I'm at my wit's end.. I can't take much more of this!

Hey everyone,

Here's my situation:

I have an OES thats a year and 4 months old whose name is Aspen. I don't have a fenced back yard, so letting Aspen out just to roam whenever, can't really happen because she'd just take off, plus the neighbor's dog is out ever 2 hours and does not like her at all. I can't leave her at home to roam the house because everything ends up getting chewed to bits and pieces, then she decides to go potty anywhere and everywhere in the house. When I leave, she's in the kitchen with a babygate. In the morning, I try and take her out, but by the time i'm up at 5:30 am, she's already done her stuff in the kitchen, and no matter how many times i take her outside, it doesn't seem to help.. I'm so frustrated of cleaning up the messes every day and the fact that I now work 10 hour shifts with no time to come home during the day at lunch, makes it even more frustrating. I need suggestions, help, anything, I'm about to lose my mind.. I love her to death, but this having to clean her up and her going wherever she wants is getting old quick. I've tried picking her food, etc up by 8, I feed her once a day with the daily amount suggested by the Vet, she keeps wanting more and more food, like she's still hungry... I've also tried putting her in a crate thats big enough for her to stand up in, and turn around, but that lasted about 2 days and she just goes in there, and I end up with having to give a bath. Help!?
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has she had a full vet check up? she should be able to hold it for 10 hours. My 2 yr old male started messing in the kitchen during the day and the trainer had us put him back in the crate - it works (mostly).
However, I know when it doesn't I have rushed his morning walk or not let himout long enough to make sure he really has gone enough. One thing is he always has to poop more than once in the morning. If your dog is only pooping outside once she may need a longer walk.
I let my guys out at 10:30 pm (or walk them) and then they go out again at 5:30 and 7 am.
I would start with the vet though.
It sounds to me that she has no idea what is expected of her. If she has been corrected for going potty inside then she will not go whenever you are around....On or off leash. You plus potty equals bad for Aspen.

What you need to do is take her out on leash, on a very long lead, so she can get as far away from you as possible. Then she can go in peace. When that happens you creep up very slowly and gently encourage her, and give he a nice tasty treat...Something that she never gets but goes nuts for. Give her a cue, like "go potty" nice and calm.

Do this over and over. Eventually you can shorten the leash, and when you give her the cue she will go right away...for a treat.

If she goes in the house it is important NOT to correct her....She needs to feel comfortable about doing potty around you. She doesn't understand inside and outside right now. All she knows is that "potty plus you" causes stress and problems.

10 hours is way too long for her to be alone. You need to arrange for a neighbor to take her out on a long lead she she can relieve herself.

This is not her fault at all, and not yours either. It is circumstances, and it is good that you recognize that things are not working so some kind of change is required.

Good luck!
Bosley's mom wrote:
10 hours is way too long for her to be alone.

This is not her fault at all, and not yours either. It is circumstances, and it is good that you recognize that things are not working so some kind of change is required.

Good luck!

I agree with Bosley's Mom. She is still a baby at 4 months old. You cannot expect her to able to hold her bladder, bowels for that long at this age. When she's older yes, but not this young.

I think when you take away the food and water at night, that you need to really take it away.

Also at this age she should be eating at least two meals a day if not three. This should help with her hunger too. My dogs are 3 yrs old and still get two meals a day.

Best of luck!
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:

I agree with Bosley's Mom. She is still a baby at 4 months old. You cannot expect her to able to hold her bladder, bowels for that long at this age. When she's older yes, but not this young.

I think when you take away the food and water at night, that you need to really take it away.

Also at this age she should be eating at least two meals a day if not three. This should help with her hunger too. My dogs are 3 yrs old and still get two meals a day.

Best of luck!

She's actually a year and 4 months.. so i would think she'd be able to hold it longer by then? Thank you all for the help.. I'll try the long lead, etc.. and working with my boss to let me come home at lunch for just a few minutes if anything.
Sorry, I misread that. :(
I do think at this age she should be able to hold it for at least 8 hrs during the day.
It sounds like the dog is alone for almost 11 to 12 hours with her 10 hour shifts. She has to have a lunch and drive back & forth. You are asking for bladder infections. We can't possibly hold that long on a regular basis, how can she be expected to the poor thing.
Bosley's mom;
It sounds to me that she has no idea what is expected of her.

I agree!!! With a 6 month old puppy, I can say that the housebreaking is the most challenging and rewarding thing I have done.

I don't know how I could have done it without being able to come home at lunch to let her out and give her some play time.

With the new year, I plan on staggering the potty breaks---coming home at 1 instead of 12 for a week----then coming home at 2 instead of 1 for a week....and so on. Hopefully, by Feb. I will be able to stay at work all day!!! :lol: :lol: (and enjoy my 1/2 hour lunch instead of the 10 minute ones I have had since August!!!)

My advice would be to get her somehow to go outside once..praise, praise as previously mentioned. Begin to use a key word "Potty" for instance so eventually she will go on command. Heart is doing this.. but I must have said GO POTTY about a million times since Aug. :lol: :lol:

In my opinion-----REPETITION and CONSISTENCY!!! Are the keys!!!

Good luck and keep us posted....
Hi caseyj,
Any way you can have a dog sitter come in mid day and let Aspen out? This was the solution we used when Bailey was a puppy.

Do you have time to walk Aspen in the morning and evening? A long walk will definitely get things moving, so to speak. If you can walk her in the even ing she should be done for the night. Walks will also help with behavioral issues like the chewing.

How much does Aspen weigh? If you're feeding her the recommended amount she's probably fine. Bailey always looks at me like I'm starving him. But he's a bit of a pudgeball, so I know it's not true :wink:
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