How Embarrassing

What a weekend for poor Big Ben:

His hair is getting longer and we've been taking him every three weeks to Petco for a nice bath and brush out. It was raining Saturday morning and I thought twice about taking him; I hate to pay the money if he's just going to get wet and smelly right away! Needless to say, we had no idea a wet dog wasn't the only thing we were going to get when we picked him up! So, Petco calls at 2pm begging us to pick him up, he had several horrible diarrhea accidents and had been bathed for the third time.

My husband said he had gone potty before they got to Petco and it wasn't normal but wasn't diarrhea, either. Little did we know...

Well, after two straight days of hosing Ben and the garage down we took him to the vet first thing on Monday. Of course he had gone potty twice right before we got inside and they told me to wait for a minute before a room was ready. I told them he was kind of nasty and they immediately put him in a room. Unfortunately he was being a good dog and 'sat' while we waited for the room. Needless to say he left a butt-print right in the middle of the waiting room. :oops:

And if that wasn't gross enough, as they wisked us into an examination room I apologized for the mess (knowing he would make one ten times worse in the examination room) - the assistant just laughed and said, 'No big deal, I needed to take a fecal sample anyway, I'll just scrape it off the floor!" Ugg.... She was joking, but I turned red anyway.

I must say, it was quite the challenge in the examination room, too. He was desperately trying to herd me out the door and I was desperately trying to avoid his other end. I'm sure the people in the waiting room were wonder what the scuffle was in Room Number 1!

Knock on wood he's been better two days in a row now, it apparently was a bacterial overgrowth. Antibiotics and Science Diet Prescription food and it's back to the old Benster, walking into walls, tip toeing through the wet grass, etc.

I felt bad for our guy but as gross as it was I have to laugh at the adventure in the vet's office!
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What a terrible combination - long hair and mess. Good luck! Poor baby. Any idea what caused it?
The vet said it could have been a treat that was part of a bad batch. He had been given a 'Busy Bone' by his grandma on Friday. He's had them twice before, basically it's a biscuit that looks like a rawhide but is edible. Usually he makes it lasts an entire day but he inhaled it this time. So, whether it was a bad batch or just too rich for his system all at one time - who knows!
Oh, thank God you have a good sense of humor! :lol: Glad Ben is feeling better!
Sounds like Ben will be a tender tummy dog. You'd better learn how to deal with the gross end as it's likely to occur frequently. With clippers in hand make an extra wide Poop Chute in the rear.

I have a friend in the UK with a tender tummy sheepie who is so used to getting her butt bathed in the shower she now runs into the home and straight to the bathroom after a diarhea episode. A hand held shower head does the trick quickly. (too bad they can't hose themselves down too)

Funny about the butt mark, yes it was :oops: but still funny.
poor Pooter!

Glad to hear he is better, I think we can all relate to the sensitive tummy, unfortunately.

Okay, I have a question - do you think tender tummies are something dogs develop as they age? He's 5.5 yrs and really hasn't had any issues with his belly. But if it is something that increases over time I'll have to really start watching what goes in his mouth. He eats very little table food intentionally given to him - but loves to countersurf. I'm just curious....
It's usually the other way around. Puppies are more prone to the various problems. If parasites have absolutely been ruled out..(don't forget giardia)......some take multiple fecal exams and other organic causes such pancreatitis, or allergies to certain foods or preservatives...and he's not being overfed....then I fear your boy is emotionally sensitive and any change in routine, food, water (that's why show people take back water as well as brushes, LOL), exercise, moon phases, weather......whatever will set him off.

Absolutely no counter surfing. Sugar, white flour can cause an bacteria explosion.

This can't be fun. Maybe chart what your guy eats each day and see if there's a patter. For example a stolen slice of bread, an upright cookie, cheese.......whatever. This can't be fun.
Also make sure they check for coccidia and if it shows negative now have it tested in another week, sometimes it takes a long time to show even while experiencing symptoms.
To put some natural bacteria back in puppers tummy plain yogurt, natural, with acidophilus bacteria still present, can help a great deal.
Ugg, trying to get him to stop eating Fruity Pebbles might be a challenge, :lol: . I don't even think he can taste them, it's just the idea that there are a few left on my son's chair after breakfast that makes them tempting.

The vet did say sometimes the bacterial overgrowth is something on it's own, other times something sets it off which is why she suspected the Busy Bone. If he chewed it over the course of a couple of days it probably wouldn't have been an issue. But in one setting it's probably the equivalent of at least 10 doggy treats.

He's loving his Science Diet canned food. Today I mixed his regular food with it and he picked around the dry stuff. How can he literally walk into the wall of our brick house but manages to pick out what he doesn't want to eat in his bowl? This beast will never cease to amaze me!
Oh I was laughing so hard reading this story....just killing myself especially when you wrote about the butt print on the floor. Nyuck just cracked me up!! Apologies for laughing at your misfortune and so glad to hear Big Ben is well again.

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