Strange barking noise....

I had my OES (Tux) at the kennel over the weekend. I know that the kennel was full. Ever since we picked him up on Saturday afternoon, he has a strange bark. It is like he has a sore throat--he is hoarse or something. He tries to bark and it just comes out kind of squeaky and not loud at all. He is 11 months old and has always been in perfect health. This is a new kennel--the jury is still out on this one. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow just to check his throat..he seems to feel fine--but I am disturbed about this strange noise. Other than that--he is acting perfectly normal. Any thoughts on what might be causing this problem? Is there anything that can happen in a kennel to make a dog hoarse--or do dogs even get that way? Thanks for any info that anyone has....
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Hi Maggie Jane,

It is always the possibility of kennel cough, which is the same thing as bordatella virus. If that is the case he just needs antibiotics. It doesn't sound like that is what it is to me though. It sounds to me like he missed you while he was there and barked his little pea picken heart out and is now hoarse from all of the barking he did there. :D
Welcome to the forum! I look forward to hearing more about Tux. :wink:
Stormi and co.
Thanks Stormi....that makes me feel better. I thought about maybe he barked all while I was gone...but I really didn't know if dogs could "lose their voice" or not. Poor baby! He has had all the shots for kennel cough, etc.-- I will probably take him to be checked out tomorrow...but first I may do something that he always barks about to see if he is getting better... I just can't stand to see him make that squeaky seems like it would be hurting him. Thanks again for the reply.
Hi My shepherd/ at the Bridge @ 17 yrs.... came home from being boarded hoarse almost everytime we left him...he was also pooped...napped & looked glassy he had been out partying :roll: Let your pupper rest up & I bet he'll be just fine!
Thanks for the encouragement on this. Tux is our baby and I tend to panick like any parent! I did call the vet this AM and he said the exact same thing. He said Tux was just like a person at a ball game and he probably barked for 2 days straight. He told me to give him ice cream and cold yogurt. He has already had ice cream--he loves it! He would probably fake a sore throat now -- if he figured out why he was getting the "good stuff"! thanks again. I just love it that I can come to this site for information from people who "have been there!"
hahaha... Good to hear Tux is OK. I was a bout to say that Lennon is the same way too, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.... you get the idea.

The groomers always move him to the top of the list whenever I bring him for a bath and when they call to let me know he's ready I can hear him over the phone :lol: He's always with a very low voice for the next day when he comes back, nothing to worry about.

Thanks for the Ice Cream tip, I fed him with a few ice cubes and gave him a cough drop and he's OK... Hope to hear from Tux in the future... Post some pictures!
I think it is probably just from barking a lot while he was there... but just so you know, bordatella vaccine is NOT very effective. Almost half of dogs vaccinated for it will still get it if exposed.
Well, after a day of ice cream and crushed ice in his water, Tux's bark is beginning to sound better. I am thrilled and so relieved. Thanks so much for all the comments and genuine concern. I felt so much better after reading the posts. Since Tux is not a constant "barker"--we had to really get him playing and encourage the bark--but when he did bark--it sounded better. I am going to get my son to take some pics that I can post. He is a beautiful OES and I want his pic to be up here with all the rest. I love seeing all of your dogs!!! I think these are the cutest dogs of all! (not that I am the least bit prejudiced on this topic!!....) Thanks again for all the peace you brought to me!!!!
I think I have the same problem. We boarded our 10 month old blue tick coon hound over the weekend and on Tuesday night he sounded like he had a "frog in his throat". No coughing, just a deeper-sounding bark. He also has had the kennel cough vaccine. Has anyone experienced anything similar that got worse. I was planning on calling my vet if anything changed in a day or two. I am probably just paranoid but he's my baby.
Our vet would give them a shot the one time we boarded them, they now stay at home and have their own sitter who they love and are happy as larks, a good bonded and insured sitter is better, imo, much more cost effective also, since our kennel use to charge by weight and these guys were horses, especially when you have more than one dog LOL. A sitter might be something to consider!

Glad to hear pup is fine!

Our german shepherd, too, recieved his required shots in late May 07 and was board at the kennel ealy July o7. When he came home he was panting and seemed restless. His bark was hoarse. I found your blog and was hoping it was a case of post-boarding stress and hoarse bark from barking too much at the kennels.

However, we found swollen lymph lumps around his neck. The vet took blood and lymph samples for lab work. Vet says Max has aggressive lymphoma cancer. At this time he is still playful and sharp witted. Max has been given Prednisone. We are going to add pain medication tomorrow. He is 10 years old.

I just wanted to add this important medical information to the hoarse sounding bark and panting blog.
I am so sorry about Max. Thoughts and prayers for you both.
Sorry to hear about Max. :( Hope things turn out for the best.
almost the same concern with the squeaky bark. Obi (4 yr. old yellow lab) was in a highly-recommended kennel for a week (1st time away from home) and returned with a high pitched squeaky bark - very uncomfortable sounding. He has recently had all his shots including bortadela. No coughs, sneezing, etc. and otherwise acting very normal. Any ideas?
Hmmm I guess this is a common phenomenon...I just got my Cocker Spaniel back from a week at the kennel yesterday and he sounds hoarse, even his whine is squekier! Will take him to the vet in a couple of days if it doesn't het better...
We left our first basset, Tiny, and our other dog Buttons at a kennel once for a wk and Tiny was so hoarse from barking he squeaked. Really felt sorry for him. Had to leave the 2nd basset, Dudley at the vet's for a few days once. Dr. Little recommended he not come back to stay, same situation. Haven't had that problem with the oes tho.
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