hotels busted

Yuck, yuck, yuck!!

Hotel Expose

Expose from Atlanta local station.
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OMG! :x YUCK!!!!

I wont be using any glass from a hotel again..... 8O
That is really disgusting. :x

And to think the cheaper motels that you can stay in with your dog have plastic cups that are covered in plastic. Far more sanitary than the more expensive hotels.

Eeewww. Just one more thing for me to worry about on my travels.

Funny enough, I travel a ton and get sick much less than most people. I think my body has been exposed to so many germs on airplanes and in hotels that I've built up super immunity :wink:
I am glad I am low budget and have the plastic wrapped disposable glasses!
Just remember to stomp on those plastic glasses afterward so they aren't tempted to wrap them up too.

One is tempted to carry bleach or hydrogen peroxide with your travel kit and swab down all surfaces......and don't forget your own sleeping bag and pillow.......disgusting.
Ugh, that is disgusting.
YUCK, and my husband calls me neurotic for taking cleaners on vacation :twisted: This year I'll be sure to bring bleach as well.
Gross, I'm not staying at another hotel ever, or I'll bring my own cups. But what about the sheets????
Mony & Laci's Mommy wrote:
But what about the sheets????

I don't know about the sheets, but I know that most hotels don't wash the bedspreads..if they do, it's not very often. YUCK!!! As soon as I walk in a hotel room the first thing I do is strip the NASTY bedspread off.
If we are traveling by car, I always take my own pillow and blanket. You always want to take blankets when you travel in Alaska, anyway, in case you break down! 8O

After one very bad experience with a hotel coffee maker, I started taking my own little 1 cup coffee maker with me too....Liz (forum member) and I were at a hotel for an art fair, and coffee that we made in the hotel machine tasted just AWFUL, and made us both feel quite sick :? We realized why after the maid came in and "cleaned" it the next day...the coffee maker had been cleaned with bleach, but not rinsed! Bleach-laced coffee is extremely nasty! :evil:
ICK! I saw a show once that put a black light on the bed linens at several high end hotels, it was the the nastiest thing I've ever seen, I shall leave it at that 8O
I've has suspicions re: sheets......figured (prayed) they were just old. One of the travel companies.......actually Travelsmith sells a silk sleeping bag you can slip into so the nasty sheets won't touch you. I have a friend who travels with her own pillow.......smaller size but she knows who's head have been on it......her's.

Used to do floor exercises on hotel floor........don't anymore. Vacuuming doesn't get it all. Let's face it.........with 355 days other than the one you are using, that room has seen a lot of people and not all of them.....well, never mind.
Suzi wants to know what they found on the hotel room chairs.

I'm glad that she could wake up long enough to look mildly concerned.

:lol: :lol: and I thought hotel chairs were too small for me, how does she curl up in such a tight ball and be comfortable?
I have no idea. I just looked up one night and there she was, all curled up like a cat.
She likes to squish into tight spaces at home too. She's just weird.
Greetings from the Hampton Inn at the Austin TX Airport where I am pleased to report that I have: 4 wrapped plastic bathroom cups, 4 wrapped styrofoam coffee cups, 4 glasses and 4 china coffee mugs. The good news is that I also have a microwave, so if I felt the need to use the "real" cups I could microwave them until they're sterile. I :hearts: Hampton Inns!
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