Need good thoughts and well wishes

Again apologies as it's not a sheepie involved but their baby sister who weighs 4 pounds and is a feline. Prolapsed anus which can occur with dogs too is usually caused by unusually hard stools and the animal pushing or as in Petunia's case a birth defect common amongst Manx. It is fixed much like woman who have prolapsed uterus's and is held in place with stitches. The anus appears to be sticking out and is very red looking.

Petunia's surgery and spay seemed to go well the other day and yesterday she appeared fine. This morning she had a bit of the runs but that's understandable as she's on laxative medication as she had corrective surgery for her prolapsed anus.

This evening I noticed she hadn't touched her food dish and appeared lethargic. She felt warm to the touch. On closer inspection...oh no! she blew her stitches and this horrible hard stool was protruding. 9 pm! Am I going to find a vet? Rushing her to emergency they did subq fluids, she had a high temp, blood test and doses of antibiotics. I played vet assistant as they allowed me to take part and assist the vet tech and vet. They both commented on little Petunia who despite pitifully crying when they took blood, otherwise remained in her laydown position and purred. Poor little thing.

Thankfully my mom had given me a cc a while ago to use in emergencies and this was one. Thanks mom - got my Christmas present!

Petunia will need to go through the surgery again when she's feeling better. Please keep her in your thoughts.

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Oh no, poor Petunia! :(
Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and her. :ghug:
Oh no! :( Poor baby!

Sending many prayers and good wishes for her rapid recovery :hearts:

Thank goodness her Mama was on the ball and spotted this quickly! 8O
Sending well-wishes to dear Petunia!! Sweet baby, I hope she gets better soon. . . .
Sending prayers that Petunia will be able to be home with you and comfortable for Christmas.
Poor Petunia!!!
Good thoughts and prayers to Petunia-- and you too!

((( Hugs)))
Poor Petunia! Good luck to you, your in my thoughts.
Lots of positive energy sent to Petunia's way!!! ((hugs))
Poor little Petunia with that nasty hard poop. That must have hurt - ripping her stitches and all. :cry:

I hope she gets better soon.
Aw, that poor little girl :( . Maybe a silly question but can she have a stool softner?
Thanks everyone!

Petunia is doing a bit better today and the redness has subsided and with antibiotics her infection is getting under control. The vet called this evening and said all her blood test came out normal but had elevated white counts (which means infection) but good news is not Feline Leukemia postive. The spca test for this but the test are basic while the vet does a more extensive one.

Petunia is on laxitive medication as well.

Poor Petunia :kiss: , hoping she will feel better soon
Little Petunia is the grey kitty in the pic.

Thanks again for all the well wishes and good thoughts.

The vet thinks although she was without food and water before her surgery she may have been constipated prior, and while the laxitives helped ..bad timing as she just had her stitches.

Marianne I just found this post , I will say a pray for kitty Petunia. :plead:
I am sure she will be fine , she has to with a great mommy like you .......... :ghug:

poor baby petunia.....feel better sweetie!
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