My husband is a sick, mean man (not really)

Tony begged me to make chocolate chip cookies. You know, the warm delicious home made kind. I don't like having these things around, because, well, they are just too tempting!

So, being the fabulous wonderful wife that I am, Sunday I baked. Oooo! The house smelled so good, and yes, I ate some raw cookie dough. When they were done, I actually ate one, while it was still warm.

That was Sunday. Tony has eaten about 4 of these cookies. The rest are just sitting around yelling my name! Its so hard! I told him to bring them to work, but he said they were too good share. So, there they are in the kitchen, looking at me like homeless puppies. EAT US, PLEASE!

What kind of sick person (who does not have a weight problem) can live with yummy cookies sitting around and not eat them! I mean, you'd think he'd have at least a couple everyday! (If I let go of my senses, I eat like a dozen a day!)

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My husband MUST be your husband's twin....Dino does that to me too!!!!Bad,Bad MEN!!!!!! :lol:
lol... I'm going through the same thing. I've been baking like a crazy woman b/c my husband misses some of his favorites, but the longer they sit in their containers... I've been eating them in the middle of the night... the WORST time to do it.

I totally understand. I hate men that don't eat like a cow. Wish my husband was a hog like me. :twisted:
What a heartless, cruel thing to do!! :twisted:

Okay - it is just a tiny bit funny. :lol:
take them to a neighbors and when he gets home tell him Robert ate them :twisted:
He doesn't have a weight problem because he doesn't eat cookies! Or he doesn't eat cookies because he doesn't have a weight problem.

YOU take them to work. Or throw them away.
Darcy wrote:
take them to a neighbors and when he gets home tell him Robert ate them :twisted:

Hee hee! ROBERT DID IT! (Think Robert will share with me?)

Paula, how many points in 1 cookie (me thinks its going to be like a meal's worth of points!)
I like the idea of throwing them away. Then tell Tony you ate them and tell him that you have no willpower and that is why you ATE them. Then maybe he will feel bad about asking you to make cookies he isn't eating fast enough.

I feel your pain. My son Jack was back just a day and a half and my weight was up three pounds! :oops:
My husband has to watch what he eats too. Now, instead of making an entire batch of cookies, I make 1/2 of a batch. Bake 4 cookies (2 for him, 2 for me) and freeze the rest of the dough (in the back of the freezer, under many items). When we want cookies, I have the dough already made, and we can bake just a few at a time.

Cookies are really overrated anyway....tell yourself that youre going to splurge on something really really worth it!!
AHHHH Life is not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but, ONE cookie wouldn't hurt :twisted:
Darcy wrote:
Cookies are really overrated anyway....

Are you sure? I kind of think they deserve their reputation ..... :oops:
Cookies are the foods of the gods. Ambrosia. Cookies are my favorite sweet treat. Apparently people in the desert don't appreciate cookies.
I only like soft cookies. Crispy cookies have no place in my heart. But give me an oatmeal chocolate chip craisin cookie that's soft and I'm HAPPY!
jcc9797 wrote:
My husband has to watch what he eats too. Now, instead of making an entire batch of cookies, I make 1/2 of a batch. Bake 4 cookies (2 for him, 2 for me) and freeze the rest of the dough (in the back of the freezer, under many items). When we want cookies, I have the dough already made, and we can bake just a few at a time.

Me too! My husband will eat as many cookies as I make in one sitting!! I now have to bake just 4-6 at a time. They taste the best straight from the oven anyway. :)
What SheepieMommy said. 8) I opened my mouth when I read that. Ironically, my avatar at a different site *IS* a cookie monster. Can't think of a food more worth it which is why they're so irresistible and can cause the waistline to expand! :hearts:
You ladies should be thankful! Not only does my dog have food aggression, but my boyfriend does too! I made cookies for work Sunday night, and after telling him he could have one, he hate four. I have resigned to never getting the last bite or the last piece of pizza, and I have to make myself about 25% more food than I want, because his fork always finds a way to my plate. I also learned early in the relationship to never share a dessert with the boy, because he will eat it as fast as he possibly can to make sure he gets his fair share. Sometimes I think he is worse than Walter!
Mean mean mean. :evil:
We all have a weight problem in my house and I am baking right now. My husband is way huge after 18 yrs of marriage and at least 100+lbs. My daughter and I are on weight watchers. My solution is to never bake unless someone else is going to eat them or they are going to someone elses house.

Sad really...but cookies are BAD!!!
Paula, wanna come over and eat a couple dozen chocolate chip cookies with me? We can blame Robert!
Deborah, I'd love to eat cookies with you but you have willpower and would stop at one! I did suggest that Ron send his leftover cookie dough to you though.
debcram wrote:
looking at me like homeless puppies. EAT US, PLEASE!

Um...Deb...I DONT think thats what homeless puppies are asking for! :pupeyes: :sidestep:
wendy58 wrote:
We all have a weight problem in my house and I am baking right now. My husband is way huge after 18 yrs of marriage and at least 100+lbs. My daughter and I are on weight watchers. My solution is to never bake unless someone else is going to eat them or they are going to someone elses house.

Sad really...but cookies are BAD!!!

Yea Wendy! A bunch, or at least a couple of us are Weight Watchers!!!!
ravenmoonart wrote:
debcram wrote:
looking at me like homeless puppies. EAT US, PLEASE!

Um...Deb...I DONT think thats what homeless puppies are asking for! :pupeyes: :sidestep:

:oops: ah yea...but you know what I was getting at. Although a tender little puppy is very low in points :sidestep:
debcram wrote:
ravenmoonart wrote:
debcram wrote:
looking at me like homeless puppies. EAT US, PLEASE!

Um...Deb...I DONT think thats what homeless puppies are asking for! :pupeyes: :sidestep:

:oops: ah yea...but you know what I was getting at. Although a tender little puppy is very low in points :sidestep:

Puppies are actually REVERSE calories! :D All that exercise spent chasing them around and cleaning up after them! :roll: sounds like you are going to eat puppies.
How about cookies in the shape of puppies? Or puppies in the shape of cookies???? :lol:

I'd rather have puppy shaped cookies.
Or....sheepie puppy shaped Godiva chocolate :hearts:
Mmmm, I went to Godiva last night. SOOOOO good. The darker the better for me with chocolate, so I was in heaven :D
When I was in NY, I bought dark chocolate with chilis. OH YUM!!!
I feel your pain... I baked this weekend- and thought John would be happy. He ate ONE darn cookie... ONE! He said that he paces himself and I would do good to learn from him. Ha--- FAT chance of that. :wink:
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