Puppy milestones: when is best time for obedience school?

Hi again, everybody.

I am waiting for my puppy to arrive next month, and was wondering: when is the best age to take puppy to obedience school?

Also, how heavy/large is an OES pup typically at 8 wks, 10 wks, 12 wks, 4 months, 5 months, and 6 months? I know they grow fast, and know the size of an adult. But not sure how fast they get to be adult sized.

Any thoughts or considerations on naming? I'm thinking of calling him Beckham or Toto.

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Can you stop on the way home for a class? Only partially kidding. I did private lessons with my girl until a group started beginning about 10 weeks. My boy started when he was a few months old. GUess which one is better behaved?

Their weights are so different. in this breed the weight range is from about 55 poinds to over 125 so the variation at different ages is wide too. ENjoy your new puppy!
In my opinion-----
You want to keep your puppy away from all other dogs until he/she is fully vaccinated--at about 12-13 weeks. Especially places like dog parks, Petmarts, etc....Heart did not start attending classes until she was over 3 months old.

You should try to socialize him as much as possible. Since I got Heart at the end of July I had to be careful about taking her out in the heat. She came from Colorado and really had to acclimate to St. Louis heat and humidity. (She would sleep over the AC register.) :lol:

I do not know where you are from so you will have to watch out any extreme temps since a puppy will get chilled or overheated quickly since their system is still developing.

He will be going through various stages from 6 weeks to 6months. There are many good books on how to handle a puppy....One of the books I have Puppies Training for Dummies that gives some good, helpful tips about the puppy's first year.

Good Luck and keep us posted.....
A friend of mine who trains service dogs starts them as young as 8 weeks with the very basics but they are also learning what a light switch is and how to turn it on and off but I guess they can learn anything. I would suggest getting a private trainer at your home if you want to start that early or earlier than any of the group puppy classes just because of potential health risks and such. Good luck with your new pup and enjoy.
I have Two 13 week old OES puppies. We started our Puppy class at 10 weeks old. The first class we covered Sit and lie down , as well as coming to our names. They absorbed all of that well. We just had out 3rd week class tonight, and its getting harder but they seem to be doing pretty well. But I wouldn't be surprised if I needed to repeat the class with them, some of its a bit complicated, especially commands like "heel". They are REALLY easily distracted at this age, however for socializing reasons, its been a great experience to far.

As for weights; from my Vet Records:

At 7 weeks they were 10 and 11.5 pounds
At 9 weeks they were 13.5 and 16.5 pounds
At 10 weeks they were 16 and 20 pounds
At 12 weeks they were 21.5 and 25.5 pounds
At 13 weeks they are 24.5 and 28 pounds.

Needless to sya, they are growing REALLY rapidly!
Thanks for the info, everybody! I think I'm going to enroll him after his shots next week.
Cadenza wrote:
Thanks for the info, everybody! I think I'm going to enroll him after his shots next week.

Puppy classes fill up pretty quickly this time of year; everyone that got a puppy for Christmas is just now realising that thier puppies could use a little training.

I had enrolled my dogs weeks before I ever brought them home from the breeder. Don't feel like you have to wait for them to be up to date on shots to enroll them. Look to see where and when there are sessions now; you might even want to sit in on one to see if you like how the class is taught. Most places will let you do this if you arranged it in advance.
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