
okay now i have the clippers and i am getting a bit worried as to how to do this. any advice? i think i will start with the younger dog first, of course he will probably jump around. is this like clipping my sons hair or does their skin move?
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Go with the direction the hair grows. (when possible, LOL) That way you wn't be taking so much off. Depends on where on the body you are clipping, there are some corners and hidden areas you might need to hold. You'll see when you get there.

Many folks start on the head and face to get it over with first. That's the most annoying to the pup, so makes sense. Then go on to the feet and they will be dancing all over the place with this. Thereafter, it's clear sailing.

You will probably do this over a few hours (or days) initially. The clipper can get mighty hot, burning the pup. Always feet the blades. Yeah, having a partially shaved dog isn't cool, but don't be upset if it happens. Been there many times.

Try to keep this as positive for the dog as possible. They will be frightened with the sound and sensation so be patient. Eventually you will have a dog who tolerates or even loves the process. Maudie would gladly have been shaved every week just for the rubbies, nose kisses, etc that she received.

I have pictures of my first attempt that I keep hidden in a box. :lol:
A word of caution about heat...

You need to keep your clippers clean and lubed and cool. First off, you can burn your dog with hot clippers, and secondly you can ruin the blade with excess heat. They make product like clipper cool and washes and stuff like that, I just kept them clean as possible and checked the temp.

EDIT: Ooooops... I didn't see that SheepieBoss had already mentioned heat. Ohh well. Call my post emphasis.
Never hurts to mention it again especially since I wrote: "feet" the blades. :cry: My sight is getting as bad as my typing.
If you log in, you can edit your own posts.... ;)
thank you guys. I will start this on Saturday and hopefully be done before the weekend ends. haha. :lol:
Is it a good idea to shave them now that winter comes? Sofa is blowing puppy coat again, and she started to mat. We tought about shaving her, but since they stay outside during the day when we are at work and temperatures will get around 30F, I don't thing a sweater will do for her... will it?
I do Ron and I still can't catch the mistakes. Oh well, be patient with me......
I am not to worried about winter coming, since I am home with them.
I realize it isn't the best time to do this, but after considering how much
they dislike me getting the matts out at the spotts they have them at right now I decided to go with it. I actually bought a dematting comb but I don't seem to get how to work them right., and I need my fingers, haha.
I was a bit disapointed with the instructions on those clippers. They didn't tell you to run them trough stuff so they run right. When you use paintthinner how much do you delute it?
Well tomorrow is Benny's shaving, wish me luck. I am watching him jumping all over the yard right now, which makes me wonder how this will work. And the fact that he always wants to attack everything that makes noise is not to comforting either, haha. I actually "kick" him out when I vaccum since he always latches onto it.
Paint thinner? Who mentioned that?

Well, yes, the blade wash does smell like paint thinner now that you mention it. I'm not sure I would dilute it since it doesn't mix with water well.

Remember to wipe the blade well before going back to the dog.

If the blade starts to make a funny noise, you may have a piece of dirt caught. Stop and clean. OK so I whack it first trying to dislodge the grit.

Afterward, if the dog will let you near, give them a quick bath or rinse to remove any residual little hairs. Of course you'll be thick with hair yourself so you might both want to hop into the shower together. (my nose itches just thinking about those little hairs getting up my nose)
I am honestly not sure who mentioned that, but I did read it. The bath afterward is defenetly a most. Those two are a bit on the smelly side and I didn't want to take a chance making those matts worse. Benny seems to end up in the shower all the time anyways though, which gives my kids a big laugh when they get him to visit, haha.
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