day care. :?
You are doing a wonderful job with Jasper. You have the compassion and patience and understanding of Jasper and he knows and trusts that you are doing the right things for him.
I am glad to hear that today he was thinking of his toys and wanted to go out.
Just keep up your spirts and lots of love and understanding to Jasper.

Way to go Jasper. :D :D :D :D :D
I tried a tshirt today - a cotton large men's one with long sleeves. I think the armpits of the shirt irritate the wounds as he was draining a lot. It's so hard to tell as usually all the drained fluid goes on the blanket and I change the blankets twice daily, so perhaps normal. It's kind of like going to bed with flannel pajamas - when you're walking they are loose and airy, but when you start rolling in bed, the legs slide up to your knees and you have twisted tight fabric around your joints.

So I give up on that. Back to the soft hood. I went to petco and petsmart and couldn't even find cones.

I'll figure it out tomorrow.

The one wound in the armpit is more so on a concave area, rather than on the outside of a joint (convex surface). The movement is the issue with closing it - the surg. specialist said there is no way can it be closed without a penrose drain. She said his walking movement will make the wound fill with lots of fluid. It just sounds like trouble. And in a way, - been there, done that. Another vet that had surgical training that was in the ER closed him up once, so this would be surgery #2. I'm not sure I'm ready for #3 - and with the drain it could be an easy $1000. I've seen so many horse articles with the huge open wounds down to the bone, I have to think Jasper's rinky dink 3/4" wound down to the adipose is going to be just fine with twice daily hydrotherapy and antibiotics.

Ok, back to looking up salivary gland surgeries on the internet.

Hang in there. Jasper is really lucky to have you! You are making great choices for him. Just follow your gut that's the best way! :ghug: Give him gentle :kiss: and :hearts: from Hannah and Copper and me!

And a big :ghug: to you. I wish you had some help!
And that's salivary mucocele to put it more properly. His doesn't look too bad compared to the photos on the internet. Will post some soon. It figures he's almost 99.99% healed..His ear is almost done healing now too. Now the gland - oh the gland. Well say prayers to the salivary gland god tonight.
New pics uploaded! Jasper's lookin' mighty handsome despite his "golf ball" jowl.
Jane he is looking mighty handsome, just amazing the progress with him from those first horrific photos of him at the vets.

Jasper has an amazing spirit and is one very special sheepie boy, he also has the most wonderful mom in the world as well. :kiss:

Keep the progress posts happening, a miracle is happening each time I read this thread on Jaspers recovery.

Still sending loads of hugs and white light to you both.

Maybe you shouldn't finalize anything with the owner & his attorney?
You never know what costly medical needs might pop up.
I hope & feel they won't but like the drain option you mentioned it could be more than you settle for. At least talk to an attorney yourself before you sign.
Sounds like Jasper is coming along fine & getting great care.
Sending positive thoughts that Jaspers healing will be complete quickly! :hearts:
Jasper looks so much better! There seems to be a glow in his eyes. You are an amazing Mom...hugs to both of you!
it is so amazing to see the progress. thank you for the continued updates.....

his eyes remind me so much of my pandas.....give him extra light kisses panda.....
Jasper looks so much better Jane. His hair looks like its growing back. I still tear up when I see his photos. Boy has he come a long way. Give him a hug from Mony and Laci and yourself a hug from me. :ghug:
Dear sweet Jasper I am so sorry this had to happen to you. My heart goes out to you and your family. Jane he has the spirit to recover and the heart of a sheepdog!!I know the wounds look awful now but with your good care he will make it. When my daughter was around 12 we bought her her own horse this poor mare was attacked by the other mares due to the barn managers neglect .I could fit my hands into the wounds on her legs (no I did not take pics, don't know why I guess I was just nuts then:)) We did hydrotherapy with a hose three times a day and it took her 3 months to heal. Antibiotics were given also. Her wounds were small compared to your sheepie but they healed. Hang in there ,you are doing a wonderful job. I wish I lived closer to give you a break but I will just send warm thoughts and hugs to you and Jasper. :hearts:

Jane, I think he is looking great. My favorite picture is the hypnotizing one.

I would think XL Tshirts, rather than large. Maybe cut the back open and either velcro, zipper or button it closed. The larger size should rub less, but the opening in the back is the most important part (his hospital gown). This would keep the shirt from rubbing his skin - just step into it and close the back.
Yes, I went to Walmart and got 3 XL long sleeve shirts. Dry weave imitations. I think cotton tends to soak up fluid and hold it, rather than wick it away from the skin (or have I read too many Nike tags). I'm going to cut the front and take it in so the arm holes are close together - that seems to be the area where I get the bunching up in his armpits. And velcro would be good, or buttons, or a zipper. I think I may go the low tech rubber band way as I'm a terrible seamstress. I can sew straight lines, but a button hole!! Yikes.

So Jasper had his first normal "I am back" day. From start to finish. He got a real head to toe bath with baby shampoo this morning. The dr. said I could do this - I avoided too many bubbles in his remaining tender area, but other than that, he didn't flinch and seemed to enjoy the bath. I'm still in awe of him voluntarily walking into the shower with me. If he refuses to go into a closed in space, you can forget it. He's like trying to move a rhino.

Anyway, he's going outside without prodding, watching the house to protect it from the evil deer and turkeys. He's totally chomping on toys, not just snoofing them or picking them up and he's greeting my boyfriend with a challenge to a joust (with toys, they have some weird ritual when he comes home). Then tonight - I was waiting for this - he did his total stretch out yoga back roll. He rolls on his back and squiggles around as if to pop his spine or massage it. He will do this at night only and he goes on for quite a while. It's a joy to see that though. It means his whole body is not so sore anymore and he's on his way without a doubt. His wounds are healing like wildfire.

I am sooooooo glad I didn't go the 'we have to close it' route. I would not be surprised if these are closed in 2 weeks at the rate it's going. They are just filling up to the brim with perfect tissue. I'm doing twice a day hydro therapy. All those horse articles and the previous story that someone just posted, made me a true believer. And I'm sure the horses don't always get warmed water in a nice tiled shower with puffy terry cloth toweling off either and they still heal up. And I used to want horses or miniature donkeys or a baby doll lamb when I graduate and get a full-time job. Oh my - makes me realize you have to be prepared for all the strange things that can happen to a pet. Catastrophic events and then the heartache. oh my. I'll stick with one dog for now.

I'll post pics tomorrow. Am exhausted. Today was my first day back in the studio officially. My conscience finally left me go (I would feel guilty letting Jasper alone even for an hour before). We are playing pretty good tag team with watching Jasper (my boyfriend and I), but there are blocks in between where he's alone. In a safe environment, but yes alone except for a parrot yelling at him, " Jasper, NO!, you better stop it! Good boooooy. Pupparoni!!"

What a wonderful update :clappurple:
I am so happy for your sweet Jasper :D

" Jasper, NO!, you better stop it! Good boooooy. Pupparoni!!"

That is SO funny! He's left wondering whether he's been naughty or a good boy but probably expecting a treat anyway :lol:
WhoooHoooo....great progress report!! I'm glad his happy go lucky self is shining through once again...and that he's back on the job as the fearless deer and turkey guard! :-) :twisted:

I love the "Look Into My Eyes" pic......priceless!

Thanks for the update too.
I am so glad that he is returning to himself. Both of you have a lot of courage and stamina. His eyes and his expresion show a lot of love for you because he knows you are helping him on the road to recovery.

AWWWW Just wonderful news. :clappurple:
Just catching up after being on a week's vacation, and I'm SO delighted to hear how well Jasper is progressing!! He looks AMAZING considering all he's been through. :ghug:
Jasper in his new queen bed. Beautiful 1 in a million blue sky today - impossible for an Oregon winter - got to get out and enjoy it!
Your update just warmed my heart. Fabulous!

What a spectacular mommy you are.
AWWW! He looks so much better. I wonder why he isn't sleeping in bed with you...except for all the oozing. LOL. I would be tempted to spoil him even more...except what other dog do you know that has his own queen bed? :lol:
I just saw the updated pictures and he is looking so good. I am so glad that it appears he is going to have a complete recovery. What a great mom you are Jane.
Absolutely incredible progress. Jane you are amazing. . .
Those are great new pictures. :D :D :D
You and Jasper have done so well. :cheer: :go:
What an absolute darling he looks so proud sitting on the bed. :kiss:

Just wonderful to see him going and going in the right direction. His recovery so far is nothing short of a miracle and the wonderful care you have done for him as well. :ghug:

Boy, Jasper is really coming along. He looks so good sitting up on his bed. You have done a remarkable job with him Jane. Thank you for the update.
Ok, I'm going to post some really cute pics - outdoors for once. No more sick bed shots. Jasper is full force now. His wounds are healing at an amazing rate. I'm almost scared to see the big one close - like oh my gosh - what if 1 germ still in there when it seals off ?

I will be slowing down the posts, since he's almost "there". I'll be back to post when he's not a bald man and fully recovered (his salivary gland now feel like two heavy marble golf balls and I'm still worried about it). It's been a great few days though. The timing has been perfect as I have to focus on thesis/teaching.

Yes I wish Jasper could sleep with me. I tried it once when he was younger and it didn't turn into the cuddly sleepy time ideal that I had in mind. He walked all over the bed, my head included, for a good part of the night and was raring and ready to go at something like 530am. Boyfriend would disapprove too. I grew up with dogs sleeping on my bed when I was a little girl as I was afraid of the dark and slept alone upstairs - my mom had it right by putting our two little dogs on the bed. I stopped bugging her at 3am and my dad was like my boyfriend - no dogs in bed. Funny how you pick the traits of your father in your mate at times.

Thanks again for the all the kind comments, well wishes, suggestions, help and prayers. They all worked. I could never get a support system like this anywhere else at any time of the day or night from all corners of the earth (Nova Scotia, Sweden, Michigan, Alaska!). No one else but another sheepie lover could know and understand the love, joy and devotion you can't help but have for one (or more!).

Jane & Jasper
Whew! I am so happy Jasper is healing so quickly!
I am sitting here with a big goofy smile on my face reading your post :D
We will keep the positive thoughts coming.
Can't wait to see the outdoor photos.

:hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
Soooooo happy for you guys!!! Jasper is looking so fine!!! He's a beauty!!!
Wonderful news!! It's great to hear that he's doing so much better. :D
So happy all is going well. Jasper's story has upset me and amazed me and taken over a lot of my thoughts...and most of my prayers. I will continue to pray for that last little bit of recovery...don't forget to keep posting pictures. All the best to you all. :yay: :excited: :cheer: :go:
That is great news, Jane. I can't wait to see the new and improved Jasper pictures. :D

Hopefully you all can get back to a more normal routine and just enjoy life soon!
Those pictures are great Jane! I am so happy to see Jasper outside. He does look a lot like a giraffe. So leggy and goofy. Poop picutres are the best, oes look so funny when they squat!
Boy, Jasper has really come a long way. I love him in his shirt, so cute. Keep getting better boy!
Jasper looks just GREAT! :kiss: Jane, you are to be commended for the excellent care you've been giving him. :ghug:
Drezzie's Mom wrote:
Jasper looks just GREAT! :kiss: Jane, you are to be commended for the excellent care you've been giving him. :ghug:

I agree with Chris. You've done a super job under strenous circumstances. :ghug: It makes me so happy to see how much better he's doing. :kiss:
He looks awesome, Jane! :D
He looks so good in the red shirt! I had to do a doubletake at the picture with the stripes on the sleeves - it looked like sweatpants at first glance.
I love the hypnosis picture, I could look at him for hours! :oops:

He does fill out that XL shirt. Maybe he needs to go to a Big & Tall shop for those long legs. lol
He's looking fabulous! :D

Though he may NEVER forgive you for
sharing those "private moments". :lol:
6Girls wrote:
He's looking fabulous! :D

Though he may NEVER forgive you for
sharing those "private moments". :lol:

:lol: :lol:

:banana: I am so happy to see him outdoors!
He looks great in the t-shirt. This is great news!! :yay:

:hearts: A lot of kisses from us to your Jasper! :kiss:
How wonderful to see Jasper enjoying himself :clappurple: , you are a great mommie Jane
Jasper looks just wonderful. I'm so glad that you are finally getting the the "happy ending".
What an absolutely amazing recovery...tears in my eyes now! What a wonderful job you have done in helping your sweet boy get through this. Glad the forum has been here for you during this tragic time!
Jane, Jasper looks great. The photos in the shirt are so funny :excited:. Continued sheepie hugs from my girls to your brave boy.
Hi Jane,

The boys are continuing to send Jasper some sloppy sheepie kisses and think he looks ultra cool in his red jersey. 8)

Thanks too for answering the ole age question of does a sheepie go....
in the woods! :roll:

You go Jasper!!!

Marianne and the Jasper fan club
I am so glad that your baby is getting better. This is the first I have ever heard of such a horrible thing. I hope Jasper realizes how lucky he is to have a mom like you!!! Your story is an inspiration to me, and makes me happy to know that there are people (and doggies) like you out there!! I could stare at those baby blues all day! Much sheepie love and positive thoughts for both of you...
He looks great!!!! Thank you for posting the new pictures...he is cute in his red tee shirt :kiss:
I have been away from my e-mail for a week and was so happy to read how well Jasper is healing. You are a great mom to a strong and beautiful Sheepie. We are sending good thoughts your way.
Stephanie & Winston
Something new, all good now with Jasper ?
I posted under "how's jasper doing"...will update w/ pics tomorrow.
This topic's getting pretty long anyway so let's move the conversation to "How Jasper's Doing" here: http://forum.oes.org/viewtopic.php?t=17968
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