Skin Irritation

I've browsed most of the topics and can't find one to fit exactly, so here goes...
I need to bathe this sheepie, she's dirty and smelly. However, she has some irritation on her back end, the shelter where I picked her up from said that her hair was matted so badly that it had caused pain and a skin problem to be cut extremely short.
So the question is, what can I use as far as shampoo that won't be so harsh as to irritate her further? What can I put on her to help it heal? Thanks.
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If it not too bad, try using gold bond powder. If the skin is really brocken and it is not getting better in a few days, go to the vet.

Good luck with your new baby.
It's not really broken, looks more like really, really dry skin and doesnt seem to bother her. She has a vet appointment, but it's not for a week and she smells B-A-D, bad, so I'd like to not wait, unless it will definitely make it worse.
johnsons baby shampoo is usually a good one, I think many use it too. Good luck with your new dog!!
Maybe the vet can give you advice over the phone- before you go- generally baby shampoos are very mild and will at least get your girl clean. I had a vet many moons ago who also had OES' (how lucky was that!) and she had lots of dry skin problems with one of her older dogs, mostly dry flaky skin, she used a watered down mixture (mix the lotion 1/2 and 1/2) of a good derm lotion like 'Keri' or 'Phisoderm' (spell?) - I know it had aloe in it, she would massage it into the affected area after the bath and let it dry - but again you may want to check with your vet, I'd hate to recommend something that they have since discovered may be harmful. Also - not sure how 'greasy' it would leave the hair, if short not a problem, if long, it could end up leaving grease spots on furniture, rugs, pants, etc.

Hope you get it figured it out- it sure is a nice thing this furry baby has someone to love her so much -

One of my rescues had a flea dermatitis...irritation to flea bites...had to use topical spray & benedryl plus she had ouches from mats pulling at her skin...double owwwwies! Best bet to ask your vet to pleassssssssse let me come in sooooooner! Very excited for you & Mandy...happily furever afters are so sweet!!! :D
Is the skin really red like an indian burn? Did they shave her? It might be razor burn. When Lola went in to be spayed, she had 2 red marks on her belly the vet said it was from shaving her. Didn't seem to bother her much. My vet said I could put neosporin on her paw that was irritated once, which I did, but she just licked it off.
It's not really red, just super dry, like exzema (sp?) She has fleas too, could be from the mats and itching.
The newest issue is the fact that if the bath tub has water running at all, she runs really fast the other way. *sigh* lol
If the irritation is from fleas there is an excellent shapoo and rinse that works wonders for this. My first sheepie had one flea bite and an allergic reaction he had a shot of prednisone and medication and the flea shampoo and rinse. There is a neosporing salve that has something in it to stop pain it is over the counter and I found it in K-Mart

My Oliver has a big fat swollen pad that I thought came from stepping on a rock so I applied the salve so I could examine his foot and found nothing I applied ice and he was fine. This salve might help with razor burn I think baby shampoo is mild and even puppy shampoo is mild. A&D ointment is great for diaper rash and might help with dog irritations. I hope this helps.

I got the shampoo from the vet. If you open a vitamin E capsule and put that on the dry spot or A & D ointment helps too. I would call the vet if she has fleas you might want the medicad shampoo and rinse products
Oatmeal shampoos work well if my older dog gets an allergic reaction and his skin gets irritatted.
There are also medicated shampoos out there that you can buy for itchy skin. I'm not so sure that you should use Johnson's baby shampoo. I know a lot of members on this forum use people shampoo but a lot of them contain alcohol which could dry out the skin further. You can also try a vitamin E supplement for a few weeks which I've had success with in the past. Another thing to think about is the kind of food you are feeding.
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